#!/usr/local/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display all mailing lists and majordomo options require './majordomo-lib.pl'; %access = &get_module_acl(); # Check for the majordomo config file if (!-r $config{'majordomo_cf'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("majordomo", "man", "doc", "google")); print &text('index_econfig', "$config{'majordomo_cf'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check for the programs dir if (!-d $config{'program_dir'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("majordomo", "man", "doc", "google")); print &text('index_eprograms', "$config{'program_dir'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check majordomo version if (!-r "$config{'program_dir'}/majordomo_version.pl") { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("majordomo", "man", "doc", "google")); print &text('index_eversion2', "majordomo_version.pl", $config{'program_dir'}, "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"), "

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } require "$config{'program_dir'}/majordomo_version.pl"; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("majordomo", "man", "doc", "google"), undef, undef, &text('index_version', $majordomo_version)); if ($majordomo_version < 1.94 || $majordomo_version >= 2) { print "$text{'index_eversion'}

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check $homedir in majordomo.cf $conf = &get_config(); if (!&homedir_valid($conf)) { print &text('index_ehomedir', "$homedir"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check $listdir in majordomo.cf $listdir = &perl_var_replace(&find_value("listdir", $conf), $conf); if (!-d $listdir) { print &text('index_elistdir', "$listdir"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # Check if module needed for aliases is OK if ($config{'aliases_file'} eq 'postfix') { # Postfix has to be installed &foreign_installed("postfix", 1) || &ui_print_endpage(&text('index_epostfix', '../postfix/')); } elsif ($config{'aliases_file'} eq '') { # Sendmail has to be installed &foreign_installed("sendmail", 1) || &ui_print_endpage(&text('index_esendmail2', '','../sendmail/')); } else { # Only the sendmail module has to be installed &foreign_check("sendmail") || &ui_print_endpage(&text('index_esendmail3')); } # Check for the majordomo aliases $aliases_files = &get_aliases_file(); $email = &find_value("whoami", $conf); $email =~ s/\@.*$//g; $owner = &find_value("whoami_owner", $conf); $owner =~ s/\@.*$//g; @aliases = &foreign_call($aliases_module, "list_aliases", $aliases_files); foreach $a (@aliases) { if ($a->{'enabled'} && lc($a->{'name'}) eq lc($email)) { $majordomo_alias = 1; } if ($a->{'enabled'} && lc($a->{'name'}) eq lc($owner)) { $majordomo_owner = 1; } } # Offer to setup aliases if (!$majordomo_alias) { print "

$text{'index_setupdesc'}\n"; print "

\n"; if (!$majordomo_owner) { print "$text{'index_owner'}\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print &ui_hr(); } # Display active lists @lists = &list_lists($conf); @lists = sort { $a cmp $b } @lists if ($config{'sort_mode'}); map { $lcan{$_}++ } split(/\s+/, $access{'lists'}); foreach $l (grep { $lcan{$_} || $lcan{"*"} } @lists) { push(@links, "edit_list.cgi?name=$l"); push(@titles, &html_escape($l)); push(@icons, "images/list.gif"); } if (@links) { @crlinks = ( "$text{'index_add'}" ); if (@links) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_digest'}"); } if ($access{'create'}) { print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); } &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, 5); } else { print "$text{'index_none'}.

\n"; } if ($access{'create'}) { print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); } if ($access{'global'}) { print &ui_hr(); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});