#!/usr/local/bin/perl # search_group.cgi # Ask the LDAP server to return groups matching some query require './ldap-useradmin-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); &useradmin::load_theme_library(); # So that ui functions work # Do the search $ldap = &ldap_connect(); $base = &get_group_base(); if ($in{'match'} == 0) { $search = "($in{'field'}=$in{'what'})"; } elsif ($in{'match'} == 1) { $search = "($in{'field'}=*$in{'what'}*)"; } elsif ($in{'match'} == 2) { $search = "(!($in{'field'}=$in{'what'}))"; } elsif ($in{'match'} == 3) { $search = "(!($in{'field'}=*$in{'what'}*))"; } $rv = $ldap->search(base => $base, filter => "(&".&group_filter().$search.")"); if ($rv->code) { &error(&text('search_err', "$search", "$base", $rv->error)); } @groups = $rv->all_entries; if ($in{'match'} == 6) { # Apply less-than filter manually @groups = grep { $_->get_value($in{'field'}) < $in{'what'} } @groups; } elsif ($in{'match'} == 7) { # Apply greater-than filter manually @groups = grep { $_->get_value($in{'field'}) > $in{'what'} } @groups; } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'search_title'}, ""); if (@groups == 0) { print "


\n"; } else { @glist = map { { &dn_to_hash($_) } } @groups; &useradmin::groups_table(\@glist, 0, 1); } &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});