[atutor.git] / docs / install / include / ustep7.php
1 <?php\r
2 /************************************************************************/\r
3 /* ATutor                                                                                                                               */\r
4 /************************************************************************/\r
5 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2010                                              */\r
6 /* http://atutor.ca                                                                                                             */\r
7 /*                                                                                                                                              */\r
8 /* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or        */\r
9 /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License          */\r
10 /* as published by the Free Software Foundation.                        */\r
11 /************************************************************************/\r
12 // $Id$\r
13 \r
14 ignore_user_abort(true); \r
15 @set_time_limit(0); \r
16 \r
17 if (!defined('AT_INCLUDE_PATH')) { exit; }\r
18 require('classes/TableConversion.class.php');\r
19 $_POST['db_login'] = urldecode($_POST['db_login']);\r
20 $_POST['db_password'] = urldecode($_POST['db_password']);\r
21 unset($errors);\r
22 \r
23 //check DB & table connection\r
24 $db = @mysql_connect($_POST['db_host'] . ':' . $_POST['db_port'], $_POST['db_login'], urldecode($_POST['db_password']));\r
25 \r
26 if (!$db) {\r
27         $error_no = mysql_errno();\r
28         if ($error_no == 2005) {\r
29                 $errors[] = 'Unable to connect to database server. Database with hostname '.$_POST['db_host'].' not found.';\r
30         } else {\r
31                 $errors[] = 'Unable to connect to database server. Wrong username/password combination.';\r
32         }\r
33 } else {\r
34         if (!mysql_select_db($_POST['db_name'], $db)) {\r
35                 $errors[] = 'Unable to connect to database <b>'.$_POST['db_name'].'</b>.';\r
36         }\r
37 \r
38         $sql = "SELECT VERSION() AS version";\r
39         $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);\r
40         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);\r
41         if (version_compare($row['version'], '4.0.2', '>=') === FALSE) {\r
42                 $errors[] = 'MySQL version '.$row['version'].' was detected. ATutor requires version 4.0.2 or later.';\r
43         }\r
44 \r
45         if (!$errors) {\r
46                 print_progress($step);\r
47 \r
48                 /* \r
49                  * Check if version is > 1.6, if so, this entire step can be skipped\r
50                  * OR if db table are already all in utf8.\r
51                  */\r
52                 if (version_compare($_POST['step1']['old_version'], '1.6.1', '>') === TRUE ||\r
53                         check_db_default_charset($db) === TRUE) {\r
54                         $progress[] = 'Version <kbd><b>'.$_POST['step1']['old_version'].'</b></kbd> found.';\r
55                         $progress[] = 'UTF-8 Conversion is not needed, skipping.';\r
56                         print_feedback($progress);\r
57                         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
58                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="4" />';\r
59                         print_hidden(2);\r
60                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
61                         return;\r
62                 }\r
63 \r
64                 unset($_POST['submit']);\r
65                 if (isset($progress)) {\r
66                         print_feedback($progress);\r
67                 }\r
68 \r
69                 $progress[] = 'Connected to database <b>'.$_POST['db_name'].'</b> successfully.';\r
70                 unset($errors);\r
71 \r
72                 //If this is a Retry on step3 failure, load step2 post values back to jump right back to where it left off.\r
73                 if (isset($_POST['step2'])){\r
74                         $temp = $_POST;\r
75                         $_POST = $_POST['step2'];\r
76                         $_POST['step1'] = $temp['step1'];\r
77                 }\r
78 \r
79                 //Conversion type set\r
80                 if ($_POST['con_step']=='2'){\r
81                         //Get list of unqiue encoding; skip utf8\r
82                         $char_encodings = array();\r
83                         foreach($_SESSION['course_info'] AS $course_id=>$temp){\r
84                                 if (strtolower($temp['char_set'])!='utf-8' && strtolower($temp['char_set'])!='utf8' \r
85                                         && !in_array($temp['char_set'], $char_encodings)){\r
86                                         $char_encodings[] = $temp['char_set'];\r
87                                 }\r
88                         }\r
89                         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
90                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';\r
91 \r
92                         print_hidden(2);\r
93                         /*\r
94                          * If we are converting the entire database, then all we need is just 1 language encoding;\r
95                          * if we are converting each class individually, then we need to output all the classes and allow language \r
96                          * options to choose from\r
97                          */\r
98                         $convert_type = $_POST['convert_type'];\r
99                         $recommanded_conversion = $_POST['recommanded_conversion'];\r
100                         $confirm_con_step = $_POST['confirm_con_step'];\r
101                         //check if the user-selected convert_type is the same as the recommanded conversion type, if not, give a warning msg\r
102                         if ($convert_type!=$recommanded_conversion && $confirm_con_step==""){\r
103                                 //The html fragment that sets the suggested conversion type on bold \r
104                                 $suggestion = array('class="suggested"', 'checked="checked"');  \r
105                                 $suggestion_skip="";\r
106                                 $suggestion_all="";\r
107                                 $suggestion_courses=""; \r
108                                 echo '<div><p>You have selected a different conversion option from the recommanded one.  Please verify your option and click "Yes, please continue." to continue.</p><p>Please be aware that invalid conversion may lose your data.</p></div>';\r
109                                 generateCourseLangTable($_POST['tb_prefix'], $_SESSION['course_info']);\r
110                                 //Print the selected options from the previous user option.\r
111                                 switch($convert_type){\r
112                                         case "all": \r
113                                                 $suggestion_all[1] =& $suggestion[1] ;\r
114                                                 break;\r
115                                         case "skip":\r
116                                                 $suggestion_skip[1] =& $suggestion[1];\r
117                                                 break;\r
118                                         case "courses":\r
119                                                 $suggestion_courses[1] =& $suggestion[1];\r
120                                                 break;\r
121                                 }\r
122                                 switch($recommanded_conversion){\r
123                                         case "all": \r
124                                                 $suggestion_all[0] =& $suggestion[0] ;\r
125                                                 break;\r
126                                         case "skip":\r
127                                                 $suggestion_skip[0] =& $suggestion[0];\r
128                                                 break;\r
129                                         case "courses":\r
130                                                 $suggestion_courses[0] =& $suggestion[0];\r
131                                                 break;\r
132                                 }\r
133 \r
134 \r
135                                 echo '<div '.$suggestion_all[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_all" name="convert_type" value="all" '.$suggestion_all[1].'/>';\r
136                                 echo '<label for="convert_all">Convert all content</label></div>';\r
137 \r
138                                 echo '<div '.$suggestion_courses[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_courses" name="convert_type" value="courses" '.$suggestion_courses[1].'/>';\r
139                                 echo '<label for="convert_courses">Convert content by courses</label></div>';\r
140 \r
141                                 echo '<div '.$suggestion_skip[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_skip" name="convert_type" value="skip" '.$suggestion_skip[1].'/>';\r
142                                 echo '<label for="convert_skip">Skip conversion</label></div>';\r
143                         \r
144                                 print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
145                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';  \r
146                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="2" />'; \r
147                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="confirm_con_step" value="true" />';\r
148                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Yes, please continue. " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
149                                 return;\r
150                         }\r
151 \r
152                         if ($convert_type=='all'){\r
153                                 echo "<div><p>You have chosen the <strong>Convert all content</strong> option.  All ATutor's content will be converted to UTF-8 from the encoding listed below.</p></div>";\r
154                                 echo "<div><p>Note: This might take up to several minutes, please be patient while you wait.</p></div><br/>";\r
155                                 echo "<div><label>Convert From: </label><select name='encoding_code'>";\r
156                         \r
157                                 foreach ($char_encodings as $index=>$encoding){\r
158                                         $selected='';\r
159                                         if ($encoding==$_POST['conv_all_char_set']){\r
160                                                 $selected = 'selected="selected" ';\r
161                                         }\r
162                                         echo "<option value='$encoding' $selected>$encoding</option>";\r
163                                 }\r
164                                 echo "</select></div>";\r
165                         } elseif ($convert_type=='courses'){\r
166                                 echo "<div><p>You have chosen the conversion by course.  Each of the following courses' content will be converted to UTF-8 with respect to its Course Primary Language. </p></div>";\r
167                                 echo '<div><p>Notes:</p><ul>';\r
168                                 echo '<li class="important">Please backup your ATutor database before clicking next.</li>';\r
169                                 echo '<li>This conversion will convert only course related tables, other tables will be converted from the ATutor default (ISO-8859-1) to UTF-8.</li>';\r
170                                 echo '<li>If the "Course Primary Language" listed below is not the language that you wish to convert from, please change the "Course Primary Language" under "Course Properties" to the language you want to convert from.</li>';\r
171                                 echo '</ul></div>';\r
172                                 generateCourseLangTable($_POST['tb_prefix'], $_SESSION['course_info']);\r
173                         } elseif ($convert_type=='skip'){\r
174                                 //When 'skip' has been chosen, check if version# < 1.6, if so, convert database structure(not content); o/w skip to next step.\r
175                                 if (version_compare($_POST['step1']['old_version'], '1.6', '<') === TRUE) {\r
176                                         unset($progress);\r
177                                         $progress[] = "Will not be converting database content.";\r
178                                         $progress[] = "Will be converting database table column structure (charset, collation) to UTF-8.";\r
179                                         print_feedback($progress);\r
180                                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
181                                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />'; \r
182                                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="3" />';\r
183                                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
184                                         return;\r
185                                 } elseif (version_compare($_POST['step1']['old_version'], '1.6.1', '<') === TRUE) {\r
186                                         //Check if version#=1.6 if so, then this 1.6 database must already been upgraded before.\r
187                                         //change all table to utf-8.\r
188                                         $conversionDriver = new ConversionDriver($_POST['tb_prefix']);\r
189                                         $conversionDriver->alter_all_charset();\r
190                                         unset($progress);\r
191                                         $progress[] = "All tables' charset are now in UTF-8.";\r
192                                         print_feedback($progress);\r
193                                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
194                                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />'; \r
195                                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="4" />';\r
196                                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
197                                         return;\r
198                                 }\r
199                                 echo "<div><p>Skipping UTF-8 Conversion.</p><p>No content will be converted.</p></div>";\r
200                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="4" />'; //skip to next step\r
201                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
202                                 return;\r
203                         } else {\r
204                                 $errors[] = "No conversion type selected.";\r
205                                 print_errors($errors);\r
206                                 print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
207                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';  \r
208                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Retry &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
209                                 return;\r
210                         }                       \r
211                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
212                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="convert_type" value="'.$convert_type.'"/>';\r
213                         echo '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="3" />';\r
214                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
215                         return;\r
216                 } elseif ($_POST['con_step'] == '3'){\r
217                         //Check if this is a refresh request, if so, don't convert the db.\r
218                         if (isset($_SESSION['conversion_completed']) && $_SESSION['conversion_completed']==true){\r
219                                 $progress[] ='Database has already been converted, click next to continue.';\r
220                                 print_feedback($progress);\r
221                                 echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
222                                 <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />\r
223                                 <input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="4" /> \r
224                                 <input type="hidden" name="upgrade_action" value="true" />';\r
225                                 print_hidden(2);\r
226                                 print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
227                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo; " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
228                                 return;\r
229                         }\r
230 \r
231                         $result = '';\r
232                         // Get course code to map encoding/charset\r
233                         if ($_POST['convert_type'] == 'all' || $_POST['convert_type'] == 'courses' ){                   \r
234                                 $query = "SELECT course_id, title FROM ".$_POST['tb_prefix']."courses";\r
235                                 $result = mysql_query($query);\r
236                                 if (mysql_num_rows($result) <= 0){\r
237                                         return false;\r
238                                 }                               \r
239                         } else {\r
240                                 //'Skip' was selected, convert table structure only                             \r
241                                 queryFromFile('db/atutor_convert_db_to_utf8.sql');\r
242                                 $progress[] = 'Database table structure has been converted to UTF-8.';\r
243                                 print_feedback($progress);\r
244                                 if (isset($errors)){\r
245                                         print_errors($errors);\r
246                                         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
247                                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';\r
248                                         print_hidden(2);\r
249                                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
250                                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Retry " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
251                                         return;\r
252                                 }\r
253                                 echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
254                                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';\r
255                                 echo '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="4" />'; \r
256                                 print_hidden(2);\r
257                                 print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
258                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo; " name="submit" /></p></form>';                                \r
259                                 return;         \r
260                         }\r
261                         \r
262                         /* \r
263                          * redo_conversion SESSION variable keep tracks of the table that failed conversion.  \r
264                          * If it is set, then run only those tables inside the redo_conversion SESSION variable.  \r
265                          */\r
266                         if (isset($_SESSION['redo_conversion'])){\r
267                                 unset($errors);\r
268                                 foreach($_SESSION['redo_conversion'] as $course_title=>$class_obj){\r
269                                         foreach($class_obj as $class_name=>$class_param){\r
270                                                 $temp_table = new $class_name ($class_param[0], $class_param[1], $class_param[2], $class_param[3]);\r
271                                                 if (!$temp_table->convert()){\r
272                                                         $errors[]= $course_title.': '.$class_param[0].$class_param[1].' was not converted.';\r
273                                                 } else {\r
274                                                         unset($_SESSION['redo_conversion'][$class_name]);\r
275                                                         $progress[] = "$class_param[1]  has now been converted.";\r
276                                                 }\r
277                                         }\r
278                                 }\r
279                         } else {\r
280                                 /* \r
281                                  * Convert course independent materials such as user information, categories \r
282                                  * Decide which language to use\r
283                                  */\r
284                                 $conversionDriver = new ConversionDriver($_POST['tb_prefix']);\r
285                                 if (version_compare($_POST['step1']['old_version'], '1.6', '<') === TRUE) {\r
286                                         $conversionDriver->convertTableBySysDefault();\r
287                                 } \r
288                                 $conversionDriver->convertTableBySysDefault_161();\r
289 \r
290                                 /* \r
291                                  * Loop through all the courses, and convert all the course's content \r
292                                  * Flush out the process in the mean time.\r
293                                  */     \r
294                                 echo '<div style="padding-left:1em; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-left:1em; overflow:auto; height:100px; border:1px solid #30b626;;">';\r
295                                 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){\r
296                                         $course_id = $row['course_id'];\r
297                                         //Get charset\r
298                                         if (isset($_POST['encoding_code'])&& $_POST['encoding_code']!=""){\r
299                                                 $char_set = $_POST['encoding_code'];\r
300                                         } else {\r
301                                                 $char_set = $_SESSION['course_info'][$course_id]['char_set'];\r
302                                         }\r
303                                         $row['title'] = mb_convert_encoding($row['title'], "UTF-8", $char_set);\r
304 \r
305                                         //If this is already in UTF-8, skip conversion\r
306                                         if (strtolower($char_set)=="utf-8" || strtolower($char_set)=="utf8"){\r
307                                                 $progress[] = 'Course ('.$row['title'].') <strong>has been skipped</strong>, course\'s content are already in UTF-8.';\r
308                                                 continue;\r
309                                         }\r
310                                         $progress[] = 'Course ('.$row['title'].') <strong>has been converted</strong> from '.$char_set;\r
311 \r
312                                         //Run through all ATutor table and convert only those rows with the above courses.\r
313                                         //todo: implement a driver class inside the TableConversion class.\r
314                                         ob_start();\r
315                                         echo "Converting $row[title]...<br/>";\r
316                                         ob_flush();\r
317                                         flush();\r
318                                         ob_end_flush();\r
319                                         if (version_compare($_POST['step1']['old_version'], '1.6', '<') === TRUE) {\r
320                                                 $conversionDriver->convertTableByClass($row['title'], $char_set, $course_id);\r
321                                         } \r
322                                         $conversionDriver->convertTableByClass_161($row['title'], $char_set, $course_id);\r
323                                 }\r
324                                 echo '</div>';\r
325                         }\r
326                         //Check if there are any errors, if not, jump to next step\r
327                         if (!$errors) {\r
328                                 unset($_POST['submit']);\r
329 //                              store_steps(1);\r
330                                 //Will not allow refresh on this screen, because it will re-convert the database.\r
331                                 $_SESSION['conversion_completed'] = true;\r
332 \r
333                                 print_feedback($progress);\r
334 \r
335                                 if (isset($errors)){\r
336                                         print_errors($errors);\r
337                                         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
338                                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />\r
339                                         <input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="4" />';\r
340                                         print_hidden(2);\r
341                                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
342                                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Retry " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
343                                         return;\r
344                                 }\r
345 \r
346                                 echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
347                                 <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />\r
348                                 <input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="4" />\r
349                                 <input type="hidden" name="upgrade_action" value="true" />';\r
350                                 print_hidden(2);\r
351                                 print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
352                                 echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo; " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
353                                 return;\r
354                         }\r
355                 } elseif ($_POST['con_step'] == '4'){\r
356                         //Convert the database charset to UTF8.\r
357                         if (!check_db_default_charset($db)){\r
358                                 $sql = 'ALTER DATABASE `'.$_POST['db_name'].'` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci';\r
359                                 if (mysql_query($sql)===false){\r
360                                         //Alter failed, probably the user doesn't have permission.\r
361                                         $errors[] = 'Failed to change the database default character set to UTF-8.  Please set the database character set to UTF8 before continuing by using the following query: ALTER DATABASE `'.$_POST['db_name'].'` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci.  To use ALTER DATABASE, you need the ALTER privilege on the database.';\r
362                                 }\r
363                         }\r
364                         $progress[] ='Database default charset is now in UTF-8, click next to continue.';\r
365                         print_feedback($progress);\r
366                         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
367                                 <input type="hidden" name="step" value="4" />';\r
368                         print_hidden(2);\r
369                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
370                         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo; " name="submit" /></p></form>';                                \r
371                         return;\r
372                 } else {\r
373                         /* If the installation has been stopped right after the conversion step.  The session variable\r
374                          * that prevents refreshes will still be set, have to unset it to carry on the installation.\r
375                          */\r
376                         if (isset($_SESSION['conversion_completed'])){\r
377                                 unset($_SESSION['conversion_completed']);\r
378                         }\r
379 \r
380                         $html = '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
381                         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';\r
382 //                      store_steps(1);\r
383 \r
384                         $html .= '<div><p>ATutor 2.0 upgrade requires you to convert ATutor content to UTF-8 if you are upgrading from a version earlier than ATutor 1.6.  The courses are listed below with their associated primary language.  </p><p>Please choose one of the conversion options listed below, the recommanded option(in blue) is already selected for you.</p><p>For a more detailed description for each of these conversions, please visit our <a href="http://wiki.atutor.ca/display/atutorwiki/UTF-8+Conversion" target="blank">ATutor Wiki page</a></p></div>';\r
385 \r
386                         //The html fragment that sets the suggested conversion type on bold \r
387                         $suggestion = array('class="suggested"', 'checked="checked"');  \r
388                         $suggestion_skip="";\r
389                         $suggestion_all="";\r
390                         $suggestion_courses=""; \r
391                         $recommanded_conversion = "";\r
392 \r
393                         $html .= '<table class="data">';\r
394                         $html .= '<tr><th>Course Title</th><th>Course Primary Language</th></tr>';\r
395 \r
396                         //Get all courses and their associated language from $_POST\r
397                         $prev_language = "";  //Keep tracks of the course primary language in each loop.\r
398                         $is_same_language = true;\r
399                         if (isset($_SESSION['course_info'])){\r
400                                 foreach ($_SESSION['course_info'] as $course_id=>$row){\r
401                                         if ($prev_language==""){\r
402                                                 $prev_language = $row['char_set'];\r
403                                         } elseif ($is_same_language==true) {\r
404                                                 if($prev_language != $row['char_set']){\r
405                                                         $is_same_language &= false;\r
406                                                 }\r
407                                         }\r
408                                         //Get title\r
409                                         $query = 'SELECT title, primary_language FROM '.$_POST['tb_prefix'].'courses WHERE course_id='.$course_id;\r
410                                         $result = mysql_query($query);\r
411                                         if ($result && mysql_numrows($result) > 0){\r
412                                                 $rs_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);\r
413                                                 //if the char_set of the course is not defined, the array will be emptied.\r
414                                                 $html .= '<tr><td>';\r
415                                                 $html .= @mb_convert_encoding($rs_row['title'], "UTF-8", $row['char_set']);\r
416                                                 $html .= '</td><td>'.$row['char_set'];\r
417                                                 if ($row['char_set']==''){\r
418                                                         $errors[] = "<strong>$rs_row[title]</strong> has a primary language that does not appear to be installed on the system.  Before continuing, either set the primary language to one that is installed, or install the missing language pack.";\r
419                                                         $html .= ' <strong style="color:red;">Missing "'.$rs_row['primary_language'].'"</strong>';\r
420                                                 } \r
421                                                 $html .= '</td></tr>';\r
422                                         }\r
423                                 }\r
424                         }\r
425                         if ($is_same_language == true){\r
426                                 if (strtolower($prev_language)=="utf8" || strtolower($prev_language)=="utf-8" ){\r
427                                         $suggestion_skip =& $suggestion;\r
428                                         $recommanded_conversion = "skip";\r
429                                 } else {\r
430                                         $suggestion_all =& $suggestion;\r
431                                         $recommanded_conversion = "all";\r
432                                         $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="conv_all_char_set" value="'.$prev_language.'" />';\r
433                                 }\r
434                         } else {\r
435                                 $suggestion_courses =& $suggestion;\r
436                                 $recommanded_conversion = "courses";\r
437                         }\r
438                         $html .= '</table><br/>';\r
439 \r
440                         $html .= '<div><p><strong>Convert all content:</strong> Use this option if you are using just <i><u>one</u></i> non-UTF-8 language pack in your ATutor.</p>';\r
441                         $html .= '<p><strong>Convert content by courses:</strong> Use this option when you are using <i><u>more than one</u></i> UTF-8 or non-UTF-8 language pack in your ATutor.</p>';\r
442                         $html .= '<p><strong>Skip conversion:</strong> Use this option when you have <i><u>only UTF-8</u></i> language packs in your ATutor.</p>';\r
443                         $html .= '</div>';\r
444 \r
445                         $html .= '<div '.$suggestion_all[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_all" name="convert_type" value="all" '.$suggestion_all[1].'/>';\r
446                         $html .= '<label for="convert_all">Convert all content</label></div>';\r
447 \r
448                         $html .= '<div '.$suggestion_courses[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_courses" name="convert_type" value="courses" '.$suggestion_courses[1].'/>';\r
449                         $html .= '<label for="convert_courses">Convert content by courses</label></div>';\r
450 \r
451                         $html .= '<div '.$suggestion_skip[0].'><input type="radio" id="convert_skip" name="convert_type" value="skip" '.$suggestion_skip[1].'/>';\r
452                         $html .= '<label for="convert_skip">Skip conversion</label></div>';\r
453         \r
454                         //States flags for ustep9\r
455                         $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="con_step" value="2" />';\r
456                         $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="recommanded_conversion" value="'.$recommanded_conversion.'" />';\r
457                         if (isset($errors)){\r
458                                 print_errors($errors);\r
459                                 $html .= '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Retry " name="submit" /></p>';\r
460                         } else {\r
461                                 $html .= '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Next &raquo;" name="submit" /></p>';\r
462                         }\r
463                         echo $html;\r
464                         print_hidden(2);\r
465                         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
466                         echo '</form>';                 \r
467                         return;\r
468                 }\r
469         }\r
470 }\r
471 \r
472         //Failed \r
473         if (isset($errors)) {\r
474                 print_errors($errors);\r
475         }\r
476 \r
477         echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" name="form">\r
478         <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />';\r
479         store_steps(2);\r
480         print_hidden(3);\r
481         print_post_for_step9($_POST);\r
482         echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" class="button" value=" Retry " name="submit" /></p></form>';\r
483         return;\r
484 \r
485 \r
486 /** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
487  * Functions declaraion\r
488  *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
489  */\r
490 /**\r
491  * Runs through the database and get all the courses' titles and languages out\r
492  * @param               table_prefix is the database table prefix\r
493  * @course_info is the array that stores the course_id->[charset, encoding] mapping.\r
494  */\r
495  function generateCourseLangTable($table_prefix, $course_info){\r
496         echo '<table class="data">';\r
497         echo '<tr><th>Course Title</th><th>Course Primary Language</th></tr>';\r
498         //Get all courses and their associated languages out    \r
499         foreach ($course_info AS $course_id=>$row){\r
500                 $query = 'SELECT title FROM '.$table_prefix.'courses WHERE course_id='.$course_id;\r
501                 $result = mysql_query($query);\r
502                 if ($result && mysql_numrows($result) > 0){\r
503                         $rs_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);\r
504                 } else {\r
505                         return;\r
506                 }\r
507                 echo '<tr><td>';\r
508                 if ($row['char_set']==''){\r
509                         echo $rs_row['title'];\r
510                         echo '</td><td>Undefined</td></tr>';\r
511                 } else {\r
512                         echo mb_convert_encoding($rs_row['title'], "UTF-8", $row['char_set']);\r
513                         echo '</td><td>'.$row['char_set'].'</td></tr>';\r
514                 }               \r
515         }\r
516         echo '</table>';\r
517  }\r
518 \r
519 /**\r
520  * This function prints out the post values that need to be carried over along\r
521  * the entire step 9.\r
522  * @param $_post the post parameter\r
523  */\r
524 function print_post_for_step9($_POST){\r
525         echo '<input type="hidden" name="db_login" value="'.urlencode($_POST['db_login']).'" />';\r
526         echo '<input type="hidden" name="db_password" value="'.urlencode($_POST['db_password']).'" />';\r
527         echo '<input type="hidden" name="db_host" value="'.$_POST['db_host'].'" />';\r
528         echo '<input type="hidden" name="db_name" value="'.$_POST['db_name'].'" />';\r
529         echo '<input type="hidden" name="db_port" value="'.$_POST['db_port'].'" />';\r
530         echo '<input type="hidden" name="tb_prefix" value="'.$_POST['tb_prefix'].'" />';\r
531         echo '<input type="hidden" name="old_version" value="'.$_POST['old_version'].'" />';\r
532         echo '<input type="hidden" name="new_version" value="'.$_POST['new_version'].'" />';\r
533 }\r
534 \r
535 \r
536 /**\r
537  * This function checks if the database's and tbale's default charset are UTF-8.\r
538  * @return true if db default charset is UTF-8, false otherwise.\r
539  */\r
540 function check_db_default_charset($db){\r
541         //Check database's default charset\r
542         $sql = "SHOW CREATE DATABASE `$_POST[db_name]`";\r
543         $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);\r
544         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);\r
545 \r
546         if (!preg_match('/CHARACTER SET utf8/i', $row['Create Database'])){\r
547                 return false;\r
548         } \r
549 \r
550         //check tables\r
551         $sql = "SHOW TABLES";\r
552         $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);\r
553         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){\r
554                 $row[0];\r
555                 $sql2 = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$row[0]`";\r
556                 $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $db);\r
557                 $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result);\r
558 \r
559                 if (!preg_match('/DEFAULT CHARSET\=utf8/i', $row[1])){\r
560                         return false;\r
561                 }                       \r
562         }\r
563 \r
564         return true;\r
565 }\r
566 ?>