#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Search Webmin modules and help pages and text and config.info $trust_unknown_referers = 1; BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; &init_config(); do 'webmin-search-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); $prod = &get_product_name(); $ucprod = ucfirst($prod); &ui_print_unbuffered_header( undef, &text('wsearch_title', $ucprod), "", undef, 0, 1); # Validate search text $re = $in{'search'}; if ($re !~ /\S/) { &error($text{'wsearch_esearch'}); } $re =~ s/^\s+//; $re =~ s/\s+$//; # Do the search print &text('wsearch_searching', "".&html_escape($re).""),"\n"; @rv = &search_webmin($re, \&print_search_dot, $in{'mod'} ? [ split(/\0/, $in{'mod'}) ] : undef); print &text('wsearch_found', scalar(@rv)),"

\n"; # Show in table if (@rv) { print &ui_columns_start( [ $text{'wsearch_htext'}, $text{'wsearch_htype'}, $text{'wsearch_hmod'}, $text{'wsearch_hcgis'} ], 100); foreach my $r (@rv) { $hi = &highlight_text($r->{'text'}); if ($r->{'link'}) { $hi = "$hi"; } @links = ( ); foreach my $c (@{$r->{'cgis'}}) { ($cmod, $cpage) = split(/\//, $c); ($cpage, $cargs) = split(/\?/, $cpage); $ctitle = &cgi_page_title($cmod, $cpage) || $cpage; if ($r->{'mod'}->{'installed'}) { $cargs ||= &cgi_page_args($cmod, $cpage); } else { # For modules that aren't installed, linking # to a CGI is likely useless $cargs ||= "none"; } if ($cargs eq "none") { push(@links, $ctitle); } else { $cargs = "?".$cargs if ($cargs ne '' && $cargs !~ /^(\/|%2F)/); push(@links, "$ctitle"); } } if (@links > 2) { @links = ( @links[0..1], "..." ); } print &ui_columns_row([ $hi, $text{'wsearch_type_'.$r->{'type'}}, "{'dir'}/'>$r->{'mod'}->{'desc'}", &ui_links_row(\@links), ]); } print &ui_columns_end(); } else { print "",&text('wsearch_enone', "".&html_escape($re).""),"

\n"; } &ui_print_footer(); # print_search_dot() # Print one dot per second sub print_search_dot { local $now = time(); if ($now > $last_print_search_dot) { print ". "; $last_print_search_dot = $now; } }