#!/usr/local/bin/perl # $Id: index.cgi,v 1.6 2005/04/16 14:30:21 jfranken Exp $ # * List all subnets and shared networks # # File modified 2005-04-15 by Johannes Franken : # * Added support for DNS Zones (list, edit, create zone-directives) # * Added a button to edit key-directives # * Added a button to edit dhcp.conf in a text editor require './dhcpd-lib.pl'; $display_max = $config{'display_max'} || 1000000000; &ReadParse(); $horder = $in{'horder'}; $norder = $in{'norder'}; if ($horder eq "" && open(INDEX, "$module_config_directory/hindex.".$remote_user)) { chop($horder = ); close(INDEX); } if (!$horder) { $horder = 0; } if ($norder eq "" && open(INDEX, "$module_config_directory/nindex.".$remote_user)) { chop($norder = ); close(INDEX); } if (!$norder) { $norder = 0; } $nocols = $config{'dhcpd_nocols'} ? $config{'dhcpd_nocols'} : 5; $conf = &get_config(); %access = &get_module_acl(); # Check if dhcpd is installed if (!-x $config{'dhcpd_path'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("dhcpd", "man", "doc", "howto", "google")); print &text('index_dhcpdnotfound', $config{'dhcpd_path'}, "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &foreign_require("software", "software-lib.pl"); $lnk = &software::missing_install_link("dhcpd", $text{'index_dhcpd'}, "../$module_name/", $text{'index_title'}); print $lnk,"

\n" if ($lnk); &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } # Check if it is the right version @st = stat($config{'dhcpd_path'}); if ($st[7] != $config{'dhcpd_size'} || $st[9] != $config{'dhcpd_mtime'}) { # File has changed .. get the version local $ver = &get_dhcpd_version(\$out); if (!$ver) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("dhcpd", "man", "doc", "howto", "google")); print (&text('index_dhcpdver2',$config{'dhcpd_path'}, 2, 3)),"

\n"; print "

\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } $config{'dhcpd_version'} = $ver; $config{'dhcpd_size'} = $st[7]; $config{'dhcpd_mtime'} = $st[9]; &write_file("$module_config_directory/config", \%config); } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("dhcpd", "man", "doc", "howto", "google"), undef, undef, &text('index_version', $config{'dhcpd_version'})); # Create lookup type HTML # XXX change text, add to lookup_* $match = "\n"; # get top-level hosts foreach $h (&find("host", $conf)) { push(@host, $h); } foreach $g (&find("group", $conf)) { push(@group, $g); foreach $h (&find("host", $g->{'members'})) { push(@host, $h); $group{$h} = $g->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $g; push(@{$g->{'hosts'}}, $h->{'values'}->[0]); } } # get subnets and shared nets, and the hosts and groups within them @subn = &find("subnet", $conf); foreach $u (@subn) { $maxsubn = $maxsubn > $u->{'index'} ? $maxsubn : $u->{'index'}; foreach $h (&find("host", $u->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $subnet{$h} = $u->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $u; push(@host, $h); } foreach $g (&find("group", $u->{'members'})) { $maxgroup = $maxgroup > $g->{'index'} ? $maxgroup : $g->{'index'}; $subnet{$g} = $u->{'index'}; $par{$g} = $u; push(@group, $g); foreach $h (&find("host", $g->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $subnet{$h} = $u->{'index'}; $group{$h} = $g->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $g; push(@{$g->{'hosts'}}, $h->{'values'}->[0]); push(@host, $h); } } } @shan = &find("shared-network", $conf); foreach $s (@shan) { $maxshar = $maxshar > $s->{'index'} ? $maxshar : $s->{'index'}; foreach $h (&find("host", $s->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $shared{$h} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $s; push(@host, $h); } foreach $g (&find("group", $s->{'members'})) { $maxgroup = $maxgroup > $g->{'index'} ? $maxgroup : $g->{'index'}; $shared{$g} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$g} = $s; push(@group, $g); foreach $h (&find("host", $g->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $group{$h} = $g->{'index'}; $shared{$h} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $g; push(@{$g->{'hosts'}}, $h->{'values'}->[0]); push(@host, $h); } } foreach $u (&find("subnet", $s->{'members'})) { $maxsubn = $maxsubn > $u->{'index'} ? $maxsubn : $u->{'index'}; $par{$u} = $s; push(@subn, $u); $shared{$u} = $s->{'index'}; foreach $h (&find("host", $u->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $subnet{$h} = $u->{'index'}; $shared{$h} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $u; push(@host, $h); } foreach $g (&find("group", $u->{'members'})) { $maxgroup = $maxgroup > $g->{'index'} ? $maxgroup : $g->{'index'}; $subnet{$g} = $u->{'index'}; $shared{$g} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$g} = $u; push(@group, $g); foreach $h (&find("host", $g->{'members'})) { $maxhost = $maxhost > $h->{'index'} ? $maxhost : $h->{'index'}; $subnet{$h} = $u->{'index'}; $group{$h} = $g->{'index'}; $shared{$h} = $s->{'index'}; $par{$h} = $g; push(@{$g->{'hosts'}}, $h->{'values'}->[0]); push(@host, $h); } } } } foreach $s (@shan) { $s->{'order'} = (1 + $s->{'index'}) * (2 + $maxsubn); } foreach $s (@subn) { $s->{'order'} = (defined($shared{$s}) ? (1 + $shared{$s}) * (2 + $maxsubn) : 0) + 1 + $s->{'index'}; } if ($norder == 0) { @subn = (@subn, @shan); } elsif ($norder == 1) { @subn = (@subn, @shan); @subn = sort { $a->{'order'} <=> $b->{'order'} } @subn; } elsif ($norder == 2) { @subn = sort { $a->{'values'}->[0] <=> $b->{'values'}->[0] } @subn; @shan = sort { $a->{'values'}->[0] cmp $b->{'values'}->[0] } @shan; @subn = (@subn, @shan); } # display subnets and shared nets foreach $u (@subn) { local $can_view = &can('r', \%access, $u); next if !$can_view && $access{'hide'}; local ($l, $t, $i); if ($u->{'name'} eq "subnet") { push(@ulinks, $l = $can_view ? "edit_subnet.cgi?idx=$u->{'index'}". ($shared{$u} ne "" ? "&sidx=$shared{$u}" : "") : undef); push(@uicons, $i = "images/subnet.gif"); push(@checkboxids, $u->{'index'}. ($shared{$u} ne "" ? "/$shared{$u}" : "")); } else { push(@slinks, $l = $can_view ? "edit_shared.cgi?idx=$u->{'index'}" : undef); push(@sicons, $i = "images/shared.gif"); push(@checkboxids, $u->{'index'}); } if ($config{'desc_name'} && $u->{'comment'}) { push(@utitles, $t = &html_escape($u->{'comment'})); } else { push(@utitles, $t = &html_escape($u->{'values'}->[0])); } push(@uslinks, $l); # so that ordering is preserved push(@ustitles, $t); push(@usicons, $i); } @checkboxes = map { &ui_checkbox("d", $_) } @checkboxids; if ($access{'r_sub'} || $access{'c_sub'} || $access{'r_sha'} || $access{'c_sha'}) { print &ui_subheading($text{'index_subtitle'}); $sp = ""; if (@ulinks < $display_max && @slinks < $display_max) { @links = @uslinks; @titles = @ustitles; @icons = @usicons; } elsif (@ulinks < $display_max) { @links = @ulinks; @titles = @utitles; @icons = @uicons; } elsif (@slinks < $display_max) { @links = @slinks; @titles = @stitles; @icons = @sicons; } if (@links) { # Show table of subnets and shared nets $show_subnet_delete = 1; print &ui_form_start("delete_subnets.cgi"); &subnet_add_links(); if ($config{'hostnet_list'} == 0) { &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, $nocols, undef, undef, undef, \@checkboxes); } else { &net_table(\@subn, 0, scalar(@subn), \@links, \@titles, \@checkboxids); } } elsif (!@ulinks && !@slinks) { # No subnets or shared nets print "$text{'index_nosubdef'}

\n"; } $show_subnet_shared = 1; } &subnet_add_links(); if ($show_subnet_delete) { print &ui_form_end([ [ "delete", $text{'index_delete'} ] ]); } # Show too-many forms if ($show_subnet_shared) { print "\n"; if (@ulinks >= $display_max) { # Could not show all subnets, so show lookup form print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } if (@slinks >= $display_max) { # Could not show all shared nets, so show lookup form print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; } print &ui_hr(); foreach $g (@group) { $parent = (defined($subnet{$g}) ? 1 + $subnet{$g} : 0) + (defined($shared{$g}) ? (1 + $shared{$g}) * (2 + $maxsubn) : 0); $g->{'order'} = $parent + (1 + $g->{'index'}) / (2 + $maxgroup); } foreach $h (@host) { $parent = (defined($group{$h}) ? (1 + $group{$h}) / (2 + $maxgroup) : 0) + (defined($subnet{$h}) ? 1 + $subnet{$h} : 0) + (defined($shared{$h}) ? (1 + $shared{$h}) * (2 + $maxsubn) : 0); $h->{'order'} = $parent + (1 + $h->{'index'}) / ((1 + @group) * (2 + $maxhost)); } if ($horder == 0) { @host = (@host, @group); } elsif ($horder == 1) { @host = (@host, @group); @host = sort { $a->{'line'} <=> $b->{'line'} } @host; } elsif ($horder == 2) { @host = sort { $a->{'values'}->[0] cmp $b->{'values'}->[0] } @host; @host = (@host, @group); } elsif ($horder == 3) { @host = sort { &hardware($a) cmp &hardware($b) } @host; @host = (@host, @group); } elsif ($horder == 4) { @host = sort { &ipaddress($a) cmp &ipaddress($b) } @host; @host = (@host, @group); } # display hosts foreach $h (@host) { local $can_view = &can('r', \%access, $h); next if !$can_view && $access{'hide'}; if ($h->{'name'} eq 'host') { # Add icon for a host push(@hlinks, $l = $can_view ? "edit_host.cgi?idx=$h->{'index'}". (defined($group{$h}) ? "&gidx=$group{$h}" : ""). (defined($subnet{$h}) ? "&uidx=$subnet{$h}" : ""). (defined($shared{$h}) ? "&sidx=$shared{$h}" : "") : undef); if ($config{'desc_name'} && $h->{'comment'}) { push(@htitles, &html_escape($h->{'comment'})); } else { push(@htitles, &html_escape($h->{'values'}->[0])); } if ($config{'show_ip'}) { $fv = &fixedaddr($h); $htitles[$#htitles] .= "
".$fv if ($fv); } if ($config{'show_mac'}) { local $hard = &find("hardware", $h->{'members'}); $htitles[$#htitles] .= "
$hard->{'values'}->[1]" if ($hard); } $t = $htitles[$#htitles]; push(@hicons, $i = "images/host.gif"); push(@hgcheckboxids, join("/", $h->{'index'}, $group{$h}, $subnet{$h}, $shared{$h})); } else { # Add icon for a group push(@glinks, $l = $can_view ? "edit_group.cgi?idx=$h->{'index'}". (defined($subnet{$h}) ? "&uidx=$subnet{$h}" : ""). (defined($shared{$h}) ? "&sidx=$shared{$h}" : "") : undef); $gm = @{$h->{'hosts'}}; push(@gtitles, $t = &html_escape(&group_name($gm, $h))); push(@gicons, $i = "images/group.gif"); push(@hgcheckboxids, join("/", $h->{'index'}, $subnet{$h}, $shared{$h})); } push(@hglinks, $l); push(@hgtitles, $t); push(@hgicons, $i); } @hgcheckboxes = map { &ui_checkbox("d", $_) } @hgcheckboxids; if ($access{'r_hst'} || $access{'c_hst'} || $access{'r_grp'} || $access{'c_grp'}) { print &ui_subheading($text{'index_hst'}); $sp = ""; if (@hlinks < $display_max && @glinks < $display_max) { @links = @hglinks; @titles = @hgtitles; @icons = @hgicons; } elsif (@hlinks < $display_max) { @links = @hlinks; @titles = @htitles; @icons = @hicons; } elsif (@glinks < $display_max) { @links = @glinks; @titles = @gtitles; @icons = @gicons; } if (@links) { # Some hosts or groups to show &index_links($horder, "h", 5, $text{'index_hdisplay'}, "norder=$norder"); $show_host_delete = 1; print &ui_form_start("delete_hosts.cgi"); &host_add_links(); if ($config{'hostnet_list'} == 0) { &icons_table(\@links, \@titles, \@icons, $nocols, undef, undef, undef, \@hgcheckboxes); } else { &host_table(\@host, 0, scalar(@host), \@links, \@titles, \@hgcheckboxids); } } elsif (!@hlinks && !@glinks) { # None to show at all print "$text{'index_nohst'}

\n"; } $show_host_group = 1; } &host_add_links(); if ($show_host_delete) { print &ui_form_end([ [ "delete", $text{'index_delete'} ] ]); } # Show too-many forms if ($show_host_group) { print "\n"; if (@hlinks >= $display_max) { # Could not show all hosts, so show lookup form print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } if (@glinks >= $display_max) { # Could not show all groups, so show lookup form print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
\n"; } print &ui_hr(); ############ START ZONES ##### if ($config{'dhcpd_version'} >= 3) { print &ui_subheading($text{'zone_key'}); # get zones @zones = &find("zone", $conf); @zones = sort { $a->{'values'}->[0] <=> $b->{'values'}->[0] } @zones; if (@zones) { # display zones print "","$text{'index_addzone'}  \n" if $access{'c_sub'}; foreach $z (@zones) { # print "ZONE: $z->{'value'}
"; push(@zlinks, "edit_zones.cgi?idx=$z->{'index'}"); push(@zicons, "images/files.gif"); push(@ztitles, &html_escape($z->{'values'}->[0])); } if ($config{'hostnet_list'} == 0) { # user wants icons &icons_table(\@zlinks, \@ztitles, \@zicons, $nocols); } else { # user wants text &zone_table(\@zones, 0, scalar(@zones), \@zlinks, \@ztitles); } } else { print "$text{'index_nozones'}

\n"; } print "","$text{'index_addzone'}  \n" if $access{'c_sub'}; print &ui_hr(); } # Buttons for global actions print &ui_buttons_start(); if ($access{'global'}) { # Edit global client options print &ui_buttons_row("edit_options.cgi", $text{'index_buttego'}, $text{'index_ego'}, &ui_hidden("global", 1)); } if ($config{'dhcpd_version'} >= 3 && $access{'global'}) { # TSIG keys print &ui_buttons_row("edit_keys.cgi", $text{'index_buttekey'}, $text{'index_key'}); } if (!$access{'noconfig'}) { # Manually edit config file print &ui_buttons_row("edit_text.cgi", $text{'index_buttetext'}, $text{'index_text'}); } if (!$access{'noconfig'}) { # Select network interfaces print &ui_buttons_row("edit_iface.cgi", $text{'index_buttiface'}, $text{'index_iface'}); } if ($access{'r_leases'}) { # Show active leases print &ui_buttons_row("list_leases.cgi", $text{'index_buttlal'}, $text{'index_lal'}); } if ($access{'apply'}) { $pid = &is_dhcpd_running(); if ($pid) { # Apply and stop buttons print &ui_buttons_row("restart.cgi", $text{'index_buttapply'}, $text{'index_apply'}, &ui_hidden("pid", $pid)); print &ui_buttons_row("stop.cgi", $text{'index_stop'}, $text{'index_stopdesc'}, &ui_hidden("pid", $pid)); } else { # Start button print &ui_buttons_row("start.cgi", $text{'index_buttstart'}, $text{'index_start'}); } } print &ui_buttons_end(); &ui_print_footer("/", $text{'index_return'}); # Returns canonized hardware address. sub hardware { local ($hconf, $addr); $hconf = $_[0]->{'members'} ? &find("hardware", $_[0]->{'members'}) : undef; if ($hconf) { $addr = uc($hconf->{'values'}->[1]); $addr =~ s/(^|\:)([0-9A-F])(?=$|\:)/$1\x30$2/g; } return $hconf ? $addr : undef; } # Returns ip address for sorting on sub ipaddress { return undef if (!$_[0]->{'members'}); local $iconf = &find("fixed-address", $_[0]->{'members'}); return undef if (!$iconf); return sprintf "%3.3d.%3.3d.%3.3d.%3.3d", split(/\./, $iconf->{'values'}->[0]); } sub fixedaddr { local ($fixed, $addr); $fixed = &find("fixed-address", $_[0]->{'members'}); if ($fixed) { $addr = join(" ", grep { $_ ne "," } @{$fixed->{'values'}}); return $addr; } else { return undef; } } sub netmask { return $_[0]->{'values'}->[2]; } # index_links(current, name, max, txt, ref) sub index_links { local (%linkname, $l); local @links; for (my $l = 0; $l < $_[2]; $l++) { my $msg = $text{"index_$_[1]order$l"}; if ($l eq $_[0]) { push(@links, $msg); } else { push(@links, "$msg"); } } print "$_[3] ",&ui_links_row(\@links),"\n"; open(INDEX, "> $module_config_directory/$_[1]index.".$remote_user); print INDEX "$_[0]\n"; close(INDEX); } sub host_table { local ($i, $h, $parent); local @tds = ( "width=5" ); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_hostgroup'}, $text{'index_parent'}, $text{'index_hardware'}, $text{'index_nameip'} ], 100, 0, \@tds); for ($i = $_[1]; $i < $_[2]; $i++) { local @cols; local $firstcol; $h = $_[0]->[$i]; if ($h->{'name'} eq 'host') { $firstcol .= $sp; } else { $firstcol .= $text{'index_group'}." "; $sp = "\ \ "; } if ($_[3]->[$i]) { $firstcol .= "[$i]>$_[4]->[$i]"; } else { $firstcol .= $_[4]->[$i]; } push(@cols, $firstcol); if ($par{$h}->{'name'} eq "group") { $par_type = $text{'index_togroup'}; $parent = &group_name(scalar @{$par{$h}->{'hosts'}}); } elsif ($par{$h}->{'name'} eq "subnet") { $par_type = $text{'index_tosubnet'}; $parent = $par{$h}->{'values'}->[0]; } elsif ($par{$h}->{'name'} eq "shared-network") { $par_type = $text{'index_toshared'}; $parent = $par{$h}->{'values'}->[0]; } if ($config{'desc_name'} && $par{$h}->{'comment'}) { $parent = $par{$h}->{'comment'}; } push(@cols, "$par_type: $parent"); push(@cols, $_[3]->[$i] ? &hardware($h) : ""); push(@cols, $_[3]->[$i] ? &fixedaddr($h) : ""); print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds, "d", $_[5]->[$i]); } print &ui_columns_end(); } #&net_table(\@subn, 0, scalar(@subn), \@links, \@titles, \@checkboxids); sub net_table { local ($i, $n); local @tds = ( "width=5" ); print &ui_columns_start([ "", $text{'index_net'}, $text{'index_netmask'}, $text{'index_desc'}, $text{'index_parent'} ], 100, 0, \@tds); for ($i = $_[1]; $i < $_[2]; $i++) { local @cols; $n = $_[0]->[$i]; local $first; if ($n->{'name'} eq 'subnet') { $first = $sp; } else { $sp = "\ \ "; } if ($_[3]->[$i]) { $first .= "[$i]>$_[4]->[$i]"; } else { $first .= $_[4]->[$i]; } push(@cols, $first); push(@cols, $_[3]->[$i] ? &netmask($n) : ""); push(@cols, $n->{'comment'}); push(@cols, $par{$n} ? "$text{'index_toshared'} $par{$n}->{'values'}->[0]" : ""); print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds, "d", $_[5]->[$i]); } print &ui_columns_end(); } #&zone_table(\@zones, 0, scalar(@zones), \@zlinks, \@ztitles); sub zone_table { local $i; print "\n"; print "\n"; for ($i = $_[1]; $i < $_[2]; $i++) { print "\n"; print "\n"; } print "
", $text{'index_zone'}, "
\n"; print "[$i]>", $_[4]->[$i], "
\n" } sub subnet_add_links { local @links; if ($show_subnet_delete) { push(@links, &select_all_link("d"), &select_invert_link("d")); } push(@links, "$text{'index_addsub'}") if $access{'c_sub'}; push(@links, "$text{'index_addnet'}") if $access{'c_sha'}; print &ui_links_row(\@links); } sub host_add_links { local @links; if ($show_host_delete) { push(@links, &select_all_link("d", 1), &select_invert_link("d", 1)); } push(@links, "$text{'index_addhst'}") if $access{'c_hst'}; push(@links, "$text{'index_addhstg'}") if $access{'c_grp'}; print &ui_links_row(\@links); }