#!/usr/local/bin/perl require "./time-lib.pl"; local ($rawdate, $rawhwdate, %system_date, $rawtime, %hw_date, $txt); $txt = ""; &ReadParse(); &error( $text{ 'acl_error' } ) if( $access{ 'sysdate' } && $access{ 'hwdate' } ); if (!$access{'sysdate'} && !$access{'hwdate'} && &support_hwtime()) { $arr = "0,1"; } else { $arr = "0"; } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{ 'index_title' }, "", "index", 1, 1, undef, &help_search_link("date hwclock ntpdate", "man"), qq(\n), qq(onLoad="F=[$arr];timeInit(F); setTimeout('timeUpdate(F)', 5000);")); if (!$access{'sysdate'} && !&has_command("date")) { print &text( 'error_cnf', "date"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } if (!$access{'hwdate'} && $config{'hwtime'} == 1 && !&has_command("hwclock")) { print &text( 'error_cnf', "hwclock"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Show tabs for times, timezones and syncing @tabs = ( ); push(@tabs, [ "time", $text{'index_tabtime'}, "index.cgi?mode=time" ]); if ($access{'timezone'} && &has_timezone()) { push(@tabs, [ "zone", $text{'index_tabzone'}, "index.cgi?mode=zone" ]); } if ($access{'ntp'}) { push(@tabs, [ "sync", $text{'index_tabsync'}, "index.cgi?mode=sync" ]); } print &ui_tabs_start(\@tabs, "mode", $in{'mode'} || $tabs[0]->[0], 1); # Get the system time @tm = &get_system_time(); $system_date{ 'second' } = $tm[0]; $system_date{ 'minute' } = $tm[1]; $system_date{ 'hour' } = $tm[2]; $system_date{ 'date' } = $tm[3]; $system_date{ 'month' } = &number_to_month($tm[4]); $system_date{ 'year' } = $tm[5]+1900; $system_date{ 'day' } = &number_to_weekday($tm[6]); print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "time"); print $text{'index_desctime'},"

\n"; if( !$access{'sysdate'} ) { # Show system time for editing print &ui_form_start("apply.cgi"); print &tabletime(&hlink($text{'sys_title'}, "system_time"), 0, %system_date); print &ui_submit($text{'action_apply'}, "action"); if (&support_hwtime()) { print &ui_submit($text{'action_sync'}, "action"); } print &ui_form_end(); } else { # Just show current time print &tabletime( &hlink( $text{ 'sys_title' }, "system_time" ), 1, %system_date ),"

\n"; } # Get the hardware time if (&support_hwtime()) { local @tm = &get_hardware_time(); @tm || &error($get_hardware_time_error || $text{'index_eformat'}); $hw_date{ 'second' } = $tm[0]; $hw_date{ 'minute' } = $tm[1]; $hw_date{ 'hour' } = $tm[2]; $hw_date{ 'date' } = $tm[3]; $hw_date{ 'month' } = &number_to_month($tm[4]); $hw_date{ 'year'} = $tm[5]+1900; $hw_date{ 'day' } = &number_to_weekday($tm[6]); if(!$access{'hwdate'}) { # Allow editing of hardware time if( !$access{ 'sysdate' } ) { $hw_date{ 'second' } = $system_date{ 'second' } if( $hw_date{ 'second' } - $system_date{ 'second' } <= $config{ 'lease' } ); } print &ui_form_start("apply.cgi"); print &tabletime(&hlink($text{'hw_title'}, "hardware_time"), 0, %hw_date); print &ui_submit($text{'action_save'}, "action"); if (support_hwtime()) { print &ui_submit($text{'action_sync_s'}, "action"); } print &ui_form_end(); } else { # Show show the hardware time print &tabletime(&hlink($text{'hw_title'}, "hardware_time"), 1, %hw_date ),"

\n"; } } print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); if ($access{'timezone'} && &has_timezone()) { print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "zone"); print $text{'index_desczone'},"

\n"; print &ui_form_start("save_timezone.cgi"); print &ui_table_start($text{'index_tzheader'}, "width=100%", 2); @zones = &list_timezones(); $cz = &get_current_timezone(); $found = 0; @opts = ( ); foreach $z (@zones) { if ($z->[0] =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)$/) { $pfx = $1; } else { $pfx = undef; } if ($pfx ne $lastpfx && $z ne $zones[0]) { push(@opts, [ '', '----------' ]); } $lastpfx = $pfx; push(@opts, [ $z->[0], $z->[1] ? "$z->[0] ($z->[1])" : $z->[0] ]); } print " \n"; print &ui_table_row($text{'index_tz'}, &ui_select("zone", $cz, \@opts, 1, 0, $cz ? 1 : 0)); print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ] ]); print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); } if ( ( !$access{ 'sysdate' } && &has_command( "date" ) || !$access{ 'hwdate' } && &has_command( "hwclock" ) ) && $access{'ntp'} ) { # Show time server input print &ui_tabs_start_tab("mode", "sync"); print $text{'index_descsync'},"

\n"; print &ui_form_start("apply.cgi"); print &ui_table_start(&hlink($text{'index_timeserver'}, "timeserver"), "width=100%", 2, [ "width=30%" ]); print &ui_table_row($text{'index_addresses'}, &ui_textbox("timeserver", $config{'timeserver'}, 60)); # Show hardware time checkbox if (&support_hwtime()) { print &ui_table_row(" ", &ui_checkbox("hardware", 1, $text{'index_hardware2'}, $config{'timeserver_hardware'})); } # Show schedule input $job = &find_webmin_cron_job(); print &ui_table_row($text{'index_sched'}, &ui_radio("sched", $job ? 1 : 0, [ [ 0, $text{'no'} ], [ 1, $text{'index_schedyes'} ] ])); &seed_random(); $job ||= { 'mins' => int(rand()*60), 'hours' => int(rand()*24), 'days' => '*', 'months' => '*', 'weekdays' => '*' }; print &ui_table_row(undef, &webmincron::show_times_input($job), 2); print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end([ [ "action", $text{'index_sync'} ] ]); print &ui_tabs_end_tab(); } print &ui_tabs_end(1); &ui_print_footer( "/", $text{ 'index' } ); # tabletime(label, read-only, &time) # Output a table for setting the date and time sub tabletime { my ( $label, $ro, %src ) = @_, %assoc_day = ( "Mon", $text{ 'day_1' }, "Tue", $text{ 'day_2' }, "Wed", $text{ 'day_3' }, "Thu", $text{ 'day_4' }, "Fri", $text{ 'day_5' }, "Sat", $text{ 'day_6' }, "Sun", $text{ 'day_0' } ), %assoc_month = ( "Jan", $text{ 'month_1' }, "Feb", $text{ 'month_2' }, "Mar", $text{ 'month_3' }, "Apr", $text{ 'month_4' }, "May", $text{ 'month_5' }, "Jun", $text{ 'month_6' }, "Jul", $text{ 'month_7' }, "Aug", $text{ 'month_8' }, "Sep", $text{ 'month_9' }, "Oct", $text{ 'month_10' }, "Nov", $text{ 'month_11' }, "Dec", $text{ 'month_12' } ); $rv = &ui_table_start($label, "width=100%", 6); if (!$ro) { $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'date'}, &ui_select("date", $src{'date'}, [ 1 .. 31 ])); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'month'}, &ui_select("month", &zeropad(&month_to_number($src{'month'})+1, 2), [ map { [ &zeropad($_, 2), $text{'month_'.$_} ] } ( 1 .. 12 ) ])); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'year'}, &ui_select("year", $src{'year'}, [ 1969 .. 2037 ])); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'hour'}, &ui_select("hour", &zeropad($src{'hour'}, 2), [ map { &zeropad($_, 2) } (00 .. 23) ])); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'minute'}, &ui_select("minute", &zeropad($src{'minute'}, 2), [ map { &zeropad($_, 2) } (00 .. 59) ])); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'second'}, &ui_select("second", &zeropad($src{'second'}, 2), [ map { &zeropad($_, 2) } (00 .. 59) ])); } else { $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'date'}, $src{'date'}); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'month'}, $src{'month'}); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'year'}, $src{'year'}); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'hour'}, $src{'hour'}); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'minute'}, $src{'minute'}); $rv .= &ui_table_row($text{'second'}, $src{'second'}); } $rv .= &ui_table_end(); return $rv; }