[atutor.git] / mods / ldap / jscripts / jqgrid / js / grid.celledit.js
1 ;(function($){\r
2 /*\r
3 **\r
4  * jqGrid extension for cellediting Grid Data\r
5  * Tony Tomov\r
6  * \r
7  * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:\r
8  *\r
9  *\r
10 **/ \r
11 /**\r
12  * all events and options here are aded anonynous and not in the base grid\r
13  * since the array is to big. Here is the order of execution.\r
14  * From this point we use jQuery isFunction\r
15  * beforeEditCell,\r
16  * onSelectCell (used only for noneditable cels)\r
17  * afterEditCell,\r
18  * beforeSaveCell, (called before validation of values if any)\r
19  * beforeSubmitCell (if cellsubmit remote (ajax))\r
20  * afterSubmitCell(if cellsubmit remote (ajax)),\r
21  * afterSaveCell,\r
22  * errorCell,\r
23  * Options\r
24  * cellsubmit (remote,clientArray) (added in grid options)\r
25  * cellurl\r
26 * */\r
27 $.fn.extend({\r
28         editCell : function (iRow,iCol, ed, fg){\r
29                 return this.each(function (){\r
30                         var $t = this, nm, tmp,cc;\r
31                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}\r
32                         var currentFocus = null;\r
33                         // I HATE IE\r
34                         if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <=6 && ed===true && fg===true) {\r
35                                 iCol = getAbsoluteIndex($t.rows[iRow],iCol);\r
36                         }\r
37                         // select the row that can be used for other methods\r
38                         $t.p.selrow = $t.rows[iRow].id;\r
39                         if (!$t.p.knv) {$($t).GridNav();}\r
40                         // check to see if we have already edited cell\r
41                         if ($t.p.savedRow.length>0) {\r
42                                 // prevent second click on that field and enable selects\r
43                                 if (ed===true ) {\r
44                                         if(iRow == $t.p.iRow && iCol == $t.p.iCol){\r
45                                                 return;\r
46                                         }\r
47                                 }\r
48                                 // if so check to see if the content is changed\r
49                                 var vl = $("td:eq("+$t.p.savedRow[0].ic+")>#"+$t.p.savedRow[0].id+"_"+$t.p.savedRow[0].name,$t.rows[$t.p.savedRow[0].id]).val();\r
50                                 if ($t.p.savedRow[0].v !=  vl) {\r
51                                         // save it\r
52                                         $($t).saveCell($t.p.savedRow[0].id,$t.p.savedRow[0].ic)\r
53                                 } else {\r
54                                         // restore it\r
55                                         $($t).restoreCell($t.p.savedRow[0].id,$t.p.savedRow[0].ic);\r
56                                 }\r
57                         } else {\r
58                                 window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$t.p.knv).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);\r
59                         }\r
60                         nm = $t.p.colModel[iCol].name;\r
61                         if (nm=='subgrid') {return;}\r
62                         if ($t.p.colModel[iCol].editable===true && ed===true) {\r
63                                 cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]);\r
64                                 if(parseInt($t.p.iCol)>=0  && parseInt($t.p.iRow)>=0) {\r
65                                         $("td:eq("+$t.p.iCol+")",$t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell");\r
66                                 }\r
67                                 $(cc).addClass("edit-cell");\r
68                                 tmp = $(cc).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');\r
69                                 var opt = $.extend($t.p.colModel[iCol].editoptions || {} ,{id:iRow+"_"+nm,name:nm});\r
70                                 if (!$t.p.colModel[iCol].edittype) {$t.p.colModel[iCol].edittype = "text";}\r
71                                 var elc = createEl($t.p.colModel[iCol].edittype,opt,tmp,cc);\r
72                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeEditCell)) {\r
73                                         $t.p.beforeEditCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);\r
74                                 }\r
75                                 $(cc).html("").append(elc);\r
76                                 window.setTimeout(function () { $(elc).focus();},0);\r
77                                 $t.p.savedRow.push({id:iRow,ic:iCol,name:nm,v:tmp});\r
78                                 $("input, select, textarea",cc).bind("keydown",function(e) { \r
79                                         if (e.keyCode === 27) {$($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);} //ESC\r
80                                         if (e.keyCode === 13) {$($t).saveCell(iRow,iCol);}//Enter\r
81                                         if (e.keyCode == 9)  {$($t).nextCell(iRow,iCol);} //Tab\r
82                                         e.stopPropagation();\r
83                                 });\r
84                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterEditCell)) {\r
85                                         $t.p.afterEditCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);\r
86                                 }\r
87                         } else {\r
88                                 if (parseInt($t.p.iCol)>=0  && parseInt($t.p.iRow)>=0) {\r
89                                         $("td:eq("+$t.p.iCol+")",$t.rows[$t.p.iRow]).removeClass("edit-cell");\r
90                                 }\r
91                                 $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edit-cell");\r
92                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.onSelectCell)) {\r
93                                         tmp = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');\r
94                                         $t.p.onSelectCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm,tmp,iRow,iCol);\r
95                                 }\r
96                         }\r
97                         $t.p.iCol = iCol; $t.p.iRow = iRow;\r
98                         // IE 6 bug \r
99                         function getAbsoluteIndex(t,relIndex) \r
100                         { \r
101                                 var countnotvisible=0; \r
102                                 var countvisible=0; \r
103                                 for (i=0;i<t.cells.length;i++) { \r
104                                         var cell=t.cells(i); \r
105                                         if ('none') countnotvisible++; else countvisible++; \r
106                                         if (countvisible>relIndex) return i; \r
107                                 } \r
108                                 return i; \r
109                         }\r
110                 });\r
111         },\r
112         saveCell : function (iRow, iCol){\r
113                 return this.each(function(){\r
114                         var $t= this, nm, fr=null;\r
115                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}\r
116                         for( var k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {\r
117                                 if ( $t.p.savedRow[k].id===iRow) {fr = k; break;}\r
118                         };\r
119                         if(fr != null) {\r
120                                 var cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]);\r
121                                 nm = $t.p.colModel[iCol].name;\r
122                                 var v,v2;\r
123                                 switch ($t.p.colModel[iCol].edittype) {\r
124                                         case "select":\r
125                                                 v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nm+">option:selected",$t.rows[iRow]).val();\r
126                                                 v2 = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nm+">option:selected",$t.rows[iRow]).text();\r
127                                                 break;\r
128                                         case "checkbox":\r
129                                                 var cbv = $t.p.colModel[iCol].editoptions.value.split(":") || ["Yes","No"];\r
130                                                 v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nm,$t.rows[iRow]).attr("checked") ? cbv[0] : cbv[1];\r
131                                                 v2=v;\r
132                                                 break;\r
133                                         case "password":\r
134                                         case "text":\r
135                                         case "textarea":\r
136                                                 v = $("#"+iRow+"_"+nm,$t.rows[iRow]).val();\r
137                                                 v2=v;\r
138                                                 break;\r
139                                 }\r
140                                 // The common approach is if nothing changed do not do anything\r
141                                 if (v2 != $t.p.savedRow[fr].v){\r
142                                         if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeSaveCell)) {\r
143                                                 var vv = $t.p.beforeSaveCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);\r
144                                                 if (vv) {v = vv;}\r
145                                         }                               \r
146                                         var cv = checkValues(v,iCol,$t);\r
147                                         if(cv[0] === true) {\r
148                                                 var addpost = {};\r
149                                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.beforeSubmitCell)) {\r
150                                                         addpost = $t.p.beforeSubmitCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);\r
151                                                         if (!addpost) {addpost={};}\r
152                                                 }\r
153                                                 if ($t.p.cellsubmit == 'remote') {\r
154                                                         if ($t.p.cellurl) {\r
155                                                                 var postdata = {};\r
156                                                                 postdata[nm] = v;\r
157                                                                 postdata["id"] = $t.rows[iRow].id;\r
158                                                                 postdata = $.extend(addpost,postdata);\r
159                                                                 $.ajax({\r
160                                                                         url: $t.p.cellurl,\r
161                                                                         data :postdata,\r
162                                                                         type: "POST",\r
163                                                                         complete: function (result, stat) {\r
164                                                                                 if (stat == 'success') {\r
165                                                                                         if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSubmitCell)) {\r
166                                                                                                 var ret = $t.p.afterSubmitCell(result,,nm,v,iRow,iCol);\r
167                                                                                                 if(ret && ret[0] === true) {\r
168                                                                                                         $(cc).empty().html(v2 || "&nbsp;");\r
169                                                                                                         $(cc).addClass("dirty-cell");\r
170                                                                                                         $($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edited");\r
171                                                                                                         if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSaveCell)) {\r
172                                                                                                                 $t.p.afterSaveCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);\r
173                                                                                                         }\r
174                                                                                                         $t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1);\r
175                                                                                                 } else {\r
176                                                                                                         info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,ret[1],$.jgrid.edit.bClose, $t.p.imgpath);\r
177                                                                                                         $($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);\r
178                                                                                                 }\r
179                                                                                         } else {\r
180                                                                                                 $(cc).empty().html(v2 || "&nbsp;");\r
181                                                                                                 $(cc).addClass("dirty-cell");\r
182                                                                                                 $($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edited");\r
183                                                                                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSaveCell)) {\r
184                                                                                                         $t.p.afterSaveCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);\r
185                                                                                                 }\r
186                                                                                                 $t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1);\r
187                                                                                         }\r
188                                                                                 }\r
189                                                                         },\r
190                                                                         error:function(res,stat){\r
191                                                                                 if ($.isFunction($t.p.errorCell)) {\r
192                                                                                         $t.p.errorCell(res,stat);\r
193                                                                                 } else {\r
194                                                                                         info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,res.status+" : "+res.statusText+"<br/>"+stat,$.jgrid.edit.bClose, $t.p.imgpath);\r
195                                                                                         $($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);\r
196                                                                                 }\r
197                                                                         }\r
198                                                                 });\r
199                                                         } else {\r
200                                                                 try {\r
201                                                                         info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,$.jgrid.errors.nourl,$.jgrid.edit.bClose, $t.p.imgpath);\r
202                                                                         $($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);\r
203                                                                 } catch (e) {}\r
204                                                         }\r
205                                                 }\r
206                                                 if ($t.p.cellsubmit == 'clientArray') {\r
207                                                         $(cc).empty().html(v2 || "&nbsp;");\r
208                                                         $(cc).addClass("dirty-cell");\r
209                                                         $($t.rows[iRow]).addClass("edited");\r
210                                                         if ($.isFunction($t.p.afterSaveCell)) {\r
211                                                                 $t.p.afterSaveCell($t.rows[iRow].id,nm, v, iRow,iCol);\r
212                                                         }\r
213                                                         $t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1);\r
214                                                 }\r
215                                         } else {\r
216                                                 try {\r
217                                                         window.setTimeout(function(){info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap,v+" "+cv[1],$.jgrid.edit.bClose, $t.p.imgpath)},100);\r
218                                                         $($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);\r
219                                                 } catch (e) {}\r
220                                         }\r
221                                 } else {\r
222                                         $($t).restoreCell(iRow,iCol);\r
223                                 }\r
224                         }\r
225                         if ($.browser.opera) {\r
226                                 $("#"+$t.p.knv).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();\r
227                         } else {\r
228                                 window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$t.p.knv).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);\r
229                         }\r
230                 });\r
231         },\r
232         nextCell : function (iRow,iCol) {\r
233                 return this.each(function (){\r
234                         var $t = this, nCol=false, tmp;\r
235                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true) {return;}\r
236                         // try to find next editable cell\r
237                         for (var i=iCol+1; i<$t.p.colModel.length; i++) {\r
238                                 if ( $t.p.colModel[i].editable ===true) {\r
239                                         nCol = i; break;\r
240                                 }\r
241                         }\r
242                         if(nCol !== false) {\r
243                                 $($t).saveCell(iRow,iCol);\r
244                                 $($t).editCell(iRow,nCol,true);\r
245                         } else {\r
246                                 if ($t.p.savedRow.length >0) {\r
247                                         $($t).saveCell(iRow,iCol);\r
248                                 }\r
249                         }\r
250                 });\r
251         },\r
252         restoreCell : function(iRow, iCol) {\r
253                 return this.each(function(){\r
254                         var $t= this, nm, fr=null;\r
255                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}\r
256                         for( var k=0;k<$t.p.savedRow.length;k++) {\r
257                                 if ( $t.p.savedRow[k].id===iRow) {fr = k; break;}\r
258                         }\r
259                         if(fr != null) {\r
260                                 var cc = $("td:eq("+iCol+")",$t.rows[iRow]);\r
261                                 try {\r
262                                         // old date picker\r
263                                         $.datepicker.hideDatepicker();\r
264                                 } catch (e) {\r
265                                         $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();\r
266                                 }\r
267                                 $(":input",cc).unbind();\r
268                                 nm = $t.p.colModel[iCol].name;\r
269                                 $(cc).empty()\r
270                                 .html($t.p.savedRow[fr].v || "&nbsp;");\r
271                                 //$t.p.savedRow.splice(fr,1);\r
272                                 $t.p.savedRow = [];\r
273                                 \r
274                         }\r
275                         window.setTimeout(function () { $("#"+$t.p.knv).attr("tabindex","-1").focus();},0);\r
276                 });\r
277         },\r
278         GridNav : function() {\r
279                 return this.each(function () {\r
280                         var  $t = this;\r
281                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}\r
282                         // trick to process keydown on non input elements\r
283                         $t.p.knv = $("table:first",$t.grid.bDiv).attr("id") + "_kn";\r
284                         var selection = $("<span style='width:0px;height:0px;background-color:black;' tabindex='0'><span tabindex='-1' style='width:0px;height:0px;background-color:grey' id='"+$t.p.knv+"'></span></span>");\r
285                         $(selection).insertBefore($t.grid.cDiv);\r
286                         $("#"+$t.p.knv).focus();\r
287                         $("#"+$t.p.knv).keydown(function (e){\r
288                                 switch (e.keyCode) {\r
289                                         case 38:\r
290                                                 if ($t.p.iRow-1 >=1 ) {\r
291                                                         scrollGrid($t.p.iRow-1,$t.p.iCol,'vu');\r
292                                                         $($t).editCell($t.p.iRow-1,$t.p.iCol,false);\r
293                                                 }\r
294                                         break;\r
295                                         case 40 :\r
296                                                 if ($t.p.iRow+1 <=  $t.rows.length-1) {\r
297                                                         scrollGrid($t.p.iRow+1,$t.p.iCol,'vd');\r
298                                                         $($t).editCell($t.p.iRow+1,$t.p.iCol,false);\r
299                                                 }\r
300                                         break;\r
301                                         case 37 :\r
302                                                 if ($t.p.iCol -1 >=  0) {\r
303                                                         var i = findNextVisible($t.p.iCol-1,'lft');\r
304                                                         scrollGrid($t.p.iRow, i,'h');\r
305                                                         $($t).editCell($t.p.iRow, i,false);\r
306                                                 }\r
307                                         break;\r
308                                         case 39 :\r
309                                                 if ($t.p.iCol +1 <=  $t.p.colModel.length-1) {\r
310                                                         var i = findNextVisible($t.p.iCol+1,'rgt');\r
311                                                         scrollGrid($t.p.iRow,i,'h');\r
312                                                         $($t).editCell($t.p.iRow,i,false);\r
313                                                 }\r
314                                         break;\r
315                                         case 13:\r
316                                                 if ($t.p.iCol && $t.p.iRow) {\r
317                                                         $($t).editCell($t.p.iRow,$t.p.iCol,true);\r
318                                                 }\r
319                                         break;\r
320                                 }\r
321                                 return false;\r
322                         });\r
323                         function scrollGrid(iR, iC, tp){\r
324                                 if (tp.substr(0,1)=='v') {\r
325                                         var ch = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientHeight;\r
326                                         var st = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop;\r
327                                         var nROT = $t.rows[iR].offsetTop+$t.rows[iR].clientHeight;\r
328                                         var pROT = $t.rows[iR].offsetTop;\r
329                                         if(tp == 'vd') {\r
330                                                 if(nROT >= ch) {\r
331                                                         $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop + $t.rows[iR].clientHeight;\r
332                                                 }\r
333                                         }\r
334                                         if(tp == 'vu'){\r
335                                                 if (pROT < st) {\r
336                                                         $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollTop - $t.rows[iR].clientHeight;\r
337                                                 }\r
338                                         }\r
339                                 }\r
340                                 if(tp=='h') {\r
341                                         var cw = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].clientWidth;\r
342                                         var sl = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft;\r
343                                         var nCOL = $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].offsetLeft+$t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth;\r
344                                         var pCOL = $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].offsetLeft;\r
345                                         if(nCOL >= cw+parseInt(sl)) {\r
346                                                 $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft + $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth;\r
347                                         } else if (pCOL < sl) {\r
348                                                 $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft = $($t.grid.bDiv)[0].scrollLeft - $t.rows[iR].cells[iC].clientWidth;\r
349                                         }\r
350                                 }\r
351                         };\r
352                         function findNextVisible(iC,act){\r
353                                 var ind;\r
354                                 if(act == 'lft') {\r
355                                         ind = iC+1;\r
356                                         for (var i=iC;i>=0;i--){\r
357                                                 if ($t.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true) {\r
358                                                         ind = i;\r
359                                                         break;\r
360                                                 }\r
361                                         }\r
362                                 }\r
363                                 if(act == 'rgt') {\r
364                                         ind = iC-1;\r
365                                         for (var i=iC; i<$t.p.colModel.length;i++){\r
366                                                 if ($t.p.colModel[i].hidden !== true) {\r
367                                                         ind = i;\r
368                                                         break;\r
369                                                 }                                               \r
370                                         }\r
371                                 }\r
372                                 return ind;\r
373                         };\r
374                 });\r
375         },\r
376         getChangedCells : function (mthd) {\r
377                 var ret=[];\r
378                 if (!mthd) {mthd='all';}\r
379                 this.each(function(){\r
380                         var $t= this;\r
381                         if (!$t.grid || $t.p.cellEdit !== true ) {return;}\r
382                         $($t.rows).slice(1).each(function(j){\r
383                                 var res = {};\r
384                                 if ($(this).hasClass("edited")) {\r
385                                         $('td',this).each( function(i) {\r
386                                                 nm = $t.p.colModel[i].name;\r
387                                                 if ( nm !== 'cb' && nm !== 'subgrid') {\r
388                                                         if (mthd=='dirty') {\r
389                                                                 if ($(this).hasClass('dirty-cell')) {\r
390                                                                         res[nm] = $(this).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');\r
391                                                                 }\r
392                                                         } else {\r
393                                                                 res[nm] = $(this).html().replace(/\&nbsp\;/ig,'');\r
394                                                         }\r
395                                                 }\r
396                                         });\r
397                                         res["id"] =;\r
398                                         ret.push(res);\r
399                                 }\r
400                         })\r
401                 });\r
402                 return ret;\r
403         }\r
404 /// end  cell editing\r
405 });\r
406 })(jQuery);\r