#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Show a form for selecting the source for a map $trust_unknown_referers = 1; require './postfix-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); &popup_header($text{'chooser_title'}); # Parse into files @maps = &get_maps_types_files($in{'map'}); push(@maps, [ ]); @sources = &list_mysql_sources(); print &ui_form_start("map_chooser_save.cgi", "post"); print &ui_hidden("map", $in{'map'}); print &ui_hidden("mapname", $in{'mapname'}); $i = 0; foreach $tv (@maps) { print &ui_hidden_table_start(&text('chooser_header', $i+1), "width=100%", 2, "section$i", $tv->[0] || $i == 0, [ "width=30%" ]); # Work out type $t = $tv->[0] eq "" ? "" : $tv->[0] eq "hash" ? "hash" : $tv->[0] eq "regexp" ? "regexp" : $tv->[0] eq "pcre" && &supports_map_type("pcre") ? "pcre" : $tv->[0] eq "mysql" && &supports_map_type("mysql") && $tv->[1] =~ /^[\/\.]/ ? "mysql" : $tv->[0] eq "mysql" && &supports_map_type("mysql") && $tv->[1] !~ /^[\/\.]/ ? "mysqlsrc" : $tv->[0] eq "ldap" && &supports_map_type("ldap") ? "ldap" : "other"; # For MySQL, read config file and generate inputs $myconf = { }; if ($t eq "mysql") { $myconf = &get_backend_config($tv->[1]); } $mtable = &ui_table_start(undef, "width=100%", 2, [ "nowrap", "nowrap" ]); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mhosts'}, &ui_opt_textbox("mhosts_$i", $myconf->{'hosts'}, 30, "localhost")); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_muser'}, &ui_textbox("muser_$i", $myconf->{'user'}, 30)); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mpassword'}, &ui_textbox("mpassword_$i", $myconf->{'password'}, 30)); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mdbname'}, &ui_textbox("mdbname_$i", $myconf->{'dbname'}, 30)); if ($postfix_version >= 2.2) { # Can use custom query $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mquery'}, &ui_opt_textbox("mquery_$i", $myconf->{'query'}, 40, $text{'chooser_none'})); } $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mtable'}, &ui_textbox("mtable_$i", $myconf->{'table'}, 30)); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mwhere_field'}, &ui_textbox("mwhere_field_$i", $myconf->{'where_field'}, 30)); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_mselect_field'}, &ui_textbox("mselect_field_$i", $myconf->{'select_field'}, 30)); $mtable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_madditional_conditions'}, &ui_opt_textbox("madditional_conditions_$i", $myconf->{'additional_conditions'}, 30, $text{'chooser_none'})); $mtable .= &ui_table_end(); # For LDAP, read config and generate inputs too $lconf = { }; if ($t eq "ldap") { $lconf = &get_backend_config($tv->[1]); } $ltable = &ui_table_start(undef, "width=100%", 2, [ "nowrap", "nowrap" ]); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lserver_host'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lserver_host_$i", $lconf->{'server_host'}, 30, "localhost")); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lserver_port'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lserver_port_$i", $lconf->{'server_port'}, 5, "$text{'default'} (389)")); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lstart_tls'}, &ui_radio("lstart_tls_$i", $lconf->{'start_tls'} || 'no', [ [ 'yes', $text{'yes'} ], [ 'no', $text{'no'} ] ])); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lsearch_base'}, &ui_textbox("lsearch_base_$i", $lconf->{'search_base'}, 50)); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lquery_filter'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lquery_filter_$i", $lconf->{'query_filter'},50, "$text{'default'} (mailacceptinggeneralid=%s)
", $text{'chooser_lfilter'})); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lresult_attribute'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lresult_attribute_$i", $lconf->{'result_attribute'}, 20, "$text{'default'} (maildrop)
", $text{'chooser_lattribute'})); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lscope'}, &ui_select("lscope_$i", $lconf->{'scope'}, [ [ "", "$text{'default'} ($text{'chooser_lsub'})" ], map { [ $_, $text{'chooser_l'.$_} ] } ('sub', 'base', 'one') ])); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lbind'}, &ui_radio("lbind_$i", $lconf->{'bind'} || 'yes', [ [ 'yes', $text{'yes'} ], [ 'no', $text{'no'} ] ])); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lbind_dn'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lbind_dn_$i", $lconf->{'bind_dn'}, 40, $text{'chooser_none'})); $ltable .= &ui_table_row($text{'chooser_lbind_pw'}, &ui_opt_textbox("lbind_pw_$i", $lconf->{'bind_pw'}, 20, $text{'chooser_none'})); $ltable .= &ui_table_end(); # Generate possible modes @opts = ( ); push(@opts, [ "", $text{'chooser_none'} ]); push(@opts, [ "hash", $text{'chooser_hash'}, &ui_textbox("hash_$i", $t eq "hash" ? $tv->[1] : undef, 50) ]); push(@opts, [ "regexp", $text{'chooser_regexp'}, &ui_textbox("regexp_$i", $t eq "regexp" ? $tv->[1] : undef, 50) ]); if (&supports_map_type("pcre")) { push(@opts, [ "pcre", $text{'chooser_pcre'}, &ui_textbox("pcre_$i", $t eq "pcre" ? $tv->[1] : undef, 50) ]); } if (&supports_map_type("mysql")) { push(@opts, [ "mysql", $text{'chooser_mysql'}, $mtable ]); if (@sources || $t eq "mysqlsrc") { push(@opts, [ "mysqlsrc", $text{'chooser_mysqlsrc'}, &ui_select("mysqlsrc_$i", $t eq "mysqlsrc" ? $tv->[1] : undef, \@sources) ]); } } if (&supports_map_type("ldap")) { push(@opts, [ "ldap", $text{'chooser_ldap'}, $ltable ]); } push(@opts, [ "other", $text{'chooser_other'}, &ui_textbox("other_$i", $t eq "other" ? $tv->[1] : undef, 60) ]); # Display mode selector print &ui_table_row(undef, &ui_radio_table("type_$i", $t, \@opts), 2); print &ui_hidden_table_end(); $i++; } print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'save'} ] ]); &popup_footer();