Handle hostnames with upper-case letters
[webmin.git] / mysql / view_table.cgi
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 # view_table.cgi
3 # Display all data in some table
5 if (-r 'mysql-lib.pl') {
6         require './mysql-lib.pl';
7         }
8 else {
9         require './postgresql-lib.pl';
10         }
11 require './view-lib.pl';
13 if ($config{'charset'}) {
14         $main::force_charset = $config{'charset'};
15         }
16 if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ /boundary=/) {
17         &ReadParse();
18         }
19 else {
20         &ReadParseMime();
21         }
22 &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'});
23 @str = &table_structure($in{'db'}, $in{'table'});
24 foreach $s (@str) {
25         $keyed++ if ($s->{'key'} eq 'PRI');
26         }
27 if (!$keyed && $module_name eq "postgresql") {
28         # Can use oid as key
29         eval { $main::error_must_die = 1;
30                $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, "select oid from ".
31                                             &quote_table($in{'table'}).
32                                             " where 0 = 1"); };
33         if (!$@) {
34                 # Has an OID, so use it
35                 $use_oids = 1;
36                 $keyed = 1;
37                 }
38         }
40 # Get search SQL
41 ($search, $searchhids, $searchargs, $advcount) = &get_search_args(\%in);
43 # Work out start position
44 $d = &execute_sql_safe($in{'db'},
45         "select count(*) from ".&quote_table($in{'table'})." ".$search);
46 $total = int($d->{'data'}->[0]->[0]);
47 if ($in{'jump'} > 0) {
48         $in{'start'} = int($in{'jump'} / $displayconfig{'perpage'}) *
49                        $displayconfig{'perpage'};
50         if ($in{'start'} >= $total) {
51                 $in{'start'} = $total - $displayconfig{'perpage'};
52                 $in{'start'} = int(($in{'start'} / $displayconfig{'perpage'}) + 1) *
53                                $displayconfig{'perpage'};
54                 }
55         }
56 else {
57         $in{'start'} = int($in{'start'});
58         }
59 if ($in{'new'} && $total > $displayconfig{'perpage'}) {
60         # go to the last screen for adding a row
61         $in{'start'} = $total - $displayconfig{'perpage'};
62         $in{'start'} = int(($in{'start'} / $displayconfig{'perpage'}) + 1) *
63                        $displayconfig{'perpage'};
64         }
66 # Get limiting and sorting SQL
67 $limitsql = &get_search_limit(\%in);
68 ($sortsql, $sorthids, $sortargs) = &get_search_sort(\%in);
70 # Work out where clause for rows we are operating on
71 $where_select = "select ".($use_oids ? "oid" : "*").
72         " from ".&quote_table($in{'table'})." $search $sortsql $limitsql";
74 if ($in{'delete'}) {
75         # Deleting selected rows
76         $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, $where_select);
77         @t = map { $_->{'field'} } @str;
78         $count = 0;
79         foreach $r (split(/\0/, $in{'row'})) {
80                 local @where;
81                 local @r = @{$d->{'data'}->[$r]};
82                 if ($use_oids) {
83                         # Where clause just uses OID
84                         push(@where, "oid = $r[0]");
85                         }
86                 else {
87                         # Where clause uses keys
88                         for($i=0; $i<@t; $i++) {
89                                 if ($str[$i]->{'key'} eq 'PRI') {
90                                         if ($r[$i] eq 'NULL') {
91                                                 push(@where, &quotestr($t[$i]).
92                                                              " is null");
93                                                 }
94                                         else {
95                                                 $r[$i] =~ s/'/''/g;
96                                                 push(@where, &quotestr($t[$i]).
97                                                              " = '$r[$i]'");
98                                                 }
99                                         }
100                                 }
101                         }
102                 &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'},
103                                     "delete from ".&quote_table($in{'table'}).
104                                     " where ".join(" and ", @where));
105                 $count++;
106                 }
107         &webmin_log("delete", "data", $count, \%in);
108         &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&".
109                   "table=".&urlize($in{'table'})."&start=$in{'start'}".
110                   $searchargs.$sortargs);
111         }
112 elsif ($in{'save'}) {
113         # Update edited rows
114         $d = &execute_sql($in{'db'}, $where_select);
115         @t = map { $_->{'field'} } @str;
116         $count = 0;
117         for($j=0; $j<$displayconfig{'perpage'}; $j++) {
118                 next if (!defined($in{"${j}_$t[0]"}));
119                 local (@where, @set);
120                 local @r = @{$d->{'data'}->[$j]};
121                 local @params;
122                 if ($use_oids) {
123                         # Where clause just uses OID
124                         push(@where, "oid = $r[0]");
125                         }
126                 for($i=0; $i<@t; $i++) {
127                         if (!$use_oids) {
128                                 # Where clause uses keys
129                                 if ($str[$i]->{'key'} eq 'PRI') {
130                                         if ($r[$i] eq 'NULL') {
131                                                 push(@where, &quotestr($t[$i]).
132                                                              " is null");
133                                                 }
134                                         else {
135                                                 $r[$i] =~ s/'/''/g;
136                                                 push(@where, &quotestr($t[$i]).
137                                                              " = '$r[$i]'");
138                                                 }
139                                         }
140                                 }
141                         local $ij = $in{"${j}_$t[$i]"};
142                         local $ijdef = $in{"${j}_$t[$i]_def"};
143                         next if ($ijdef || !defined($ij));
144                         if (!$displayconfig{'blob_mode'} || !&is_blob($str[$i])) {
145                                 $ij =~ s/\r//g;
146                                 }
147                         push(@set, &quotestr($t[$i])." = ?");
148                         push(@params, $ij eq '' ? undef : $ij);
149                         }
150                 &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'},
151                                     "update ".&quote_table($in{'table'})." set ".
152                                     join(" , ", @set)." where ".
153                                     join(" and ", @where), @params);
154                 $count++;
155                 }
156         &webmin_log("modify", "data", $count, \%in);
157         &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&".
158                   "table=".&urlize($in{'table'})."&start=$in{'start'}".
159                   $searchargs.$sortargs);
160         }
161 elsif ($in{'savenew'}) {
162         # Adding a new row
163         for($j=0; $j<@str; $j++) {
164                 if (!$displayconfig{'blob_mode'} || !&is_blob($str[$j])) {
165                         $in{$j} =~ s/\r//g;
166                         }
167                 push(@set, $in{$j} eq '' ? undef : $in{$j});
168                 }
169         &execute_sql_logged($in{'db'}, "insert into ".&quote_table($in{'table'}).
170                     " values (".join(" , ", map { "?" } @set).")", @set);
171         &redirect("view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&".
172                   "table=".&urlize($in{'table'})."&start=$in{'start'}".
173                   $searchargs.$sortargs);
174         &webmin_log("create", "data", undef, \%in);
175         }
176 elsif ($in{'cancel'} || $in{'new'}) {
177         undef($in{'row'});
178         }
180 $desc = &text('table_header', "<tt>$in{'table'}</tt>", "<tt>$in{'db'}</tt>");
181 &ui_print_header($desc, $text{'view_title'}, "");
183 if ($in{'start'} || $total > $displayconfig{'perpage'}) {
184         print "<center>\n";
185         if ($in{'start'}) {
186                 printf "<a href='view_table.cgi?db=%s&table=%s&start=%s%s%s'>".
187                      "<img src=../images/left.gif border=0 align=middle></a>\n",
188                      $in{'db'}, $in{'table'},
189                      $in{'start'} - $displayconfig{'perpage'},
190                      $searchargs, $sortargs;
191                 }
192         print "<font size=+1>",&text('view_pos', $in{'start'}+1,
193               $in{'start'}+$displayconfig{'perpage'} > $total ? $total :
194               $in{'start'}+$displayconfig{'perpage'}, $total),"</font>\n";
195         if ($in{'start'}+$displayconfig{'perpage'} < $total) {
196                 printf "<a href='view_table.cgi?db=%s&table=%s&start=%s%s%s'>".
197                      "<img src=../images/right.gif border=0 align=middle></a> ",
198                      $in{'db'}, $in{'table'},
199                      $in{'start'} + $displayconfig{'perpage'},
200                      $searchargs, $sortargs;
201                 }
202         print "</center>\n";
203         }
205 print "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n";
207 if ($in{'field'}) {
208         # Show details of simple search
209         print "<tr> <td><b>",&text('view_searchhead', "<tt>$in{'for'}</tt>",
210                            "<tt>$in{'field'}</tt>"),"</b></td>\n";
211         print "<td align=right><a href='view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&",
212               "table=$in{'table'}$sortargs'>$text{'view_searchreset'}</a></td> </tr>\n";
213         }
214 elsif ($in{'advanced'}) {
215         # Show details of advanced search
216         print "<tr> <td><b>",&text('view_searchhead2', $advcount),"</b></td>\n";
217         print "<td align=right><a href='view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&",
218               "table=$in{'table'}$sortargs'>$text{'view_searchreset'}</a></td> </tr>\n";
219         }
220 if ($in{'sortfield'}) {
221         # Show current sort order
222         print "<tr> <td><b>",&text($in{'sortdir'} ? 'view_sorthead2' : 'view_sorthead1',
223                               "<tt>$in{'sortfield'}</tt>"),"</b></td>\n";
224         print "<td align=right><a href='view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&",
225               "table=$in{'table'}$searchargs'>$text{'view_sortreset'}</a></td> </tr>\n";
226         }
228 print "</table>\n";
230 if ($displayconfig{'blob_mode'}) {
231         print &ui_form_start("view_table.cgi", "form-data");
232         }
233 else {
234         print &ui_form_start("view_table.cgi", "post");
235         }
236 print &ui_hidden("db", $in{'db'}),"\n";
237 print &ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'}),"\n";
238 print &ui_hidden("start", $in{'start'}),"\n";
239 print $searchhids;
240 print $sorthids;
241 $check = !defined($in{'row'}) && !$in{'new'} && $keyed;
242 if ($total || $in{'new'}) {
243         # Get the rows of data, and show the table header
244         $d = &execute_sql_safe($in{'db'},
245                 "select * from ".&quote_table($in{'table'})." $search $sortsql $limitsql");
246         @data = @{$d->{'data'}};
247         @tds = $check ? ( "width=5" ) : ( );
248         ($has_blob) = grep { &is_blob($_) } @str;
250         @rowlinks = $check ? ( &select_all_link("row"),
251                                &select_invert_link("row") ) : ( );
252         print &ui_links_row(\@rowlinks);
253         print &ui_columns_start([
254                 $check ? ( "" ) : ( ),
255                 map { &column_sort_link($_->{'field'}) } @str
256                 ], 100, 0, \@tds);
258         # Add an empty row for inserting
259         $realrows = scalar(@data);
260         if ($in{'new'}) {
261                 push(@data, [ map { $_->{'default'} eq 'NULL' ? '' :
262                                     $_->{'default'} eq 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? '':
263                                       $_->{'default'} } @str ]);
264                 $row{$realrows} = 1;
265                 }
267         # Show the rows, some of which may be editable
268         map { $row{$_}++ } split(/\0/, $in{'row'});
269         $w = int(100 / scalar(@str));
270         $w = 10 if ($w < 10);
271         for($i=0; $i<@data; $i++) {
272                 local @d = map { $_ eq "NULL" ? undef : $_ } @{$data[$i]};
273                 if ($row{$i} && ($displayconfig{'add_mode'} || $has_blob)) {
274                         # Show multi-line row editor
275                         $et = "<table border>\n";
276                         $et .= "<tr $tb> <td><b>$text{'view_field'}</b></td> ".
277                               "<td><b>$text{'view_data'}</b></td> </tr>\n";
278                         for($j=0; $j<@str; $j++) {
279                                 local $nm = $i == $realrows ? $j :
280                                                 "${i}_$str[$j]->{'field'}";
281                                 $et .= "<tr $cb> <td><b>$str[$j]->{'field'}</b></td> <td>\n";
282                                 if ($displayconfig{'blob_mode'} &&
283                                     &is_blob($str[$j]) && $d[$j]) {
284                                         # Show as keep/upload inputs
285                                         $et .= &ui_radio($nm."_def", 1,
286                                             [ [ 1, $text{'view_keep'} ],
287                                               [ 0, $text{'view_set'} ] ])." ".
288                                           &ui_upload($nm);
289                                         }
290                                 elsif ($displayconfig{'blob_mode'} &&
291                                        &is_blob($str[$j])) {
292                                         # Show upload input
293                                         $et .= &ui_upload($nm);
294                                         }
295                                 elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /^enum\((.*)\)$/) {
296                                         # Show as enum list
297                                         $et .= &ui_select($nm, $d[$j],
298                                             [ [ "", "&nbsp;" ],
299                                               map { [ $_ ] } &split_enum($1) ],
300                                             1, 0, 1);
301                                         }
302                                 elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /\((\d+)\)/) {
303                                         # Show as known-size text
304                                         if ($1 > 255) {
305                                                 # Too big, use text area
306                                                 $et .= &ui_textarea(
307                                                         $nm, $d[$j], 5, 70);
308                                                 }
309                                         else {
310                                                 # Text box
311                                                 local $nw = $1 > 70 ? 70 : $1;
312                                                 $et .= &ui_textbox(
313                                                         $nm, $d[$j], $nw);
314                                                 }
315                                         }
316                                 elsif (&is_blob($str[$j])) {
317                                         # Show as multiline text
318                                         $et .= &ui_textarea($nm, $d[$j], 5, 70);
319                                         }
320                                 else {
321                                         # Show as fixed-size text
322                                         $et .= &ui_textbox($nm, $d[$j], 30);
323                                         }
324                                 $et .= "</td></tr>\n";
325                                 }
326                         $et .= "</table>";
327                         print &ui_columns_row([ $check ? ( "" ) : ( ), $et ],
328                                               [ @tds, "colspan=".scalar(@d) ] );
329                         }
330                 elsif ($row{$i}) {
331                         # Show one-line row-editor
332                         local @cols;
333                         for($j=0; $j<@d; $j++) {
334                                 local $l = $d[$j] =~ tr/\n/\n/;
335                                 local $nm = $i == $realrows ? $j :
336                                                 "${i}_$d->{'titles'}->[$j]";
337                                 if ($displayconfig{'blob_mode'} &&
338                                     &is_blob($str[$j])) {
339                                         # Cannot edit this blob
340                                         push(@cols, undef);
341                                         }
342                                 elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /^enum\((.*)\)$/) {
343                                         # Show as enum list
344                                         push(@cols, &ui_select($nm, $d[$j],
345                                             [ [ "", "&nbsp;" ],
346                                               map { [ $_ ] } &split_enum($1) ],
347                                             1, 0, 1));
348                                         }
349                                 elsif ($str[$j]->{'type'} =~ /\((\d+)\)/) {
350                                         # Show as known-size text
351                                         local $nw = $1 > 70 ? 70 : $1;
352                                         push(@cols,
353                                              &ui_textbox($nm, $d[$j], $nw));
354                                         }
355                                 elsif ($l) {
356                                         # Show as multiline text
357                                         $l++;
358                                         push(@cols,
359                                              &ui_textarea($nm, $d[$j], $l, $w));
360                                         }
361                                 else {
362                                         # Show as known size text
363                                         push(@cols,
364                                              &ui_textbox($nm, $d[$j], $w));
365                                         }
366                                 }
367                         print &ui_columns_row([ $check ? ( "" ) : ( ), @cols ],
368                                               \@tds);
369                         }
370                 else {
371                         # Show row contents
372                         local @cols;
373                         local $j = 0;
374                         foreach $c (@d) {
375                                 if ($displayconfig{'blob_mode'} &&
376                                     &is_blob($str[$j]) && $c ne '') {
377                                         # Show download link for blob
378                                         push(@cols, "<a href='download.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=$in{'table'}&start=$in{'start'}".$searchargs.$sortargs."&row=$i&col=$j'>$text{'view_download'}</a>");
379                                         }
380                                 else {
381                                         # Just show text (up to limit)
382                                         if ($config{'max_text'} &&
383                                             length($c) > $config{'max_text'}) {
384                                                 $c = substr($c, 0,
385                                                   $config{'max_text'})." ...";
386                                                 }
387                                         push(@cols, &html_escape($c));
388                                         }
389                                 $j++;
390                                 }
391                         if ($check) {
392                                 print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds,
393                                                               "row", $i);
394                                 }
395                         else {
396                                 print &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds);
397                                 }
398                         }
399                 }
400         print &ui_columns_end();
401         print &ui_links_row(\@rowlinks);
402         }
403 else {
404         print "<b>$text{'view_none'}</b> <p>\n";
405         }
407 # Show buttons to edit / delete rows
408 if (!$keyed) {
409         print "<b>$text{'view_nokey'}</b><p>\n";
410         print &ui_form_end();
411         }
412 elsif (!$check) {
413         if ($in{'new'}) {
414                 print &ui_form_end([ [ "savenew", $text{'save'} ],
415                                      [ "cancel", $text{'cancel'} ] ]);
416                 }
417         else {
418                 print &ui_form_end([ [ "save", $text{'save'} ],
419                                      [ "cancel", $text{'cancel'} ] ]);
420                 }
421         }
422 elsif ($total) {
423         print &ui_form_end([ [ "edit", $text{'view_edit'} ],
424                              [ "new", $text{'view_new'} ],
425                              [ "delete", $text{'view_delete'} ] ]);
426         }
427 else {
428         print &ui_form_end([ [ "new", $text{'view_new'} ] ]);
429         }
431 if (!$in{'field'} && $total > $displayconfig{'perpage'}) {
432         # Show search and jump buttons
433         print &ui_hr();
434         print "<table width=100%><tr>\n";
435         print "<form action=view_table.cgi>\n";
436         print "<input type=hidden name=search value=1>\n";
437         print &ui_hidden("db", $in{'db'});
438         print &ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'});
439         $sel = &ui_select("field", undef,
440                         [ map { [ $_->{'field'}, $_->{'field'} ] } @str ]);
441         $match = &ui_select("match", 0,
442                         [ map { [ $_, $text{'view_match'.$_} ] } (0.. 5) ]);
443         print "<td>",&text('view_search2', "<input name=for size=20>", $sel,
444                            $match);
445         print "&nbsp;&nbsp;",
446               "<input type=submit value='$text{'view_searchok'}'></td>\n";
447         print "</form>\n";
449         print "<form action=view_table.cgi>\n";
450         print &ui_hidden("db", $in{'db'});
451         print &ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'});
452         print "<td align=right><input type=submit value='$text{'view_jump'}'> ";
453         print "<input name=jump size=6></td></form>\n";
455         print "</tr><tr>\n";
457         print "<form action=search_form.cgi>\n";
458         print &ui_hidden("db", $in{'db'});
459         print &ui_hidden("table", $in{'table'});
460         print "<td><input type=submit value='$text{'view_adv'}'></td>\n";
461         print "</form>\n";
463         print "</tr> </table>\n";
464         }
466 if ($access{'edonly'}) {
467         &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}",$text{'dbase_return'},
468                 "", $text{'index_return'});
469         }
470 else {
471         &ui_print_footer("edit_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=".
472                          &urlize($in{'table'}),
473                         $text{'table_return'},
474                         "edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'},
475                         "", $text{'index_return'});
476         }
478 # column_sort_link(name)
479 # Returns HTML for a link to switch sorting mode
480 sub column_sort_link
481 {
482 local ($field) = @_;
483 local $dir = $in{'sortfield'} eq $field ? !$in{'sortdir'} : 0;
484 local $img = $in{'sortfield'} eq $field && $dir ? "sortascgrey.gif" :
485              $in{'sortfield'} eq $field && !$dir ? "sortdescgrey.gif" :
486              $dir ? "sortasc.gif" : "sortdesc.gif";
487 return "<a href='view_table.cgi?db=$in{'db'}&table=".
488        &urlize($in{'table'})."&start=$in{'start'}&sortfield=$field&sortdir=$dir$searchargs'>".
489        "<b>$field</b><img valign=middle src=../images/$img border=0>";
490 }