#!/usr/local/bin/perl # chooser.cgi # Outputs HTML for a frame-based file chooser BEGIN { push(@INC, ".."); }; use WebminCore; @icon_map = ( "c", "text.gif", "txt", "text.gif", "pl", "text.gif", "cgi", "text.gif", "html", "text.gif", "htm", "text.gif", "gif", "image.gif", "jpg", "image.gif", "tar", "binary.gif" ); $trust_unknown_referers = 1; &init_config(); if (&get_product_name() eq 'usermin') { &switch_to_remote_user(); } %access = &get_module_acl(); # Work out root directory if (!$access{'root'}) { local @uinfo = getpwnam($remote_user); $rootdir = $uinfo[7] ? $uinfo[7] : "/"; } else { $rootdir = $access{'root'}; } # Switch to correct Unix user if (&supports_users()) { if (&get_product_name() eq 'usermin') { # Always run as Usermin login &switch_to_remote_user(); } else { # ACL determines $fileunix = $access{'fileunix'} || $remote_user; @uinfo = getpwnam($fileunix); if (@uinfo) { &switch_to_unix_user(\@uinfo); } } } &ReadParse(undef, undef, 1); if ($gconfig{'os_type'} eq 'windows') { # On Windows, chroot should be empty if not use, and default path # should be c:/ if ($in{'chroot'} eq "/") { $in{'chroot'} = ""; } if ($rootdir eq "/") { $rootdir = "c:"; } } if ($in{'add'}) { # Only use last filename by default $in{'file'} =~ s/\s+$//; if ($in{'file'} =~ /\n(.*)$/) { $in{'file'} = $1; } } if ($in{'file'} =~ /^(([a-z]:)?.*\/)([^\/]*)$/i && $in{'file'} !~ /\.\./) { # File entered is valid $dir = $1; $file = $3; } else { # Fall back to default $dir = $rootdir; $dir .= '/' if ($dir !~ /\/$/); $file = ""; } $add = int($in{'add'}); if (!(-d $in{'chroot'}.$dir)) { # Entered directory does not exist $dir = $rootdir.'/'; $file = ""; } if (!&allowed_dir($dir)) { # Directory is outside allowed root $dir = $rootdir.'/'; $file = ""; } # Work out the top allowed dir $topdir = $rootdir eq "/" || $rootdir eq "c:" ? $rootdir : $access{'otherdirs'} ? "/" : $rootdir; $uchroot = &urlize($in{'chroot'}); $utype = &urlize($in{'type'}); $ufile = &urlize($in{'file'}); if ($in{'frame'} == 0) { # base frame &PrintHeader(); if ($in{'type'} == 0) { print "$text{'chooser_title1'}\n"; } elsif ($in{'type'} == 1) { print "$text{'chooser_title2'}\n"; } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } elsif ($in{'frame'} == 1) { # List of files in this directory &popup_header(); print < function fileclick(f, d) { curr = top.frames[1].document.forms[0].elements[1].value; if (curr == f) { // Double-click! Enter directory or select file if (d) { // Enter this directory location = "chooser.cgi?frame=1&add=$add&chroot=$uchroot&type=$utype&file="+f+"/"; } else { // Select this file and close the window if ($add == 0) { top.opener.ifield.value = f; } else { if (top.opener.ifield.value != "") { top.opener.ifield.value += "\\n"; } top.opener.ifield.value += f; } top.close(); } } else { top.frames[1].document.forms[0].elements[1].value = f; } } function parentdir(p) { top.frames[1].document.forms[0].elements[1].value = p; location = "chooser.cgi?frame=1&chroot=$uchroot&type=$utype&file="+p; } EOF print "",&text('chooser_dir', &html_escape($dir)),"\n"; opendir(DIR, $in{'chroot'}.$dir) || &popup_error(&text('chooser_eopen', "$!")); print &ui_columns_start(undef, 100); foreach $f (sort { $a cmp $b } readdir(DIR)) { $path = "$in{'chroot'}$dir$f"; if ($f eq ".") { next; } if ($f eq ".." && ($dir eq "/" || $dir eq $topdir.'/')) { next; } if ($f =~ /^\./ && $f ne ".." && $access{'nodot'}) { next; } if (!(-d $path) && $in{'type'} == 1) { next; } @st = stat($path); $isdir = 0; undef($icon); if (-d $path) { $icon = "dir.gif"; $isdir = 1; } elsif ($path =~ /\.([^\.\/]+)$/) { $icon = $icon_map{$1}; } if (!$icon) { $icon = "unknown.gif"; } if ($f eq "..") { $dir =~ /^(.*\/)[^\/]+\/$/; $link = ""; } else { $link = ""; } local @cols; push(@cols, "$link"); push(@cols, "$link".&html_escape($f).""); push(@cols, &nice_size($st[7])); @tm = localtime($st[9]); push(@cols, sprintf "%.2d/%s/%.4d", $tm[3], $text{'smonth_'.($tm[4]+1)}, $tm[5]+1900); push(@cols, sprintf "%.2d:%.2d", $tm[2], $tm[1]); print &ui_columns_row(\@cols); } closedir(DIR); print &ui_columns_end(); &popup_footer(); } elsif ($in{'frame'} == 2) { # Current file and OK/cancel buttons &popup_header(); print < function filechosen() { if ($add == 0) { top.opener.ifield.value = document.forms[0].path.value; } else { if (top.opener.ifield.value != "") { top.opener.ifield.value += "\\n"; } top.opener.ifield.value += document.forms[0].path.value; } top.close(); } EOF print &ui_form_start(undef, undef, undef, "onSubmit='filechosen(); return false'"); print &ui_table_start(undef, "width=100%", 2); print &ui_table_row(undef, &ui_submit($text{'chooser_ok'})." ". &ui_textbox("path", $dir.$file, 45, 0, undef, "style='width:90%'"), 2); print &ui_table_end(); print &ui_form_end(); &popup_footer(); } # allowed_dir(dir) # Returns 1 if some directory should be listable sub allowed_dir { local ($dir) = @_; return 1 if ($rootdir eq "" || $rootdir eq "/" || $rootdir eq "c:"); foreach my $allowed ($rootdir, split(/\t+/, $access{'otherdirs'})) { return 1 if (&is_under_directory($allowed, $dir)); } return 0; }