#!/usr/bin/perl # Actually do a restore require './itsecur-lib.pl'; &can_edit_error("restore"); &error_setup($text{'restore_err'}); &ReadParseMime(); # Validate inputs if (!$in{'src_def'}) { if (-d $in{'src'}) { $in{'src'} .= "/firewall.zip"; } -r $in{'src'} || &error_cleanup($text{'restore_esrc'}); $file = $in{'src'}; } else { $in{'file'} || &error_cleanup($text{'restore_efile'}); $file = &tempname(); open(FILE, ">$file"); print FILE $in{'file'}; close(FILE); } if (!$in{'pass_def'}) { $in{'pass'} || &error_cleanup($text{'backup_epass'}); } @what = split(/\0/, $in{'what'}); @what || &error_cleanup($text{'restore_ewhat'}); %what = map { $_, 1 } @what; # Extract the zip file $tempdir = &tempname(); mkdir($tempdir, 0700); $pass = $in{'pass_def'} ? undef : "-P '$in{'pass'}'"; $out = &backquote_logged("(cd $tempdir && unzip $pass '$file') 2>&1 {'name'}, $_ } @groups; %services = map { $_->{'name'}, $_ } @services; %times = map { $_->{'name'}, $_ } @times; foreach $r (@rules) { foreach $g (split(/\s+/, $r->{'source'}), split(/\s+/, $r->{'dest'})) { if ($g =~ /^\!?\@(.*)$/ && !$groups{$1}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_egroup', "$1", $r->{'num'})); } } foreach $s (split(/,/, $r->{'service'})) { if ($s ne "*" && !$services{$s}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_eservice', $s, $r->{'num'})); } } if ($r->{'time'} ne "*" && !$times{$r->{'time'}}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_etime', $r->{'time'}, $r->{'num'})); } } foreach $n (@nats) { if (!ref($n) && $n =~ /^\!?(.*)$/ && !$groups{$1}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_enat', $1)); } } foreach $p (@pats) { if (!$services{$p->{'service'}}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_epat', $p->{'service'})); } } foreach $n (@nats) { if (!ref($n) && $n =~ /^\!?(.*)$/ && !$groups{$1}) { push(@cerrs, &text('restore_enat', $1)); } } if (@cerrs) { # Tell the user &header($text{'restore_title'}, "", undef, undef, undef, undef, &apply_button()); print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; &footer("", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } # Copy to the config directory &automatic_backup(); &lock_itsecur_files(); foreach $w (@what) { if ($w eq "ipsec") { # Copy ipsec config to proper location if (&has_ipsec() && -r "$tempdir/ipsec.conf") { &lock_file($ipsec::config{'file'}); &lock_file($ipsec::config{'secrets'}); system("cp $tempdir/ipsec.conf $ipsec::config{'file'}"); system("cp $tempdir/ipsec.secrets $ipsec::config{'secrets'}"); &unlock_file($ipsec::config{'file'}); &unlock_file($ipsec::config{'secrets'}); } } elsif ($w eq "users") { # Copy Webmin user files &lock_file("$config_directory/miniserv.users"); &lock_file("$config_directory/webmin.acl"); system("cp $tempdir/miniserv.users $config_directory/miniserv.users"); system("cp $tempdir/webmin.acl $config_directory/webmin.acl"); foreach $a (glob("$tempdir/*.acl")) { local $fn = $a; $fn =~ s/^.*\///; if ($fn ne "webmin.acl") { &lock_file("$module_config_directory/$fn"); system("cp $a $module_config_directory/$fn"); &unlock_file("$module_config_directory/$fn"); } } &unlock_file("$config_directory/miniserv.users"); &unlock_file("$config_directory/webmin.acl"); &restart_miniserv(); } elsif ($w eq "searches") { # Copy searches directory mkdir($searches_directory, 0755); system("cp $tempdir/searches/* $searches_directory >/dev/null 2>&1"); } elsif ($w eq "config") { # Update module config - except system type local %newconfig; &read_file("$tempdir/config", \%newconfig); $newconfig{'type'} = $config{'type'}; &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%newconfig); } else { if (-r "$tempdir/$w") { system("cp $tempdir/$w $module_config_directory"); } } } &unlock_itsecur_files(); # Tell the user &header($text{'restore_title'}, "", undef, undef, undef, undef, &apply_button()); print "
\n"; print "


\n"; &cleanup(); print "

\n"; &footer("", $text{'index_return'}); &remote_webmin_log("restore", undef, $in{'src_def'} ? undef : $in{'src'}); sub error_cleanup { &cleanup(); &error(@_); } sub cleanup { unlink($file) if ($in{'src_def'}); system("rm -rf $tempdir") if ($tempdir); } sub if_exists { return -r "$tempdir/$_[0]" && $what{$_[0]} ? "$tempdir/$_[0]" : undef; }