getPathArray(); $_pretty_url_course_id = $path_array[0]; $obj = $path_array[1]; if (!$obj->isEmpty()){ /* * Addresses the issue for relative uri * @refer to $_rel_link */ $_rel_url = $obj->redirect(); $var_query = $obj->parsePrettyQuery(); save2Get($var_query); //remake all the _GET and _REQUEST variables so that the vitals can use it $_user_location = ''; //reset user_location so that the vital file in each page would validate $pretty_current_page = $obj->getPage(); //If page not found, forward back to index.php //ignore error, cause it will give a warning: No such file error, and can't send header. if (!@include($pretty_current_page)){ header('Location: '.AT_BASE_HREF.'index.php'); exit; } } elseif ($_pretty_url_course_id==0) { //TODO: $_SESSION[course_id] seems to be resetted to 0, causing line 273 to redirect incorrectly. // Need to find out where exactly the course_id is being resetted. return; // header('location: '.AT_BASE_HREF.'bounce.php?course=0'); // exit; } elseif ($_pretty_url_course_id != ''){ header('location: '.AT_BASE_HREF.'bounce.php?course='.$_pretty_url_course_id); exit; } /** * This function will reconstruct all the $_GET variables. * @param array consist of all the pathinfo variables in querystring format */ function save2Get($var_query){ if (empty($var_query) || !is_array($var_query)) return; //recreate URL querystring so we can use the PHP function - parse_str() later on foreach($var_query as $k=>$v){ if ($k=='page_to_load'){ continue; } //If mod_rewrite is on, the page# will be shown as .html. //in this case, parse the page number out. if ($k=='page'){ if (preg_match('/(.*)\.html$/', $v, $matches)==1){ $v = $matches[1]; } } $temp[] = $k . '=' . $v; } $var_query = implode(SEP, $temp); parse_str($var_query, $output); //convert querystring to php array //saves it to both GET and REQUEST //TODO: Would overwrite POST value that has the same GET name within REQUEST. Fix this. //Avoid the use of REQUEST in the code. foreach($output as $k=>$v){ $_GET[$k] = $v; $_REQUEST[$k] = $v; } } /** * Get path info * @return the path info string */ function getPathInfo(){ //Handles path_info in diff versions of PHP if(isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']!=''){ //if both PATH_INFO and ORIG_PATH_INFO are set, then decide which to use by str ops. if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])){ $pathpos = strpos($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $pathlen = strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if (substr($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'], $pathpos + $pathlen) == $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']){ return $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } } return $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']; } else { return $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } } ?>