#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Start or stop a bunch of upstart services require './init-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); @sel = split(/\0/, $in{'d'}); @sel || &error($text{'mass_enone'}); $start = 1 if ($in{'start'} || $in{'addboot_start'}); $stop = 1 if ($in{'stop'} || $in{'delboot_stop'}); $restart = 1 if ($in{'restart'} || $in{'delboot_restart'}); $enable = 1 if ($in{'addboot'} || $in{'addboot_start'}); $disable = 1 if ($in{'delboot'} || $in{'delboot_stop'}); &ui_print_unbuffered_header(undef, $start || $enable ? $text{'mass_ustart'} : $text{'mass_ustop'}, ""); if ($start || $stop || $restart) { # Starting or stopping a bunch of services $access{'bootup'} || &error($text{'ss_ecannot'}); foreach $s (@sel) { if ($start) { print &text('mass_ustarting', "$s"),"

\n"; ($ok, $out) = &start_upstart_service($s); } elsif ($stop) { print &text('mass_ustopping', "$s"),"

\n"; ($ok, $out) = &stop_upstart_service($s); } elsif ($restart) { print &text('mass_urestarting', "$s"),"

\n"; ($ok, $out) = &restart_upstart_service($s); } print "

"; if (!$ok) { print $text{'mass_failed'},"

\n"; } else { print $text{'mass_ok'},"

\n"; } } &webmin_log($start ? 'massstart' : $stop ? 'massstop' : 'massrestart', 'upstart', join(" ", @sel)); } if ($enable || $disable) { # Enable or disable at boot $access{'bootup'} == 1 || &error($text{'edit_ecannot'}); foreach $b (@sel) { if ($enable) { print &text('mass_uenable', "$b"),"

\n"; &enable_at_boot($b); } else { print &text('mass_udisable', "$b"),"

\n"; &disable_at_boot($b); } } &webmin_log($enable ? 'massenable' : 'massdisable', 'upstart', join(" ", @sel)); } if ($in{'return'}) { &ui_print_footer("edit_upstart.cgi?name=".&urlize($in{'return'}), $text{'upstart_return'}); } else { &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); }