#!/usr/local/bin/perl # index.cgi # Output HTML for the file manager applet require './file-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); $theme_no_table = 1; if ($access{'uid'} < 0 && !defined(getpwnam($remote_user))) { &error(&text('index_eremote', $remote_user)); } # Display header, depending on how many modules the user has &read_acl(undef, \%acl); $mc = @{$acl{$base_remote_user}} == 1; $nolo = $ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'} || $ENV{'SSL_USER'} || $ENV{'LOCAL_USER'} || $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /webmin/i; if ($gconfig{'gotoone'} && $mc == 1 && !$nolo) { &header($text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 0, 1); $w = 100; $h = 80; } else { &header($text{'index_title'}); $w = 100; $h = 100; if (!$tconfig{'inframe'}) { $return = ""; $returnhtml = &text('index_index', "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/")."

"; } } if ($gconfig{'referers_none'}) { # Because java applet HTTP requests don't always include a referer: # header, we need to use a DBM of trust keys to identify trusted applets if (defined(&seed_random)) { &seed_random(); } else { srand(time() ^ $$); } $trust = int(rand(1000000000)); local $now = time(); &open_trust_db(); foreach $k (keys %trustdb) { if ($now - $trustdb{$k} > 30*24*60*60) { delete($trustdb{$k}); } } $trustdb{$trust} = $now; dbmclose(%trustdb); } $sharing = $access{'uid'} ? 0 : 1; $mounting = !$access{'uid'} && &foreign_check("mount") ? 1 : 0; if ($in{'open'}) { $open = ""; } if ($main::session_id) { $session = ""; } if (!$access{'noconfig'}) { $config = ""; } $iconsize = int($config{'iconsize'}); $root = join(" ", @allowed_roots); $noroot = join(" ", @denied_roots); foreach $d (@disallowed_buttons) { $disallowed .= "\n"; } # Create parameters for custom colours foreach $k (keys %tconfig) { if ($k =~ /^applet_(.*)/) { $colours .= "\n"; } } # Extract classes from jar, if we can if ($config{'extract'} && &has_command("unzip") && !-r "$module_root_directory/FileManager.class") { system("unzip file.jar >/dev/null 2>&1"); } print < function upload(dir) { open("upform.cgi?dir="+escape(dir)+"&trust=$trust", "upload", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbar=no,width=550,height=230"); } function htmledit(file, dir) { open("edit_html.cgi?file="+escape(file)+"&dir="+escape(dir)+"&trust=$trust", "html", "toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbar=no,width=800,height=600"); } $config $session $open $return $disallowed $colours $text{'index_nojava'}


EOF &footer();