#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Display a list of domains, views, and icons for global options. require './bind8-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); $need_create = !-r &make_chroot($config{'named_conf'}) || $in{'create'}; # Check if bind is installed if (!-x $config{'named_path'}) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("bind", "doc", "google")); print "

",&text('index_enamed', "$config{'named_path'}", "$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name"),"

\n"; &foreign_require("software", "software-lib.pl"); $lnk = &software::missing_install_link("bind", $text{'index_bind'}, "../$module_name/", $text{'index_title'}); print $lnk,"

\n" if ($lnk); &ui_print_footer("/", $text{"index"}); exit; } # Check if BIND is the right version.. Only BIND 8/9 offers the -f option # Is there a better way to do this? if ($out = &check_bind_8()) { &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &help_search_link("bind", "doc", "google")); print "

",&text('index_eversion', "$config{'named_path'}", "/dnsadmin/", "$config{'named_path'} -help", "


\n"; &ui_print_footer("/", $text{"index"}); exit; } # Try to get the version number, and save for later calls $bind_version = &get_bind_version(); &open_tempfile(VERSION, ">$module_config_directory/version"); &print_tempfile(VERSION, "$bind_version\n"); &close_tempfile(VERSION); # Get the list of zones @allzones = &list_zone_names(); @zones = grep { $_->{'type'} ne 'view' && &can_edit_zone($_) && (!$access{'ro'} || $_->{'name'} ne '.') } @allzones; @views = grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'view' } @allzones; @hashint = grep { $_->{'type'} ne 'view' && $_->{'name'} eq '.' } @allzones; if (@zones == 1 && $access{'zones'} ne '*' && !$access{'defaults'} && !$access{'views'} && $access{'apply'} != 1 && !$access{'master'} && !$access{'slave'} && !$access{'forward'} && $access{'noconfig'}) { # Only one zone, so go direct to it $z = $zones[0]; &redirect("edit_master.cgi?index=$z->{'index'}". ($z->{'viewindex'} eq '' ? '' : '&view='.$z->{'viewindex'})); exit; } $chroot = &get_chroot(); &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'index_title'}, "", undef, 1, 1, 0, &restart_links().'
'. &help_search_link("bind", "doc", "google"), undef, undef, &text($chroot eq "/" || !$chroot ? 'index_version' : 'index_chroot', $bind_version, "$chroot")); # If the named.conf file does not exist, offer to create it if ($need_create) { print &text('index_eempty', "".&make_chroot($config{'named_conf'}).""),"

\n"; print &ui_form_start("dns_boot.cgi"); print &ui_radio("real", 1, [ [ 0, $text{'index_local'}."
" ], [ 1, $text{'index_download'}."
" ], [ 2, $text{'index_webmin'}."
" ] ]); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'index_create'} ] ]); &ui_print_footer("/", $text{"index"}); exit; } if ($access{'defaults'}) { # display global options print &ui_subheading($text{'index_opts'}); @olinks = ("conf_servers.cgi", "conf_logging.cgi", "conf_acls.cgi", "conf_files.cgi", "conf_forwarding.cgi", "conf_net.cgi", "conf_misc.cgi", "conf_controls.cgi", "conf_keys.cgi", "conf_zonedef.cgi", "list_slaves.cgi", $bind_version >= 9 ? ( "conf_rndc.cgi" ) : ( ), &supports_dnssec_client() ? ( "conf_trusted.cgi" ) : ( ), &supports_dnssec() ? ( "conf_dnssec.cgi" ) : ( ), &supports_check_conf() ? ( "conf_ncheck.cgi" ) : ( ), "conf_manual.cgi" ); @otitles = map { /(conf|list)_(\S+).cgi/; $text{$2."_title"} } @olinks; @oicons = map { /^(conf|list)_(\S+).cgi/; "images/$2.gif"; } @olinks; &icons_table(\@olinks, \@otitles, \@oicons, 6); print &ui_hr(); } # Work out what creation links we have @crlinks = ( ); if ($access{'master'} && !$access{'ro'}) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addmaster'}"); } if ($access{'slave'} && !$access{'ro'}) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addslave'}"); push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addstub'}"); } if ($access{'forward'} && !$access{'ro'}) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addfwd'}"); } if ($access{'delegation'} && !$access{'ro'} && &version_atleast(9, 2, 1)) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_adddele'}"); } if ($access{'master'} && !$access{'ro'} && scalar(@hashint) < (@views ? scalar(@views) : 1)) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addhint'}"); } if (@crlinks) { push(@crlinks, "$text{'index_addmass'}"); } if (@zones > $config{'max_zones'}) { # Too many zones, show search form print &ui_subheading($text{'index_zones'}); print "$text{'index_toomany'}

\n"; print &ui_form_start("find_zones.cgi"); print "$text{'index_find'}\n"; print &ui_textbox("search", undef, 20); print &ui_form_end([ [ undef, $text{'index_search'} ] ]); print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); } elsif (@zones && (!@views || !$config{'by_view'})) { # Show all zones print &ui_subheading($text{'index_zones'}); foreach $z (@zones) { $v = $z->{'name'}; $t = $z->{'type'}; next if (!$t); $t = "delegation" if ($t eq "delegation-only"); local $zn = $v eq "." ? "$text{'index_root'}" : &ip6int_to_net(&arpa_to_ip($v)); if ($z->{'view'}) { local $vw = $z->{'viewindex'}; push(@zlinks, "edit_$t.cgi?index=$z->{'index'}". "&view=$vw"); push(@ztitles, $zn." ". &text('index_view', "$z->{'view'}")); push(@zdels, &can_edit_zone($z, $vw) ? $z->{'index'}." ".$z->{'viewindex'} : undef); } else { push(@zlinks, "edit_$t.cgi?index=$z->{'index'}"); push(@ztitles, $zn); push(@zdels, &can_edit_zone($z) ? $z->{'index'} : undef); } push(@zsort, $t eq 'hint' ? undef : $ztitles[$#ztitles]); push(@zicons, "images/$t.gif"); push(@ztypes, $text{"index_$t"}); $zhash{$zn} = $z; $ztitlehash{$zn} = $ztitles[$#ztitles]; $zlinkhash{$zn} = $zlinks[$#zlinks]; $ztypeshash{$zn} = $ztypes[$#ztypes]; $zdelhash{$zn} = $zdels[$#ztypes]; $len++; } # sort list of zones @zorder = sort { &compare_zones($zsort[$a], $zsort[$b]) } (0 .. $len-1); @zlinks = map { $zlinks[$_] } @zorder; @ztitles = map { $ztitles[$_] } @zorder; @zicons = map { $zicons[$_] } @zorder; @ztypes = map { $ztypes[$_] } @zorder; @zdels = map { $zdels[$_] } @zorder; print &ui_form_start("mass_delete.cgi", "post"); @links = ( &select_all_link("d", 0), &select_invert_link("d", 0), @crlinks ); print &ui_links_row(\@links); if ($config{'show_list'} == 1) { # display as list $mid = int((@zlinks+1)/2); @grid = ( ); push(@grid, &zones_table([ @zlinks[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @ztitles[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @ztypes[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @zdels[0 .. $mid-1] ] )); if ($mid < @zlinks) { push(@grid, &zones_table([ @zlinks[$mid .. $#zlinks] ], [ @ztitles[$mid .. $#ztitles] ], [ @ztypes[$mid .. $#ztypes] ], [ @zdels[$mid .. $#zdels] ])); } print &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 2, 100, [ "width=50%", "width=50%" ]); } elsif ($config{'show_list'} == 2) { # Show as collapsible tree, broken down by domain parts %heiropen = map { $_, 1 } &get_heiropen(); $heiropen{""} = 1; foreach $z (grep { $_->{'type'} } @zones) { local $v = $z->{'name'}; local @p = split(/\./, &ip6int_to_net(&arpa_to_ip($v))); for($i=1; $i<=@p; $i++) { local $ch = join(".", @p[$i-1 .. $#p]); local $par = $i == @p ? "" : join(".", @p[$i .. $#p]); @{$ztree{$par}} = &unique(@{$ztree{$par}}, $ch); } } print "\n"; &recursive_tree(""); print "
\n"; } else { # display as icons @befores = map { $_ ? &ui_checkbox("d", $_, "", 0) : "" } @zdels; &icons_table(\@zlinks, \@ztitles, \@zicons, 5, undef, undef, undef, \@befores); } print &ui_links_row(\@links); print &ui_form_end([ $access{'delete'} ? ( [ "delete", $text{'index_massdelete'} ] ) : ( ), [ "update", $text{'index_massupdate'} ], [ "create", $text{'index_masscreate'} ], [ "rdelete", $text{'index_massrdelete'} ] ]); } elsif (@zones) { # Show zones under views print &ui_subheading($text{'index_zones'}); foreach $vw (@views) { local (@zorder, @zlinks, @ztitles, @zicons, @ztypes, @zsort, @zdels, $len); local @zv = grep { $_->{'view'} eq $vw->{'name'} } @zones; next if (!@zv); print "",&text('index_inview', "$vw->{'name'}"),"
\n"; foreach $z (@zv) { $v = $z->{'name'}; $t = $z->{'type'}; local $zn = $v eq "." ? "$text{'index_root'}" : &ip6int_to_net(&arpa_to_ip($v)); push(@zlinks, "edit_$t.cgi?index=$z->{'index'}". "&view=$z->{'viewindex'}"); push(@ztitles, $zn); push(@zsort, $t eq 'hint' ? undef : $ztitles[$#ztitles]); push(@zicons, "images/$t.gif"); push(@ztypes, $text{"index_$t"}); push(@zdels, $z->{'index'}." ".$z->{'viewindex'}); $len++; } # sort list of zones @zorder = sort { &compare_zones($zsort[$a], $zsort[$b]) } (0 .. $len-1); @zlinks = map { $zlinks[$_] } @zorder; @ztitles = map { $ztitles[$_] } @zorder; @zicons = map { $zicons[$_] } @zorder; @ztypes = map { $ztypes[$_] } @zorder; @zdels = map { $zdels[$_] } @zorder; print &ui_form_start("mass_delete.cgi", "post"); print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); if ($config{'show_list'}) { # display as list $mid = int((@zlinks+1)/2); @grid = ( ); push(@grid, &zones_table([ @zlinks[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @ztitles[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @ztypes[0 .. $mid-1] ], [ @zdels[0 .. $mid-1] ])); if ($mid < @zlinks) { push(@grid, &zones_table( [ @zlinks[$mid .. $#zlinks] ], [ @ztitles[$mid .. $#ztitles] ], [ @ztypes[$mid .. $#ztypes] ], [ @zdels[$mid .. $#zdels] ])); } print &ui_grid_table(\@grid, 2, 100, [ "width=50%", "width=50%" ]); } else { # display as icons @befores = map { $_ ? &ui_checkbox("d", $_, "", 0) : "" } @zdels; &icons_table(\@zlinks, \@ztitles, \@zicons, 5, undef, undef, undef, \@befores); } print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); print &ui_form_end([ $access{'delete'} ? ( [ "delete", $text{'index_massdelete'} ] ) : ( ), [ "update", $text{'index_massupdate'} ], [ "create", $text{'index_masscreate'} ], [ "rdelete", $text{'index_massrdelete'} ], ]); } } else { print "$text{'index_none'}

\n"; print &ui_links_row(\@crlinks); } if ($access{'views'} && $bind_version >= 9) { # Display list of views print &ui_hr(); print &ui_subheading($text{'index_views'}); # Show a warning if any zones are not in a view @notinview = grep { $_->{'viewindex'} eq '' } @zones; if (@notinview && @views) { print "",&text('index_viewwarn', join(" , ", map { "".&ip6int_to_net( &arpa_to_ip($_->{'name'}))."" } @notinview)),"

\n"; print "$text{'index_viewwarn2'}

\n"; } @views = grep { &can_edit_view($_) } @views; foreach $v (@views) { push(@vlinks, "edit_view.cgi?index=$v->{'index'}"); push(@vtitles, $v->{'name'}); push(@vicons, "images/view.gif"); } @links = ( ); push(@links, "$text{'index_addview'}") if (!$access{'ro'} && $access{'views'} != 2); if (@views) { print &ui_links_row(\@links); &icons_table(\@vlinks, \@vtitles, \@vicons, 5); } else { print "$text{'index_vnone'}

\n"; } print &ui_links_row(\@links); } &ui_print_footer("/", $text{"index"}); sub dump_config { local($c); foreach $c (@{$_[0]}) { print "$_[1]$c->{'name'} ", join(',', @{$c->{'values'}}); if ($c->{'type'}) { print " {\n"; &dump_config($c->{'members'}, "$_[1]\t"); print "$_[1]}\n"; } else { print "\n"; } } } sub compare_zones { local @sp0 = split(/\./, lc($_[0])); local @sp1 = split(/\./, lc($_[1])); for($i=0; $i<@sp0 || $i<@sp1; $i++) { if ($sp0[$i] =~ /^\d+$/ && $sp1[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) { return -1 if ($sp0[$i] < $sp1[$i]); return 1 if ($sp0[$i] > $sp1[$i]); } else { local $c = $sp0[$i] cmp $sp1[$i]; return $c if ($c); } } return 0; } sub recursive_tree { local ($name, $depth) = @_; print " ", "  " x $depth; if ($_[0] ne "") { print "\n"; $name =~ /^([^\.]+)/; if (!$ztree{$name}) { # Has no children print "  $1\n", } else { # Has children local $act = $heiropen{$name} ? "close" : "open"; print ""; print "  $1\n", } } else { # Is the root print " $text{'index_all'}\n"; } if ($zhash{$name}) { local $cb = $zdelhash{$name} ? &ui_checkbox("d", $zdelhash{$name}, "", 0)." " : ""; print "$cb$ztitlehash{$name} ($ztypeshash{$name}) \n"; } else { print "
\n"; } if ($heiropen{$name}) { foreach $sz (@{$ztree{$name}}) { &recursive_tree($sz, $depth+1); } } }