---- Changes since 1.130 ---- Added a button to the mail queue page for flushing the queue. ---- Changes since 1.140 ---- Added the ability to search the mail queue. Removed the mail reading feature and associated ACLs, as this functionality has been moved to the Read User Mail module. ---- Changes since 1.150 ---- Added an option to the autoreply file editing page for specifying addresses to never auto-repond to. Accepts wildcards like *@foo.com or fred@*. ---- Changes since 1.160 ---- Added an icon for checking the current Postfix configuration. ---- Changes since 1.190 ---- Added support for the mynetworks_style option. ---- Changes since 1.200 ---- The header_checks table for rejecting or redirecting email based on its headers can now be edited. ---- Changes since 1.210 ---- Added buttons on the mail queue page to re-queue, hold and un-hold messages. ---- Changes since 1.220 ---- Added support for the body_checks table, and improved the UI for editing the header_checks table. Thanks to Vincent Ertner for sponsoring this feature. Added a button on all map lists to edit the map data file manually. ---- Changes since 1.230 ---- When deleting messages from the mail queue, Webmin will prompt for confirmation first. ---- Changes since 1.240 ---- Added support for the new RBL lookup parameters, thanks to Roberto Tecchio. When creating an autoreply alias, you can enter regexps that the headers will be checked against to prevent the reply. Added a page for editing Postfix server processes, as defined in the master.cf file. ---- Changes since 1.250 ---- Added a Module Config option to display aliases and other tables in one column instead of two, to increase readability when long aliases or domain names exist. Added checkboxes and buttons on the aliases, virtual domains and other list pages for deleting several at once. Added an icon for editing the Postfix main and master configuration files. ---- Changes since 1.290 ---- All Postfix table entries (including aliases) can have human-readable descriptions associated with them. These are stored as comments in the appropriate config file. ---- Changes since 1.300 ---- Added locking and logging for all actions, so that changes can be viewed in the Webmin Actions Log module. Users who are not allowed to manually edit the Postfix main.cf are also prevented from manually editing map files. Added an access control option to limit the directory for maps files. ---- Changes since 1.310 ---- Added a Module Config option for the path to postsuper, which is used instead of assuming that it is in the PATH. ---- Changes since 1.330 ---- Postfix configuration parameters are read from main.cf directly, instead of calling the postconf command (which is slow). ---- Changes since 1.340 ---- Added Module Config options for stop, start and reload commands. Allow map files are now checked when listing and editing virtusers and other map types. ---- Changes since 1.360 ---- Added the new SMTP Authentication And Encryption page for setting SASL and TLS related options. ---- Changes since 1.370 ---- Added a popup window for selecting a map source, rather than having to type in something like hash:/etc/postfix/virtual . This source can be an LDAP or MySQL database on Postfix systems that support it, which will trigger the automatic creation of a configuration file if needed. Maps in MySQL and LDAP databases can be viewed and edited in the same way that those in regular files are, if the appropriate Perl modules are installed (DBI and DBD::mysql for MySQL, or Net::LDAP for LDAP). This also applies to email aliases. ---- Changes since 1.380 ---- Fixed a bug that prevented comments and manual map editing, and added back support for PCRE and BTREE maps. Added a button for manually editing the aliases file. Added more SMTP relaying restrictions. ---- Changes since 1.390 ---- Outgoing email from selected addresses and domains can now be BCCd automatically using the new BCC Mapping page. ---- Changes since 1.400 ---- Changed the default LDAP class for maps to inetLocalMailRecipient. ---- Changes since 1.410 ---- Added the SMTP Client Restrictions page, and replaced some oddly-designed UI fields on the SMTP Server Options page to it with more Webmin-standard inputs for configuring RBLs and client access. Updated the BCC Mappings page to allow both sender and recipient maps to be defined and edited. ---- Changes since 1.420 ---- Properly handle multiple reject_rbl_client DNS domains on the SMTP Client Restrictions page. ---- Changes since 1.430 ---- Converted all pages to use the new Webmin UI library, for a more consistent and themable look. Autoreply messages containing non-ASCII characters are now properly quoted-printable encoded. ---- Changes since 1.440 ---- Added a module config option to control if the user is prompted for confirmation before deleting queued messages. ---- Changes since 1.450 ---- Changed the mail queue date format to yyyy/mm/dd, for easier sorting. ---- Changes since 1.490 ---- Added support for the Postfix 2.3 smtpd_tls_security_level option. Improved Postfix main.cf file parser to skip indented blank lines. Changed map deletion function to not remove expected line, which can otherwise cause file corruption. Autoreply messages starting with or will now be sent using the tex t/html MIME type. ---- Changes since 1.500 ---- If a map is made up of files in multiple directories and a Webmin user has a directory restriction defined, he will be able to edit map entries in files under that directory. Fixed the descriptions of logged events as shown in the Webmin Actions Log module. ---- Changes since 1.510 ---- Added support for CIDR maps and multiple SMTP client restriction maps. Added spam checking to the autoreply script, if spamassassin is installed. ---- Changes since 1.550 ---- Fixed a bug that prevented editing of server processes with the same name but different types, and add detection of clashes for servers with the same name and type. Added an option to the SMTP Authentication page for setting the login and password for Postfix to use when sending email via another mail server. Destination email addresses that are allowed for relaying can now be configured on the SMTP Server Options page. This makes use of the Postfix relay_recipient_maps directive. ---- Changes since 1.560 ---- Added a refresh button to the mail queue.