'; $good = 'Good'; $no_good = FALSE; $not_as_good = FALSE; ?>

Welcome to the AContent Installation

This process will step you through your AContent installation or upgrade.

During this process be sure not to use your browser's Refresh or Reload feature as it may complicate the installation process.


Please review the requirements below before proceeding.

File Integrity Detected Status
Case Sensitivity '; echo $good; } else if (file_exists('../include/vitals.inc.php')) { echo 'Enforced'; echo $good; } else { echo 'Enforced'; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>
PHP Options Detected Status
PHP 5.0.0+ =')) { echo $good; } else { echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>
mysql '; echo $good; } else { echo 'Disabled'; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>
safe_mode = Off '; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } else { echo 'Off'; echo $good; } ?>
file_uploads = On '; echo $good; } else { echo 'Off'; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>
upload_max_filesize >= 2 MB
post_max_size >= 8 MB
. in include_path '; echo $good; } else { echo 'Disabled'; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>
MySQL Options Detected Status
MySQL 4.1.10+ '; echo $good; } else { echo 'Not Found'; echo $bad; $no_good = TRUE; } ?>

Your server does not meet the minimum requirements!
Please correct the above errors to continue.
AContent has indicated that the 'mbstring' library is missing from the PHP.
We strongly encourage you to install the 'mbstring' library before continuing, however, if you choose not to install the library from PHP, a third party library within AContent will be used.

For production systems, we strongly encourage you to install the PHP with mbstring support.

You may choose to by pass the mbstring check for the installation at your own risk by clicking continue.
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