#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_aifc.cgi # Save, create or delete an active interface require './net-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); @acts = &active_interfaces(1); if ($in{'delete'}) { # delete an interface &error_setup($text{'aifc_err1'}); $a = $acts[$in{'idx'}]; &can_iface($a) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot_this'}); &deactivate_interface($a); &webmin_log("delete", "aifc", $a->{'fullname'}, $a); } else { # Validate and save inputs &error_setup($text{'aifc_err2'}); if (!$in{'new'}) { # Editing existing interface $olda = $acts[$in{'idx'}]; &can_iface($olda) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot_this'}); $a->{'name'} = $olda->{'name'}; $a->{'fullname'} = $olda->{'fullname'}; $a->{'virtual'} = $olda->{'virtual'} if (defined($olda->{'virtual'})); } elsif (defined($in{'virtual'})) { # creating a virtual interface $in{'virtual'} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error($text{'aifc_evirt'}); $in{'virtual'} >= $min_virtual_number || &error(&text('aifc_evirtmin', $min_virtual_number)); foreach $ea (@acts) { if ($ea->{'name'} eq $in{'name'} && $ea->{'virtual'} eq $in{'virtual'}) { &error(&text('aifc_evirtdup', "$in{'name'}:$in{'virtual'}")); } } $a->{'name'} = $in{'name'}; $a->{'virtual'} = $in{'virtual'}; $a->{'fullname'} = $a->{'name'}.":".$a->{'virtual'}; &can_create_iface() || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); &can_iface($a) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); } elsif ($in{'name'} =~ /^([a-z]+\d*(\.\d+)?):(\d+)$/) { # also creating a virtual interface foreach $ea (@acts) { if ($ea->{'name'} eq $1 && $ea->{'virtual'} eq $3) { &error(&text('aifc_evirtdup', $in{'name'})); } } $3 >= $min_virtual_number || &error(&text('aifc_evirtmin', $min_virtual_number)); $a->{'name'} = $1; $a->{'virtual'} = $3; $a->{'fullname'} = $a->{'name'}.":".$a->{'virtual'}; &can_create_iface() || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); &can_iface($a) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); } elsif ($in{'name'} =~ /^[a-z]+\d*(\.\d+)?$/) { # creating a real interface foreach $ea (@acts) { if ($ea->{'name'} eq $in{'name'}) { &error(&text('aifc_edup', $in{'name'})); } } $a->{'name'} = $in{'name'}; $a->{'fullname'} = $in{'name'}; &can_create_iface() || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); &can_iface($a) || &error($text{'ifcs_ecannot'}); } else { &error($text{'aifc_ename'}); } # Validate and store inputs &check_ipaddress_any($in{'address'}) || &error(&text('aifc_eip', $in{'address'})); $a->{'address'} = $in{'address'}; # Check for address clash $allow_clash = defined(&allow_interface_clash) ? &allow_interface_clash($a, 0) : 1; if (!$allow_clash && ($in{'new'} || $olda->{'address'} ne $a->{'address'})) { ($clash) = grep { $_->{'address'} eq $a->{'address'} } @acts; $clash && &error(&text('aifc_eclash', $clash->{'fullname'})); } if ($virtual_netmask && $a->{'virtual'} ne "") { # Always use this netmask for virtuals $a->{'netmask'} = $virtual_netmask; } elsif (!$access{'netmask'}) { # Use default netmask $a->{'netmask'} = $in{'new'} ? $config{'def_netmask'} || "" : $olda->{'netmask'}; } elsif (!$in{'netmask_def'}) { &check_netmask($in{'netmask'},$a->{'address'}) || &error(&text('aifc_emask', $in{'netmask'})); $a->{'netmask'} = $in{'netmask'}; } if (!$access{'broadcast'}) { # Compute broadcast $a->{'netmask'} = $in{'new'} ? &compute_broadcast($a->{'address'}, $a->{'netmask'}) : $olda->{'broadcast'}; } elsif (!$in{'broadcast_def'}) { &check_ipaddress_any($in{'broadcast'}) || &error(&text('aifc_ebroad', $in{'broadcast'})); $a->{'broadcast'} = $in{'broadcast'}; } if (!$access{'mtu'}) { # Use default MTU $a->{'mtu'} = $in{'new'} ? $config{'def_mtu'} : $olda->{'mtu'}; } elsif (!$in{'mtu_def'}) { $in{'mtu'} =~ /^\d+$/ || &error(&text('aifc_emtu', $in{'mtu'})); $a->{'mtu'} = $in{'mtu'} if ($olda->{'mtu'} ne $in{'mtu'}); } # Save active flag if (!$access{'up'}) { $a->{'up'} = $in{'new'} ? 1 : $olda->{'up'}; } elsif ($in{'up'}) { $a->{'up'}++; } # Save IPv6 addresses if (&supports_address6($a) && $in{'mode6'} eq 'address') { # Has IPv6 addresses @address6 = ( ); @netmask6 = ( ); %clash6 = ( ); foreach $eb (@acts) { if ($eb->{'fullname'} ne $a->{'fullname'}) { foreach $a6 (@{$eb->{'address6'}}) { $clash6{$a6} = $eb; } } } for($i=0; defined($in{'address6_'.$i}); $i++) { next if ($in{'address6_'.$i} !~ /\S/); &check_ip6address($in{'address6_'.$i}) || &error(&text('aifc_eaddress6', $i+1)); $c = $clash6{$in{'address6_'.$i}}; $c && &error(&text('aifc_eclash6', $i+1, $c->{'name'})); push(@address6, $in{'address6_'.$i}); $in{'netmask6_'.$i} =~ /^\d+$/ && $in{'netmask6_'.$i} > 0 && $in{'netmask6_'.$i} <= 128 || &error(&text('aifc_enetmask6', $i+1)); push(@netmask6, $in{'netmask6_'.$i}); $clash6{$in{'address6_'.$i}} = $a; } @address6 || &error($text{'aifc_eaddresses6'}); $a->{'address6'} = \@address6; $a->{'netmask6'} = \@netmask6; } elsif (&supports_address6($a) && $in{'mode6'} eq 'none') { # IPv6 addresses disabled delete($a->{'address6'}); delete($a->{'netmask6'}); } if (!$in{'ether_def'} && $a->{'virtual'} eq "" && &iface_hardware($a->{'name'})) { $in{'ether'} =~ /^[A-Fa-f0-9:]+$/ || &error(&text('aifc_ehard', $in{'ether'})); $a->{'ether'} = $in{'ether'} if ($olda->{'ether'} ne $in{'ether'}); } $a->{'fullname'} = $a->{'name'}. ($a->{'virtual'} eq '' ? '' : ':'.$a->{'virtual'}); # Bring it up &activate_interface($a); &webmin_log($in{'new'} ? 'create' : 'modify', "aifc", $a->{'fullname'}, $a); } &redirect("list_ifcs.cgi?mode=active");