addFeedback('IMPORT_CANCELLED'); header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); exit; } /* functions */ /* called at the start of en element */ /* builds the $path array which is the path from the root to the current element */ function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { global $attributes, $element_path, $resource_num; //save attributes. switch($name) { case 'resource': $attributes[$name.$resource_num]['identifier'] = $attrs['identifier']; $attributes[$name.$resource_num]['href'] = $attrs['href']; $attributes[$name.$resource_num]['type'] = $attrs['type']; $resource_num++; break; case 'file': if(in_array('resource', $element_path)){ $attributes['resource'.($resource_num-1)]['file'][] = $attrs['href']; } break; case 'dependency': if(in_array('resource', $element_path)){ $attributes['resource'.($resource_num-1)]['dependency'][] = $attrs['identifierref']; } break; } array_push($element_path, $name); } /* called when an element ends */ /* removed the current element from the $path */ function endElement($parser, $name) { global $element_path, $test_title, $character_data; switch($name) { case 'title': if (in_array('organization', $element_path)){ $test_title = $character_data; } } $character_data = ''; array_pop($element_path); } /* called when there is character data within elements */ /* constructs the $items array using the last entry in $path as the parent element */ function characterData($parser, $data){ global $character_data; if (trim($data)!=''){ $character_data .= preg_replace('/[\t\0\x0B]*/', '', $data); } } //If overwrite hasn't been set to true, then the file has not been exported and still in the cache. //otherwise, the zip file is extracted but has not been deleted (due to the confirmation). if (!$overwrite){ if (!isset($_POST['submit_import'])) { /* just a catch all */ $errors = array('FILE_MAX_SIZE', ini_get('post_max_size')); $msg->addError($errors); header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); exit; } //Handles import /* if (isset($_POST['url']) && ($_POST['url'] != 'http://') ) { if ($content = @file_get_contents($_POST['url'])) { // save file to /content/ $filename = substr(time(), -6). '.zip'; $full_filename = TR_CONTENT_DIR . $filename; if (!$fp = fopen($full_filename, 'w+b')) { echo "Cannot open file ($filename)"; exit; } if (fwrite($fp, $content, strlen($content) ) === FALSE) { echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)"; exit; } fclose($fp); } $_FILES['file']['name'] = $filename; $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = $full_filename; $_FILES['file']['size'] = strlen($content); unset($content); $url_parts = pathinfo($_POST['url']); $package_base_name_url = $url_parts['basename']; } */ $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']); $ext = $ext['extension']; if ($ext != 'zip') { $msg->addError('IMPORTDIR_IMS_NOTVALID'); } else if ($_FILES['file']['error'] == 1) { $errors = array('FILE_MAX_SIZE', ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $msg->addError($errors); } else if ( !$_FILES['file']['name'] || (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && !$_POST['url'])) { $msg->addError('FILE_NOT_SELECTED'); } else if ($_FILES['file']['size'] == 0) { $msg->addError('IMPORTFILE_EMPTY'); } } if ($msg->containsErrors()) { // if (isset($_GET['tile'])) { // header('Location: '.$_base_path.'tile/index.php'); // } else { header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); // } exit; } /* check if ../content/import/ exists */ $import_path = TR_CONTENT_DIR . 'import/'; $content_path = TR_CONTENT_DIR; if (!is_dir($import_path)) { if (!@mkdir($import_path, 0700)) { $msg->addError('IMPORTDIR_FAILED'); } } $import_path .= $_course_id.'/'; if (!$overwrite){ if (is_dir($import_path)) { FileUtility::clr_dir($import_path); } if (!@mkdir($import_path, 0700)) { $msg->addError('IMPORTDIR_FAILED'); } /* extract the entire archive into TR_COURSE_CONTENT . import/$course using the call back function to filter out php files */ error_reporting(0); $archive = new PclZip($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); if ($archive->extract( PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $import_path, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT, 'preImportCallBack') == 0) { $msg->addError('IMPORT_FAILED'); echo 'Error : '.$archive->errorInfo(true); FileUtility::clr_dir($import_path); header('Location: question_db.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); exit; } error_reporting(TR_ERROR_REPORTING); } /* get the course's max_quota */ $coursesDAO = new CoursesDAO(); $q_row = $coursesDAO->get($_course_id); if ($q_row['max_quota'] != TR_COURSESIZE_UNLIMITED) { $zip_size_limit = $MaxCourseSize; $totalBytes = FileUtility::dirsize($import_path); $total_after = $zip_size_limit - $totalBytes; if (is_dir(TR_CONTENT_DIR . $_course_id.'/')) { $course_total = FileUtility::dirsize(TR_CONTENT_DIR . $_course_id.'/'); $total_after -= $course_total; } if ($total_after < 0) { /* remove the content dir, since there's no space for it */ $errors = array('NO_CONTENT_SPACE', number_format(-1*($total_after/TR_KBYTE_SIZE), 2 ) ); $msg->addError($errors); // Clean up import path and inserted course row FileUtility::clr_dir($import_path); header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); exit; } } $ims_manifest_xml = @file_get_contents($import_path.'imsmanifest.xml'); if ($ims_manifest_xml === false) { $msg->addError('NO_IMSMANIFEST'); if (file_exists($import_path . 'atutor_backup_version')) { $msg->addError('NO_IMS_BACKUP'); } FileUtility::clr_dir($import_path); // if (isset($_GET['tile'])) { // header('Location: '.$_base_path.'tile/index.php'); // } else { header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); // } exit; } $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); /* conform to W3C specs */ xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, 'startElement', 'endElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'characterData'); if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $ims_manifest_xml, true)) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); //assign folder names //if (!$package_base_name){ // $package_base_name = substr($_FILES['file']['name'], 0, -4); //} //$package_base_name = strtolower($package_base_name); //$package_base_name = str_replace(array('\'', '"', ' ', '|', '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':'), '_' , $package_base_name); //$package_base_name = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9._\-]/", '', $package_base_name); //if (is_dir(TR_CONTENT_DIR . $_SESSION['course_id'].'/'.$package_base_name)) { // echo 'Already exist: Quitting. (Need better msg here)'; // exit; // $package_base_name .= '_'.date('ymdHis'); //} if ($package_base_path) { $package_base_path = implode('/', $package_base_path); } //debug($attributes); //Dependency handling //$media_items = array(); $xml_items = array(); //foreach($attributes as $resource=>$attrs){ // if ($attrs['type'] != 'webcontent'){ // $media_items[$attrs['identifier']] = $attrs['file']; // } //} //Check if the files exist, if so, warn the user. $existing_files = isQTIFileExist($attributes); //debug($existing_files); if (!$overwrite && !empty($existing_files)){ $existing_files = implode('
', $existing_files); require_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.''); // $msg->addConfirm(array('MEDIA_FILE_EXISTED', $existing_files)); // $msg->printConfirm(); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $msg->printInfos(array('MEDIA_FILE_EXISTED', $existing_files)); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; ECHO ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; require (TR_INCLUDE_PATH.''); exit; } //Get the XML file out and start importing them into our database. //TODO: See question_import.php 287-289. $qti_import = new QTIImport($import_path); $qids = $qti_import->importQuestions($attributes); //import test $tid = $qti_import->importTest(); //associate question and tests foreach ($qids as $order=>$qid){ if (isset($qti_import->weights[$order])){ $weight = round($qti_import->weights[$order]); } else { $weight = 0; } $new_order = $order + 1; // $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tests_questions_assoc" . // "(test_id, question_id, weight, ordering, required) " . // "VALUES ($tid, $qid, $weight, $new_order, 0)"; // $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); $testsQuestionsAssocDAO = new TestsQuestionsAssocDAO(); $testsQuestionsAssocDAO->Create($tid, $qid, $weight, $new_order); } //debug('imported test'); if (!$msg->containsErrors()) { $msg->addFeedback('IMPORT_SUCCEEDED'); } //clear directory FileUtility::clr_dir(TR_CONTENT_DIR . 'import/'.$_course_id); header('Location: index.php?_course_id='.$_course_id); exit; ?>