#!/usr/local/bin/perl # group_filesys.cgi # List all filesystems for which some group has quotas require './quota-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); $u = $in{'group'}; $u =~ /\S/ || &error($text{'gfilesys_enone'}); &can_edit_group($u) || &error(&text('gfilesys_ecannot', $u)); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'gfilesys_title'}, "", "group_filesys"); foreach $f (&list_filesystems()) { if ($f->[4] > 1 && $f->[5] && &can_edit_filesys($f->[0])) { push(@fslist, $f->[0]); $fslist{$f->[0]}++; } } # Make sure all block sizes are the same $n = &group_filesystems($u); for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $bsize = &block_size($filesys{$i,'filesys'}); if ($last_bsize && $last_bsize != $bsize) { $variable_bsize++; } } if ($n) { print &ui_subheading(&text('gfilesys_all', &html_escape($u))); # Generate top header (showing blocks/files) @hcols = ( undef, $variable_bsize ? $text{'ufilesys_blocks'} : $text{'ufilesys_space'}, $config{'show_grace'} ? ( undef ) : ( ), $text{'ufilesys_files'}, $config{'show_grace'} ? ( undef ) : ( )); print &ui_columns_start(\@hcols, 100, 0, [ undef, "colspan=3 align=center", "colspan=3 align=center" ]); # Generate second header @hcols = ( $text{'ufilesys_fs'}, $text{'ufilesys_used'}, $text{'ufilesys_soft'}, $text{'ufilesys_hard'}, $config{'show_grace'} ? ( $text{'ufilesys_grace'} ) : ( ), $text{'ufilesys_used'}, $text{'ufilesys_soft'}, $text{'ufilesys_hard'}, $config{'show_grace'} ? ( $text{'ufilesys_grace'} ) : ( ), ); print &ui_columns_header(\@hcols); # Generate one row per filesystem the user has quota on for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $f = $filesys{$i,'filesys'}; $bsize = &block_size($f); local @cols; if ($fslist{$f} && !$access{'ro'}) { push(@cols, "$f"); } else { push(@cols, $f); } if ($bsize) { push(@cols, &nice_size($filesys{$i,'ublocks'}*$bsize)); } else { push(@cols, $filesys{$i,'ublocks'}); } push(@cols, &nice_limit($filesys{$i,'sblocks'}, $bsize)); push(@cols, &nice_limit($filesys{$i,'hblocks'}, $bsize)); push(@cols, $filesys{$i,'gblocks'}) if ($config{'show_grace'}); push(@cols, $filesys{$i,'ufiles'}); push(@cols, &nice_limit($filesys{$i,'sfiles'}, $bsize, 1)); push(@cols, &nice_limit($filesys{$i,'hfiles'}, $bsize, 1)); push(@cols, $filesys{$i,'gfiles'}) if ($config{'show_grace'}); print &ui_columns_row(\@cols); } print &ui_columns_end(); } else { print "",&text('gfilesys_nogquota', $u),"
\n"; } if (!$access{'ro'}) { print &ui_hr(); print &ui_buttons_start(); # Form to edit quota on other filesystems print &ui_buttons_row("edit_group_quota.cgi", $text{'gfilesys_edit'}, $text{'gfilesys_editdesc'}, &ui_hidden("group", $u).&ui_hidden("source", 1), &ui_select("filesys", undef, \@fslist) ); if ($access{'filesys'} eq "*") { # Button to copy quotas print &ui_buttons_row("copy_group_form.cgi", $text{'gfilesys_copy'}, $text{'gfilesys_copydesc'}, &ui_hidden("group", $u)); } print &ui_buttons_end(); } &ui_print_footer("", $text{'gfilesys_return'});