#!/usr/local/bin/perl # save_vserv.cgi # Save virtual server options such as the port and address require './apache-lib.pl'; &ReadParse(); $access{'vaddr'} || &error($text{'vserv_ecannot'}); $conf = &get_config(); ($vmembers, $vconf) = &get_virtual_config($in{'virt'}); &can_edit_virt($vconf) || &error($text{'virt_ecannot'}); if ($in{'delete'}) { # Delete a virtual server %vnames = map { $_, 1 } &virt_acl_name($vconf); &lock_file($vconf->{'file'}); &before_changing(); &save_directive_struct($vconf, undef, $conf, $conf); &delete_file_if_empty($vconf->{'file'}); &flush_file_lines(); &unlock_file($vconf->{'file'}); &after_changing(); # Remove from acls &read_acl(undef, \%wusers); foreach $u (keys %wusers) { %uaccess = &get_module_acl($u); if ($uaccess{'virts'} ne '*') { $uaccess{'virts'} = join(' ', grep { !$vnames{$_} } split(/\s+/, $uaccess{'virts'})); &save_module_acl(\%uaccess, $u); } } &webmin_log("virt", "delete", &virtual_name($vconf, 1)); &redirect(""); } else { # Update virtual server and directives &error_setup($text{'vserv_err'}); # Check address if (defined($in{'addrs'})) { # Multiple addresses local @addrs = split(/\s+/, $in{'addrs'}); @addrs || &error($text{'vserv_eaddrs'}); foreach $a (@addrs) { local $ac = $a; $ac =~ s/:(\d+)$//; $ac eq '*' || $ac eq '_default_' || &to_ipaddress($ac) || $ac =~ /^\[(\S+)\]$/ && &to_ip6address("$1") || &error(&text('vserv_eaddr2', $ac)); } $addr = join(" ", @addrs); } else { # One address if ($in{'addr_def'} == 1) { if ($httpd_modules{'core'} >= 1.2) { $addr = "_default_"; } else { $addr = "*"; } } elsif ($in{'addr_def'} == 2) { $addr = "*"; } elsif ($in{'addr'} !~ /\S/) { &error($text{'vserv_eaddr1'}); } elsif (!&to_ipaddress($in{'addr'}) && !&to_ip6address($in{'addr'})) { &error(&text('vserv_eaddr2', $in{'addr'})); } elsif (&check_ip6address($in{'addr'})) { # IPv6 address $addr = "[$in{'addr'}]"; } else { # IPv4 address or hostname $addr = $in{'addr'}; } } # Check port if ($in{'port_mode'} == 0) { $port = ""; } elsif ($in{'port_mode'} == 1) { $port = ":*"; } elsif ($in{'port'} !~ /^\d+$/) { &error(&text('vserv_eport', $in{'port'})); } else { $port = ":$in{'port'}"; } # Check document root if (!$in{'root_def'}) { (-d $in{'root'}) || &error(&text('vserv_eroot', $in{'root'})); $root = $in{'root'}; $root = "\"$root\"" if ($root =~ /\s/); } # Check server name if (!$in{'name_def'}) { $in{'name'} =~ /^\S+$/ || &error(&text('vserv_ename', $in{'name'})); $name = $in{'name'}; } # Update directive &lock_file($vconf->{'file'}); &before_changing(); $vconf->{'value'} = "$addr$port"; &save_directive_struct($vconf, $vconf, $conf, $conf, 1); # Update DocumentRoot and ServerName &save_directive("DocumentRoot", $root ? [ $root ] : [ ], $vconf->{'members'}, $conf); &save_directive("ServerName", $name ? [ $name ] : [ ], $vconf->{'members'}, $conf); # Update any blocks under the old path if ($in{'root'} ne $in{'old_root'}) { @dirs = &find_directive_struct("Directory", $vmembers); foreach $dir (@dirs) { if ($dir->{'words'}->[0] eq $in{'old_root'}) { # Same dir $dir->{'value'} = $in{'root'}; } elsif ($dir->{'words'}->[0] =~ /^\Q$in{'old_root'}\E(\/.*)$/) { # Under the dir $dir->{'value'} = $in{'root'}.$1; } else { next; } &save_directive_struct($dir, $dir, $vconf, $vconf, 1); } } # Write out file &flush_file_lines(); &after_changing(); &unlock_file($vconf->{'file'}); &webmin_log("virt", "save", &virtual_name($vconf, 1), \%in); &redirect(""); }