Moved scripts in "docs" one level up into root folder. In addition, removed "docs...
[atutor.git] / themes / blumin / content.tmpl.php
1 <?php\r
2 /************************************************************************/\r
3 /* ATutor                                                                                                                               */\r
4 /************************************************************************/\r
5 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2010                                              */\r
6 /* Inclusive Design Institute                                           */\r
7 /*                                                                                                             */\r
8 /*                                                                                                                                              */\r
9 /* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or        */\r
10 /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License          */\r
11 /* as published by the Free Software Foundation.                        */\r
12 /************************************************************************/\r
13 if (!defined('AT_INCLUDE_PATH')) { exit; } \r
14 \r
15 // print the AccessForAll alternatives tool bar\r
16 // see /content.php for details of the alt_infos() array\r
17 // images for the toolbar can be customized by adding images of the same name to a theme's images directory\r
18 ?>\r
19 <div id="alternatives_shortcuts">\r
20 <?php \r
21         foreach ($this->alt_infos as $alt_info){\r
22                 echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?cid='.$this->cid.(($_GET['alternative'] == $alt_info['0']) ? '' : htmlentities_utf8(SEP).'alternative='.$alt_info[0]).'">\r
23                         <img src="'.AT_BASE_HREF.(($_GET['alternative'] == $alt_info[0]) ? $alt_info[3] : $alt_info[4]).'" alt="'.(($_GET['alternative'] == $alt_info[0]) ? $alt_info[2] : $alt_info[1]).'" title="'.(($_GET['alternative'] == $alt_info[0]) ? $alt_info[2] : $alt_info[1]).'" border="0" class="img1616"/></a>';\r
24         } \r
25 ?>\r
26 </div>\r
27 \r
28 <?php if ($this->shortcuts): ?>\r
29 <fieldset id="shortcuts"><legend><?php echo _AT('shortcuts'); ?></legend>\r
30         <ul>\r
31                 <?php foreach ($this->shortcuts as $link): ?>\r
32                         <li><a href="<?php echo $link['url']; ?>"><?php echo $link['title']; ?></a></li>\r
33                 <?php endforeach; ?>\r
34         </ul>\r
35 </fieldset>\r
36 <?php endif; ?>\r
37 \r
38 <?php \r
39 if ($_SESSION["prefs"]["PREF_SHOW_CONTENTS"] && $this->content_table <> "") \r
40         echo $this->content_table;\r
41 ?>\r
42 \r
43 <div id="content-text">\r
44         <?php echo $this->body; ?>\r
45 </div>\r
46 <?php if (!empty($this->test_ids)): ?>\r
47 <div id="content-test" class="input-form">\r
48         <ol>\r
49                 <strong><?php echo _AT('tests') . ':' ; ?></strong>\r
50                 <li class="top-tool"><?php echo $this->test_message; ?></li>\r
51                 <ul class="tools">\r
52                 <?php \r
53                         foreach ($this->test_ids as $id => $test_obj){\r
54                                 echo '<li><a href="'.url_rewrite('mods/_standard/tests/test_intro.php?tid='.$test_obj['test_id'], AT_PRETTY_URL_IS_HEADER).'">'.\r
55                                         AT_print($test_obj['title'], 'tests.title').'</a><br /></li>';\r
56                         }\r
57                 ?>\r
58                 </ul>\r
59         </li></ol>\r
60 </div>\r
61 <?php endif; ?>\r
62 \r
63 <?php\r
64 \r
65 if (!empty($this->forum_ids)): ?>\r
66 <div id="content-test" class="input-form">\r
67     <ol>\r
68         <strong><?php echo _AT('forums') . ':' ; ?></strong>\r
69         <li class="top-tool"><?php echo $this->forum_message; ?></li>\r
70             <ul class="tools">\r
71                 <?php\r
72                 foreach ($this->forum_ids as $id => $forum_obj) {\r
73                     echo '<li><a href="'.url_rewrite('mods/_standard/forums/forum/index.php?fid='.$forum_obj['forum_id'], AT_PRETTY_URL_IS_HEADER).'">'.\r
74                         AT_print($forum_obj['title'], 'forums.title').'</a><br /></li>';\r
75                 }\r
76                 ?>\r
77             </ul>\r
78         </li>\r
79     </ol>\r
80 </div>\r
81 <?php endif; ?>\r
82 \r
83 <div id="content-info">\r
84         <?php echo $this->content_info; ?>\r
85 </div>