#!/usr/local/bin/perl # update.cgi # Download and install needed updates on multiple servers require './cluster-webmin-lib.pl'; &foreign_require("webmin", "webmin-lib.pl"); &ReadParse(); &error_setup($webmin::text{'update_err'}); # Fetch list of updates ($updates, $host, $port, $page, $ssl) = &webmin::fetch_updates( $in{'source'} == 0 ? $webmin::update_url : $in{'other'}); # Build list of selected hosts, and show them @servers = &list_servers(); &ui_print_unbuffered_header(undef, $text{'update_title'}, ""); @hosts = &create_on_parse("update_header", undef, undef); # Setup error handler for down hosts sub inst_error { $inst_error_msg = join("", @_); } &remote_error_setup(\&inst_error); # Run the update, on all hosts in parallel $p = 0; foreach $h (@hosts) { local ($s) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $h->{'id'} } @servers; $s || &error("Failed to find server for $h->{'id'}"); local ($rh = "READ$p", $wh = "WRITE$p"); pipe($rh, $wh); select($wh); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); if (!fork()) { # Do the install in a subprocess close($rh); &remote_foreign_require($s->{'host'}, "webmin", "webmin-lib.pl"); if ($inst_error_msg) { # Failed to contact host .. print $wh &serialise_variable($inst_error_msg); exit; } # Work out which modules are needed local @rv; local $bv = &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "get_webmin_base_version"); foreach $u (@$updates) { local %minfo = &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "get_module_info", $u->[0]); local %tinfo = %minfo ? () : &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "get_theme_info", $u->[0]); local %info = %minfo ? %minfo : %tinfo; next if (($u->[1] >= $bv + .01 || $u->[1] < $bv) && (!%info || $info{'longdesc'} || !$in{'third'})); # Check if update is appropriate $count++; if (!%info && !$in{'missing'}) { push(@rv, &webmin::text('update_mmissing', "$u->[0]")); next; } if (%info && $info{'version'} >= $u->[1]) { push(@rv, &webmin::text('update_malready', "$u->[0]")); next; } local $osinfo = { 'os_support' => $u->[3] }; if (!&check_os_support($osinfo)) { push(@rv, &webmin::text('update_mos', "$u->[0]")); next; } if ($in{'show'}) { # Just send back info push(@rv, [ 0, @$u ]); } else { # Do the update! ($mhost, $mport, $mpage, $mssl) = &parse_http_url($u->[2], $host, $port, $page, $ssl); $mtemp = &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "tempname"); local $err; &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "http_download", $mhost, $mport, $mpage, $mtemp, \$err, undef, $mssl); if ($err) { # Download failed push(@rv, $err); } else { # Do the install $irv = &remote_foreign_call( $s->{'host'}, "webmin", "install_webmin_module", $mtemp, 1, 0, [ $base_remote_user ]); if (ref($irv)) { push(@rv, [ 1, @$u ]); } else { push(@rv, $irv); } } } } print $wh &serialise_variable(\@rv); close($wh); exit; } close($wh); $p++; } # Get back all the results $p = 0; foreach $h (@hosts) { local $rh = "READ$p"; local $line = <$rh>; close($rh); local $rv = &unserialise_variable($line); local ($s) = grep { $_->{'id'} == $h->{'id'} } @servers; local $d = &server_name($s); print &text('update_onhost', $d),"
\n"; if (!$line) { print &text('update_failed', "Unknown reason"),"

\n"; } elsif (!ref($rv)) { print &text('update_failed', $rv),"

\n"; } elsif (!@$rv) { print &text('update_none', $rv),"

\n"; } else { # Show list of modules print "

\n"; } $p++; } print "


\n"; &remote_finished(); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});