---- Changes since 1.140 ---- Added an option to have environment variable substitution done on edited filenames. ---- Changes since 1.150 ---- Added an option to clear Webmin-related environment variables before running a command. ---- Changes since 1.210 ---- File editors can how have parameters, which are substituted into the filename before editing. ---- Changes since 1.220 ---- Added a new type of command - an SQL query or update that will be performed against a database for which a Perl DBI driver is installed. ---- Changes since 1.230 ---- If other servers are defined in the Webmin Servers Index module, custom commands can be configured to run on one or more other Webmin hosts in a cluster. ---- Changes since 1.250 ---- The output from a command is now shown as it is generated, for commands run locally. Added a Module Config parameter to change the number of columns used to display command buttons in. ---- Changes since 1.270 ---- The contents of uploaded files are no longer logged. ---- Changes since 1.340 ---- Removed the Module Config option to control if a shell is used when executing a command as a user, since we can now work this out automatically. ---- Changes since 1.390 ---- Re-designed the user interface somewhat, and converted all code to use the new Webmin UI library. When commands are shown in a table and no parameters are needed, the names now link directly to run the command. ---- Changes since 1.400 ---- Added a popup progress tracker to commands with file upload fields. ---- Changes since 1.410 ---- All links to commands are via an ID number rather than an index, which makes them easier to link to from other web pages. ---- Changes since 1.450 ---- Added a parameter-level option to make the parameter mandatory. ---- Changes since 1.500 ---- Added a button to clone an existing command when editing. The sort order of commands can now be set on the Module Config page, and is respected in the Webmin Users module. ---- Changes since 1.510 ---- Fixed a bug that broke remote command execution with parameters. Added a new parameter type for selecting multiple items from a menu. ---- Changes since 1.530 ---- Added an option for custom commands to have their output displayed without any Webmin UI, in a selectable MIME type. ---- Changes since 1.550 ---- A default value for each custom command parameter can now be entered on the Edit Command form. Defaults can also be read from a file or shell command, if this behavior is enabled on the Module Config page. Thanks to Sart Cole for suggesting this feature. A command can now be configured to not display any output at all, and instead return to the module index after being run. ---- Changes since 1.560 ---- Added an option to the file editor to run a command before the file is displayed, thanks to a suggestion from Sart Cole. Added new date and left-right menu parameter types.