Upgrade from here using the Upgrade button.'; require('include/footer.php'); exit; } // in: select directory // out: confirm verions require('include/ustep1.php'); } if ($step == 2) { // in: update database // out: - require('include/ustep2.php'); } if ($step == 3) { // in: database info // out: convert database from to UTF-8 require('include/ustep7.php'); } if ($step == 4) { // in: display version specific notices // out: update database with new options require('include/ustep3.php'); } if ($step == 5) { // in: determine where the old content dir is and if it has to be copied // out: try to create the directory and set permissions require('include/step5.php'); } if ($step == 6) { // in: copy the content if needed // out: - require('include/ustep4.php'); } if ($step == 7) { // in: copy the config file // out: - require('include/ustep5.php'); } /* anonymous data collection */ if ($step == 8) { require('include/step7.php'); } if ($step == 9) { require('include/ustep6.php'); } require('include/footer.php'); ?>