$v) { if (!in_array($k, $noUnset) && isset($GLOBALS[$k])) { unset($GLOBALS[$k]); } } } /* * structure of this document (in order): * * 0. load config.inc.php * 1. initilize db connection * 2. load constants * 3. initilize session * 4. load $_config from table 'config' * 5. start language block * 6. load common libraries * 7. initialize theme and template management * 8. initialize a user instance without user id. * if $_SESSION['user_id'] is set, it's assigned to instance in include/header.inc.php * 9. register pages based on current user's priviledge * 10. initialize course information if $_SESSION['course_id'] is set ***/ /**** 0. start system configuration options block ****/ error_reporting(0); include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'config.inc.php'); error_reporting(TR_ERROR_REPORTING); if (!defined('TR_INSTALL') || !TR_INSTALL) { header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); $relative_path = substr(TR_INCLUDE_PATH, 0, -strlen('include/')); header('Location: ' . $relative_path . 'install/not_installed.php'); exit; } /*** end system config block ****/ /***** 1. database connection *****/ //if (!defined('TR_REDIRECT_LOADED')){ // require_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'lib/mysql_connect.inc.php'); //} /***** end database connection ****/ /*** 2. constants ***/ require_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'constants.inc.php'); /*** 3. initilize session ***/ @set_time_limit(0); @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', '36000'); /* 10 hours */ @session_cache_limiter('private, must-revalidate'); session_name('TransformableID'); error_reporting(TR_ERROR_REPORTING); ob_start(); session_set_cookie_params(0, $_base_path); session_start(); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); unregister_GLOBALS(); // $_user_id could be set in home/ims/ims_import.php // @see home/ims/ims_import.php if (isset($_user_id) && $_user_id > 0) $_SESSION['user_id'] = $_user_id; /***** end session initilization block ****/ /***** 4. load $_config from table 'config' *****/ require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'phpCache/phpCache.inc.php'); // cache library require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/DAO/ThemesDAO.class.php'); require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/DAO/ConfigDAO.class.php'); $configDAO = new ConfigDAO(); $rows = $configDAO->getAll(); if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $id => $row) { $_config[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } } //set the timezone, php 5.3+ problem. http://atutor.ca/atutor/mantis/view.php?id=4409 date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // define as constants. more constants are defined in include/constants.inc.php define('EMAIL', $_config['contact_email']); define('SITE_NAME', $_config['site_name']); $MaxFileSize = $_config['max_file_size']; $MaxCourseSize = $_config['max_course_size']; $MaxFileSize = $_config['max_file_size']; $IllegalExtentions = explode('|',$_config['illegal_extentions']); /***** end loading $_config *****/ /***** 5. start language block *****/ // set current language require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/Language/LanguageManager.class.php'); $languageManager = new LanguageManager(); $myLang = $languageManager->getMyLanguage(); if ($myLang === FALSE) { echo 'There are no languages installed!'; exit; } $myLang->saveToSession(); /* set right-to-left language */ $rtl = ''; if ($myLang->isRTL()) { $rtl = 'rtl_'; /* basically the prefix to a rtl variant directory/filename. eg. rtl_atee */ } /***** end language block ****/ /***** 6. load common libraries *****/ require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'lib/output.inc.php'); /* output functions */ /***** end load common libraries ****/ /***** 7. initialize theme and template management *****/ require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/Savant2/Savant2.php'); // set default template paths: $savant = new Savant2(); if (isset($_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME']) && file_exists(TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../themes/' . $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME']) && $_SESSION['user_id']>0) { if (!is_dir(TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../themes/' . $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'])) { $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'] = 'default'; } else { //check if enabled $themesDAO = new ThemesDAO(); $row = $themesDAO->getByID($_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME']); if ($row['status'] == 0) { // get default $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'] = get_default_theme(); } } } else { $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'] = get_default_theme(); } $savant->addPath('template', TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../themes/' . $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'] . '/'); require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../themes/' . $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'] . '/theme.cfg.php'); require(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/Message/Message.class.php'); $msg = new Message($savant); /***** end of initialize theme and template management *****/ /***** 8. initialize user instance *****/ // used as global var if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { // check if $_SESSION['user_id'] is valid include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/DAO/UsersDAO.class.php'); $usersDAO = new UsersDAO(); $user = $usersDAO->getUserByID($_SESSION['user_id']); if (!$user) // invalid user unset($_SESSION['user_id']); else { include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/User.class.php'); $_current_user = new User($_SESSION['user_id']); } } /***** end of initialize user instance *****/ /* 9. initialize course information if $course_id or $cid is set * This section generates global variables: * $_content_id if set, * $_course_id if set or $cid is set * $_SESSION['s_cid']: record the last content_id on (user_id + course_id) basis * $_sequence_links: resume/first/next/previous content links */ if (intval($_REQUEST['_cid']) > 0) $_content_id = intval($_REQUEST['_cid']); else if (intval($_POST['_cid']) > 0) $_content_id = intval($_POST['_cid']); if (intval($_REQUEST['_course_id']) > 0) $_course_id = intval($_REQUEST['_course_id']); else if (intval($_POST['_course_id']) > 0) $_course_id = intval($_POST['_course_id']); // find course_id thru content_id if ($_content_id > 0) { include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/DAO/ContentDAO.class.php'); $contentDAO = new ContentDAO(); $content_row = $contentDAO->get($_content_id); $_course_id = $content_row['course_id']; } // Generate $_SESSION['s_cid']: record the last visited content_id // for authors and the users who have the current course in "my courses" list, // save the last visited content_id into user_courses and set the session var. // @see ContentUtility::saveLastCid() // for the users who don't have the current course in "my courses" list, // set the session var as $_GET['cid'] if ($_course_id > 0) { if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) { include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'classes/DAO/UserCoursesDAO.class.php'); $userCoursesDAO = new UserCoursesDAO(); $user_courses_row = $userCoursesDAO->get($_SESSION['user_id'], $_course_id); if ($user_courses_row && $user_courses_row['last_cid'] > 0) $_SESSION['s_cid'] = $user_courses_row['last_cid']; else if ($_content_id > 0) $_SESSION['s_cid'] = $_content_id; else // first time accessing this course, no last cid yet unset($_SESSION['s_cid']); } else // guest { $_SESSION['s_cid'] = $_content_id; } } // Generate contentManager. // Must be called after generating $_SESSION['s_cid'] as it's used in contentManager class if ($_course_id > 0) { global $contentManager; include_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH. '../home/classes/ContentManager.class.php'); $contentManager = new ContentManager($_course_id); $_sequence_links = $contentManager->generateSequenceCrumbs($_content_id); } /*** 10. register pages based on user's priviledge ***/ require_once(TR_INCLUDE_PATH.'page_constants.inc.php'); /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash detection~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ if(isset($_COOKIE["flash"])){ $_SESSION['flash'] = $_COOKIE["flash"]; //delete the cookie AContent.setcookie("flash",'',time()-3600); } if (!isset($_SESSION["flash"])) { $_custom_head .= ' '; } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flash detection~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /** * This function is used for printing variables for debugging. * @access public * @param mixed $var The variable to output * @param string $title The name of the variable, or some mark-up identifier. * @author Joel Kronenberg */ function debug($var, $title='') { if (!defined('TR_DEVEL') || !TR_DEVEL) { return; } echo '
	if ($title) {
		echo '


'; } ob_start(); print_r($var); $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $str = str_replace('<', '<', $str); $str = str_replace('[', '[', $str); $str = str_replace(']', ']', $str); $str = str_replace('=>', '=>', $str); $str = str_replace('Array', 'Array', $str); echo $str; echo '
'; } /** * This function is used for printing variables into log file for debugging. * @access public * @param mixed $var The variable to output * @param string $log The location of the log file. If not provided, use the default one. * @author Cindy Qi Li */ function debug_to_log($var, $log='') { if (!defined('TR_DEVEL') || !TR_DEVEL) { return; } if ($log == '') $log = TR_CONTENT_DIR. 'debug.log'; $handle = fopen($log, 'a'); fwrite($handle, "\n\n"); fwrite($handle, date("F j, Y, g:i a")); fwrite($handle, "\n"); fwrite($handle, var_export($var,1)); fclose($handle); } /****************************************************/ /* compute the $_my_uri variable */ $bits = explode(SEP, getenv('QUERY_STRING')); $num_bits = count($bits); $_my_uri = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$num_bits; $i++) { // if ( (strpos($bits[$i], 'enable=') === 0) // || (strpos($bits[$i], 'disable=') === 0) // || (strpos($bits[$i], 'expand=') === 0) // || (strpos($bits[$i], 'collapse=') === 0) // || (strpos($bits[$i], 'lang=') === 0) // ) { if ( (strpos($bits[$i], 'lang=') === 0) ) { /* we don't want this variable added to $_my_uri */ continue; } if (($_my_uri == '') && ($bits[$i] != '')) { $_my_uri .= '?'; } else if ($bits[$i] != ''){ $_my_uri .= SEP; } $_my_uri .= $bits[$i]; } if ($_my_uri == '') { $_my_uri .= '?'; } else { $_my_uri .= SEP; } $_my_uri = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].$_my_uri; function my_add_null_slashes( $string ) { // return mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($string)); return addslashes(stripslashes($string)); } function my_null_slashes($string) { return $string; } if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1 ) { $addslashes = 'my_add_null_slashes'; $stripslashes = 'stripslashes'; } else { $addslashes = 'mysql_real_escape_string'; $stripslashes = 'my_null_slashes'; } /** * If MBString extension is loaded, then use it. * Otherwise we will have to use include/utf8 library */ if (extension_loaded('mbstring')){ $strtolower = 'mb_strtolower'; $strtoupper = 'mb_strtoupper'; $substr = 'mb_substr'; $strpos = 'mb_strpos'; $strrpos = 'mb_strrpos'; $strlen = 'mb_strlen'; } else { $strtolower = 'utf8_strtolower'; $strtoupper = 'utf8_strtoupper'; $substr = 'utf8_substr'; $strpos = 'utf8_strpos'; $strrpos = 'utf8_strrpos'; $strlen = 'utf8_strlen'; } function get_default_theme() { $themesDAO = new ThemesDAO(); $rows = $themesDAO->getDefaultTheme(); if (!is_dir(TR_INCLUDE_PATH . '../themes/' . $rows[0]['dir_name'])) return 'default'; else return $rows[0]['dir_name']; } /** * Convert all input to htmlentities output, in UTF-8. * @param string input to be convert * @param boolean true if we wish to change all newlines(\r\n) to a
tag, false otherwise. * ref: http://php.net/manual/en/function.nl2br.php * @author Harris Wong * @date March 12, 2010 */ function htmlentities_utf8($str, $use_nl2br=true){ $return = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if ($use_nl2br){ return nl2br($return); } return $return; } /** * Convert all '&' to '&' from the input * @param string any string input, mainly URLs. * @return input with & replaced to '&' * @author Harris Wong * @date Oct 7, 2010 */ function convertAmp($input){ $input = str_replace('&', '&', $input); //convert everything to '&' first return str_replace('&', '&', $input); } function query_bit( $bitfield, $bit ) { if (!is_int($bitfield)) { $bitfield = intval($bitfield); } if (!is_int($bit)) { $bit = intval($bit); } return ( $bitfield & $bit ) ? true : false; } ?>