#!/usr/local/bin/perl # detach.cgi # View one attachment from a message use Socket; require './mailboxes-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); &can_user($in{'user'}) || &error($text{'mail_ecannot'}); @folders = &list_user_folders($in{'user'}); $folder = $folders[$in{'folder'}]; @mail = &mailbox_list_mails($in{'idx'}, $in{'idx'}, $folder); $mail = $mail[$in{'idx'}]; &parse_mail($mail); @sub = split(/\0/, $in{'sub'}); foreach $s (@sub) { # We are looking at a mail within a mail .. local $amail = &extract_mail($mail->{'attach'}->[$s]->{'data'}); &parse_mail($amail); $mail = $amail; } $attach = $mail->{'attach'}->[$in{'attach'}]; if ($in{'scale'}) { # Scale the gif or jpeg image to 48 pixels high local $temp = &transname(); open(TEMP, ">$temp"); print TEMP $attach->{'data'}; close(TEMP); $SIG{'CHLD'} = sub { wait; }; if ($attach->{'type'} eq 'image/gif') { ($pnmin, $pnmout) = &pipeopen("giftopnm $temp"); } elsif ($attach->{'type'} eq 'image/jpeg') { ($pnmin, $pnmout) = &pipeopen("djpeg -fast $temp"); } else { &dump_erroricon(); } close($pnmin); $type = <$pnmout>; $size = <$pnmout>; unlink($temp); $type =~ /^P[0-9]/ || &dump_erroricon(); $size =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ || &dump_erroricon(); ($w, $h) = ($1, $2); if ($w > 48) { $scale = 48.0 / $w; } else { $scale = 48.0 / $h; } ($jpegin, $jpegout) = &pipeopen("pnmscale $scale 2>/dev/null | cjpeg"); print $jpegin $type; print $jpegin $size; while(read($pnmout, $buf, 1024)) { print $jpegin $buf; } close($jpegin); close($pnmout); print "Content-type: image/jpeg\n\n"; while(read($jpegout, $buf, 1024)) { print $buf; } close($jpegout); } else { # Just output the attachment print "X-no-links: 1\n"; @download = split(/\t+/, $config{'download'}); if ($in{'type'}) { # Display as a specific MIME type print "Content-type: $in{'type'}\n\n"; print $attach->{'data'}; } else { # Auto-detect type if ($in{'save'}) { # Force download print "Content-Disposition: Attachment\n"; } if ($attach->{'type'} eq 'message/delivery-status') { print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; } else { print "Content-type: $attach->{'type'}\n\n"; } } if ($attach->{'type'} =~ /^text\/html/i && !$in{'save'}) { print &safe_urls(&filter_javascript($attach->{'data'})); } else { print $attach->{'data'}; } } &pop3_logout_all(); sub dump_erroricon { print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n"; open(ICON, "images/error.gif"); while() { print; } close(ICON); exit; } # pipeopen(command) sub pipeopen { $pipe++; local $inr = "INr$pipe"; local $inw = "INw$pipe"; local $outr = "OUTr$pipe"; local $outw = "OUTw$pipe"; pipe($inr, $inw); pipe($outr, $outw); if (!fork()) { untie(*STDIN); untie(*STDOUT); open(STDIN, "<&$inr"); open(STDOUT, ">&$outw"); close($inw); close($outr); exec($_[0]); print STDERR "exec failed : $!\n"; exit 1; } close($inr); close($outw); return ($inw, $outr); }