#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Show a page for manually editing host keys # Only displays keys for now use File::Basename; require './sshd-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'keys_title'}, ""); # Work out and show the files @files = &get_mlvalues($config{'sshd_config'}, "HostKey"); # If there are no HostKey entries assume default keys in use if (scalar(@files) == 0) { if (-r (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_rsa_key')) { push(@files, (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_rsa_key')); } if (-r (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_dsa_key')) { push(@files, (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_dsa_key')); } if (-r (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_key')) { push(@files, (dirname($config{'sshd_config'}) . '/ssh_host_key')); } } foreach $key (@files) { $key = $key . ".pub"; } $in{'file'} ||= $files[0]; &indexof($in{'file'}, @files) >= 0 || &error($text{'keys_none'}); print &ui_form_start("edit_keys.cgi"); print "Key filename\n"; print &ui_select("file", $in{'file'}, [ map { [ $_ ] } @files ]),"\n"; print &ui_submit('View'); print &ui_form_end(); # Show the file contents print &ui_form_start("save_manual.cgi", "form-data"); print &ui_hidden("file", $in{'file'}),"\n"; $data = &read_file_contents($in{'file'}); print &ui_textarea("data", $data, 20, 80),"\n"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_sharelist'});