#!/usr/local/bin/perl # backup_db.cgi # Do the actual backup require './mysql-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); if ($in{'all'}) { @alldbs = grep { &supports_backup_db($_) } &list_databases(); @dbs = grep { &can_edit_db($_) } @alldbs; @alldbs == @dbs || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } else { &can_edit_db($in{'db'}) || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); } $access{'edonly'} && &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); $access{'buser'} || &error($text{'dbase_ecannot'}); &error_setup($text{'backup_err'}); if (!$in{'save'} || $in{'sched'}) { if ($in{'all'}) { -d $in{'file'} || -d &date_subs($in{'file'}) || $in{'mkdir'} || &error($text{'backup_efile2'}); } else { $in{'file'} =~ /^\/\S+$/ || &error($text{'backup_efile'}); } $in{'where_def'} || $in{'where'} || &error($text{'backup_ewhere'}); $in{'charset_def'} || $in{'charset'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error($text{'backup_echarset'}); $ccmd = $in{'compress'} == 1 ? "gzip" : $in{'compress'} == 2 ? "bzip2" : undef; !$ccmd || &has_command($ccmd) || &error(&text('backup_eccmd', "$ccmd")); if (!&is_under_directory($access{'bpath'}, $in{'file'})) { &error($text{'backup_epath'}."
". &text('backup_eunder', "$access{'bpath'}")); } if (!$in{'all'} && !$in{'tables_def'}) { @tables = split(/\0/, $in{'tables'}); @tables || &error($text{'backup_etables'}); } } @compat = $in{'compatible_def'} ? ( ) : ( $in{'compatible'} ); push(@compat, split(/\0/, $in{'options'})); $cron = !$module_info{'usermin'} && $access{'buser'} eq 'root' && !$access{'user'} && &foreign_installed("cron"); $cmode = 0; if ($cron) { $config{'backup_before_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'before'}; $config{'backup_after_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'after'}; if ($in{'all'}) { $config{'backup_cmode_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'cmode'}; $cmode = $in{'cmode'}; } &foreign_require("cron", "cron-lib.pl"); @jobs = &cron::list_cron_jobs(); $cmd = $in{'all'} ? "$cron_cmd --all" : "$cron_cmd $in{'db'}"; ($job) = grep { $_->{'command'} eq $cmd } @jobs; $oldjob = $job; $job ||= { 'command' => $cmd, 'user' => 'root', 'active' => 1 }; &cron::parse_times_input($job, \%in); } # Save choices for next time the form is visited (and for the cron job) if ($module_info{'usermin'}) { $userconfig{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'file'}; $userconfig{'backup_where_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'where_def'} ? undef : $in{'where'}; $userconfig{'backup_charset_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'charset_def'} ? undef : $in{'charset'}; $userconfig{'backup_compatible_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'compatible_def'} ? undef : $in{'compatible'}; $userconfig{'backup_options_'.$in{'db'}} = join(" ", split(/\0/, $in{'options'})); $userconfig{'backup_compress_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'compress'}; $userconfig{'backup_drop_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'drop'}; $userconfig{'backup_single_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'single'}; $userconfig{'backup_tables_'.$in{'db'}} = join(" ", @tables); &write_file("$user_module_config_directory/config", \%userconfig); } else { $config{'backup_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'file'}; $config{'backup_mkdir_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'mkdir'}; $config{'backup_where_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'where_def'} ? undef : $in{'where'}; $config{'backup_charset_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'charset_def'} ? undef : $in{'charset'}; $config{'backup_compatible_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'compatible_def'} ? undef : $in{'compatible'}; $config{'backup_options_'.$in{'db'}} = join(" ", split(/\0/, $in{'options'})); $config{'backup_compress_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'compress'}; $config{'backup_drop_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'drop'}; $config{'backup_single_'.$in{'db'}} = $in{'single'}; $config{'backup_tables_'.$in{'db'}} = join(" ", @tables); &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%config); } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'backup_title'}, ""); if (!$in{'save'}) { # Actually execute the backup now @dbs = $in{'all'} ? @alldbs : ( $in{'db'} ); if ($cmode == 1) { # Run and check before-backup command (for all DBs) $bok = &execute_before(undef, STDOUT, 1, $in{'file'}, undef); if (!$bok) { print "$main::whatfailed : ", $text{'backup_ebefore'},"

\n"; goto donebackup; } } foreach $db (@dbs) { if ($in{'all'}) { $dir = &date_subs($in{'file'}); &make_dir($dir, 0755) if ($in{'mkdir'}); $file = $dir."/".$db.".sql". ($in{'compress'} == 1 ? ".gz" : $in{'compress'} == 2 ? ".bz2" : ""); } else { $file = &date_subs($in{'file'}); } if ($cron && $cmode == 0) { # Run and check before-backup command (for one DB) $bok = &execute_before($db, STDOUT, 1, $file, $in{'all'} ? undef : $db); if (!$bok) { print "$main::whatfailed : ", $text{'backup_ebefore'},"

\n"; next; } } unlink($file); local $err = &backup_database($db, $file, $in{'compress'}, $in{'drop'}, $in{'where_def'} ? undef : $in{'where'}, $in{'charset_def'} ? undef : $in{'charset'}, \@compat, \@tables, $access{'buser'}, $in{'single'}); if ($err) { print "$main::whatfailed : ", &text('backup_ebackup',"


\n"; } else { @st = stat($file); print &text('backup_done', "$db", "$file", int($st[7])),"

\n"; } &execute_after($db, STDOUT, 1, $file, $in{'all'} ? undef : $db) if ($cron && $cmode == 0); } &execute_after(undef, STDOUT, 1, $in{'file'}, undef) if ($cmode == 1); donebackup: } if ($cron) { &lock_file($cron_cmd); &cron::create_wrapper($cron_cmd, $module_name, "backup.pl"); &unlock_file($cron_cmd); &lock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); if ($in{'sched'} && !$oldjob) { &cron::create_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_ccron"; } elsif (!$in{'sched'} && $oldjob) { # Need to delete cron job &cron::delete_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_dcron"; } elsif ($in{'sched'} && $oldjob) { # Need to update cron job &cron::change_cron_job($job); $what = "backup_ucron"; } else { $what = "backup_ncron"; } &unlock_file(&cron::cron_file($job)); # Tell the user what was done print $text{$what},"

\n" if ($what); } &webmin_log("backup", undef, $in{'all'} ? "" : $in{'db'}, \%in); if ($in{'all'}) { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("edit_dbase.cgi?db=$in{'db'}", $text{'dbase_return'}, "", $text{'index_return'}); }