#!/usr/local/bin/perl # index.cgi # Display GRUB menu titles require './grub-lib.pl'; &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("grub", "man", "doc")); # Check that GRUB is installed if (!-r $config{'menu_file'}) { print "

",&text('index_efile', "$config{'menu_file'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } if (!&has_command($config{'grub_path'})) { print "

",&text('index_epath', "$config{'grub_path'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'}); exit; } # List the boot options @crlinks = ( "$text{'index_add'}" ); $conf = &get_menu_config(); $def = &find_value("default", $conf); @t = &find("title", $conf); $i = 0; foreach $t (@t) { push(@icons, $t->{'chainloader'} ? "images/chain.gif" : "images/kernel.gif"); local $tt = &html_escape($t->{'value'}); push(@titles, $def == $i ? "$tt" : $tt); push(@links, "edit_title.cgi?idx=$t->{'index'}"); push(@befores, $i == 0 ? "<< | " : "". "<< | "); push(@afters, $i == @t-1 ? " | >>" : " | ". ">>"); $i++; } if (@links) { print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, 4, undef, undef, undef, \@befores, \@afters); } else { print "$text{'index_none'}

\n"; } print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); print &ui_hr(); print &ui_buttons_start(); # Global options button print &ui_buttons_row("edit_global.cgi", $text{'index_global'}, $text{'index_globalmsg'}); # Install button %flang = &load_language('fdisk'); $text{'select_part'} = $flang{'select_part'}; $text{'select_device'} = $flang{'select_device'}; $text{'select_fd'} = $flang{'select_fd'}; $r = $config{'install'}; $dev = &bios_to_linux($r); &foreign_require("mount", "mount-lib.pl"); $dev = &mount::device_name($dev); print &ui_buttons_row("install.cgi", $text{'index_install'}, &text('index_installmsg', $dev), &ui_hidden("dev", $dev)); print &ui_buttons_end(); &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index'});