getMsgByTermAndLang($args[0], $_SESSION['lang']); $msgs = ''; if (is_array($rows)) { $row = $rows[0]; // do not cache key as a digit (no contstant(), use string) $msgs = str_replace('SITE_URL/', $_base_path, $row['text']); if (defined('AF_DEVEL') && AF_DEVEL) { $msgs .= ' ('. $args[0] .')'; } } return $msgs; } } // a template variable if (!isset($_template)) { $url_parts = parse_url(AF_BASE_HREF); $name = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strlen($url_parts['path'])-1); if ( !($lang_et = cache(120, 'lang', $_SESSION['lang'].'_'.$name)) ) { /* get $_template from the DB */ $rows = $languageTextDAO->getAllTemplateByLang($_SESSION['lang']); if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $id => $row) { //Do not overwrite the variable that existed in the cache_template already. //The edited terms (_c_template) will always be at the top of the resultset //0003279 if (isset($_cache_template[$row['term']])){ continue; } // saves us from doing an ORDER BY if ($row['language_code'] == $_SESSION['lang']) { $_cache_template[$row['term']] = stripslashes($row['text']); } else if (!isset($_cache_template[$row['term']])) { $_cache_template[$row['term']] = stripslashes($row['text']); } } } cache_variable('_cache_template'); endcache(true, false); } $_template = $_cache_template; } $num_args = func_num_args(); if (is_array($args[0])) { $args = $args[0]; $num_args = count($args); } $format = array_shift($args); if (isset($_template[$format]) && count($args) > 0) { $outString = vsprintf($_template[$format], $args); $str = ob_get_contents(); } else { $outString = ''; } if ($outString === false) { return ('[Error parsing language. Variable: '.$format.'. Language: '.$_SESSION['lang'].' ]'); } if (empty($outString)) { $rows = $languageTextDAO->getByTermAndLang($format, $_SESSION['lang']); if (is_array($rows)) { $row = $rows[0]; $_template[$row['term']] = stripslashes($row['text']); $outString = $_template[$row['term']]; } if (empty($outString)) { return ('[ '.$format.' ]'); } } return $outString; } /* The following options were added as language dependant: %D: A textual representation of a week, three letters Mon through Sun %F: A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January through December %l (lowercase 'L'): A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday %M: A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec Support for the following maybe added later: ?? %S: English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j ?? %a: Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm ?? %A: Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM valid formAF_types: AF_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AF_DATE_MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_14: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS AF_DATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP: seconds since epoch AF_DATE_INDEX_VALUE: 0-x, index into a date array */ function AF_date($format='%Y-%M-%d', $timestamp = '', $formAF_type=AF_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME) { static $day_name_ext, $day_name_con, $month_name_ext, $month_name_con; global $_config; if (!isset($day_name_ext)) { $day_name_ext = array( 'date_sunday', 'date_monday', 'date_tuesday', 'date_wednesday', 'date_thursday', 'date_friday', 'date_saturday'); $day_name_con = array( 'date_sun', 'date_mon', 'date_tue', 'date_wed', 'date_thu', 'date_fri', 'date_sat'); $month_name_ext = array('date_january', 'date_february', 'date_march', 'date_april', 'date_may', 'date_june', 'date_july', 'date_august', 'date_september', 'date_october', 'date_november', 'date_december'); $month_name_con = array('date_jan', 'date_feb', 'date_mar', 'date_apr', 'date_may_short', 'date_jun', 'date_jul', 'date_aug', 'date_sep', 'date_oct', 'date_nov', 'date_dec'); } if ($formAF_type == AF_DATE_INDEX_VALUE) { // apply timezone offset apply_timezone($timestamp); if ($format == '%D') { return _AT($day_name_con[$timestamp-1]); } else if ($format == '%l') { return _AT($day_name_ext[$timestamp-1]); } else if ($format == '%F') { return _AT($month_name_ext[$timestamp-1]); } else if ($format == '%M') { return _AT($month_name_con[$timestamp-1]); } } if ($timestamp == '') { $timestamp = time(); $formAF_type = AF_DATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP; } /* convert the date to a Unix timestamp before we do anything with it */ if ($formAF_type == AF_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME) { $year = substr($timestamp,0,4); $month = substr($timestamp,5,2); $day = substr($timestamp,8,2); $hour = substr($timestamp,11,2); $min = substr($timestamp,14,2); $sec = substr($timestamp,17,2); $timestamp = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); } else if ($formAF_type == AF_DATE_MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_14) { $year = substr($timestamp,0,4); $month = substr($timestamp,4,2); $day = substr($timestamp,6,2); $hour = substr($timestamp,8,2); $minute = substr($timestamp,10,2); $second = substr($timestamp,12,2); $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); } // apply timezone offset apply_timezone($timestamp); /* pull out all the %X items from $format */ $first_token = strpos($format, '%'); if ($first_token === false) { /* no tokens found */ return $timestamp; } else { $tokened_format = substr($format, $first_token); } $tokens = explode('%', $tokened_format); array_shift($tokens); $num_tokens = count($tokens); $output = $format; for ($i=0; $i<$num_tokens; $i++) { $tokens[$i] = substr($tokens[$i],0,1); if ($tokens[$i] == 'D') { $output = str_replace('%D', _AT($day_name_con[date('w', $timestamp)]),$output); } else if ($tokens[$i] == 'l') { $output = str_replace('%l', _AT($day_name_ext[date('w', $timestamp)]),$output); } else if ($tokens[$i] == 'F') { $output = str_replace('%F', _AT($month_name_ext[date('n', $timestamp)-1]),$output); } else if ($tokens[$i] == 'M') { $output = str_replace('%M', _AT($month_name_con[date('n', $timestamp)-1]),$output); } else { /* this token doesn't need translating */ $value = date($tokens[$i], $timestamp); if ($value != $tokens[$i]) { $output = str_replace('%'.$tokens[$i], $value, $output); } /* else: this token isn't valid. so don't replace it. Eg. try %q */ } } return $output; } /**********************************************************************************************************/ /** * Transforms text based on formatting preferences. Original $input is also changed (passed by reference). * Can be called as: * 1) $output = AF_print($input, $name); * echo $output; * * 2) echo AF_print($input, $name); // prefered method * * @access public * @param string $input text being transformed * @param string $name the unique name of this field (convension: table_name.field_name) * @param boolean $runtime_html forcefully disables html formatting for $input (only used by fields that * have the 'formatting' option * @return string transformed $input * @see AF_FORMAT constants in include/lib/ * @see query_bit() in include/ * @author Joel Kronenberg */ function AF_print($input, $name, $runtime_html = true) { global $_field_formatting; if (!isset($_field_formatting[$name])) { /* field not set, check if there's a global setting */ $parts = explode('.', $name); /* check if wildcard is set: */ if (isset($_field_formatting[$parts[0].'.*'])) { $name = $parts[0].'.*'; } else { /* field not set, and there's no global setting */ /* same as AF_FORMAF_NONE */ return $input; } } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_QUOTES)) { $input = str_replace('"', '"', $input); } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_CONTENT_DIR)) { $input = str_replace('CONTENT_DIR/', '', $input); } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_HTML) && $runtime_html) { /* what special things do we have to do if this is HTML ? remove unwanted HTML? validate? */ } else { $input = str_replace('<', '<', $input); $input = nl2br($input); } /* this has to be here, only because AF_FORMAF_HTML is the only check that has an else-block */ if ($_field_formatting[$name] === AF_FORMAF_NONE) { return $input; } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_EMOTICONS)) { $input = smile_replace($input); } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_ATCODES)) { $input = trim(myCodes(' ' . $input . ' ')); } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_LINKS)) { $input = trim(make_clickable(' ' . $input . ' ')); } if (query_bit($_field_formatting[$name], AF_FORMAF_IMAGES)) { $input = trim(image_replace(' ' . $input . ' ')); } return $input; } /********************************************************************************************/ // Global variables for emoticons global $smile_pics; global $smile_codes; if (!isset($smile_pics)) { $smile_pics[0] = $_base_path.'images/forum/smile.gif'; $smile_pics[1] = $_base_path.'images/forum/wink.gif'; $smile_pics[2] = $_base_path.'images/forum/frown.gif'; $smile_pics[3] = $_base_path.'images/forum/ohwell.gif'; $smile_pics[4] = $_base_path.'images/forum/tongue.gif'; $smile_pics[5] = $_base_path.'images/forum/51.gif'; $smile_pics[6] = $_base_path.'images/forum/52.gif'; $smile_pics[7] = $_base_path.'images/forum/54.gif'; $smile_pics[8] = $_base_path.'images/forum/27.gif'; $smile_pics[9] = $_base_path.'images/forum/19.gif'; $smile_pics[10] = $_base_path.'images/forum/3.gif'; $smile_pics[11] = $_base_path.'images/forum/56.gif'; } if (!isset($smile_codes)) { $smile_codes[0] = ':)'; $smile_codes[1] = ';)'; $smile_codes[2] = ':('; $smile_codes[3] = '::ohwell::'; $smile_codes[4] = ':P'; $smile_codes[5] = '::evil::'; $smile_codes[6] = '::angry::'; $smile_codes[7] = '::lol::'; $smile_codes[8] = '::crazy::'; $smile_codes[9] = '::tired::'; $smile_codes[10] = '::confused::'; $smile_codes[11] = '::muah::'; } /** * Replaces smile-code text into smilie image. * @access public * @param string $text smile text to be transformed * @return string transformed $text * @see $smile_pics in include/lib/ (above) * @see $smile_codes in include/lib/ (above) * @author Joel Kronenberg */ function smile_replace($text) { global $smile_pics; global $smile_codes; static $smiles; $smiles[0] = ''._AT('smile_smile').''; $smiles[1] = ''._AT('smile_wink').''; $smiles[2] = ''._AT('smile_frown').''; $smiles[3]= ''._AT('smile_oh_well').''; $smiles[4]= ''._AT('smile_tongue').''; $smiles[5]= ''._AT('smile_evil').''; $smiles[6]= ''._AT('smile_angry').''; $smiles[7]= ''._AT('smile_lol').''; $smiles[8]= ''._AT('smile_crazy').''; $smiles[9]= ''._AT('smile_tired').''; $smiles[10]= ''._AT('smile_confused').''; $smiles[11]= ''._AT('smile_muah').''; $text = str_replace($smile_codes[0],$smiles[0],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[1],$smiles[1],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[2],$smiles[2],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[3],$smiles[3],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[4],$smiles[4],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[5],$smiles[5],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[6],$smiles[6],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[7],$smiles[7],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[8],$smiles[8],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[9],$smiles[9],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[10],$smiles[10],$text); $text = str_replace($smile_codes[11],$smiles[11],$text); return $text; } /* Used specifically for the visual editor */ function smile_javascript () { global $_base_path; global $smile_pics; global $smile_codes; static $i = 0; while ($smile_pics [$i]) { echo 'case "'.$smile_codes[$i].'":'."\n"; echo 'pic = "'.$smile_pics[$i].'";'."\n"; echo 'break;'."\n"; $i++; } } function myCodes($text, $html = false) { global $_base_path; global $HTTP_USER_AGENT; if (substr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,0,11) == 'Mozilla/4.7') { $text = str_replace('[quote]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/quote]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[reply]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/reply]','

',$text); } else { $text = str_replace('[quote]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/quote]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[reply]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/reply]','

',$text); } $text = str_replace('[b]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/b]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[i]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/i]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[u]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/u]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[center]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/center]','

',$text); /* colours */ $text = str_replace('[blue]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/blue]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[orange]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/orange]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[red]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/red]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[purple]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/purple]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[green]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/green]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[gray]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[/gray]','',$text); $text = str_replace('[op]',' '._AT('view_entire_post').'',$text); $text = str_replace('[head1]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/head1]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[head2]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[/head2]','

',$text); $text = str_replace('[cid]',$_base_path.'content.php?cid='.$_SESSION['s_cid'],$text); global $sequence_links; if (isset($sequence_links['previous']) && $sequence_links['previous']['url']) { $text = str_replace('[pid]', $sequence_links['previous']['url'], $text); } if (isset($sequence_links['next']) && $sequence_links['next']['url']) { $text = str_replace('[nid]', $sequence_links['next']['url'], $text); } if (isset($sequence_links['resume']) && $sequence_links['resume']['url']) { $text = str_replace('[nid]', $sequence_links['resume']['url'], $text); } if (isset($sequence_links['first']) && $sequence_links['first']['url']) { $text = str_replace('[fid]', $sequence_links['first']['url'], $text); } /* contributed by Thomas M. Duffey */ $html = !$html ? 0 : 1; $text = preg_replace("/\[code\]\s*(.*)\s*\[\\/code\]/Usei", "highlight_code(fix_quotes('\\1'), $html)", $text); return $text; } /* contributed by Thomas M. Duffey */ function highlight_code($code, $html) { // XHTMLize PHP highlight_string output until it gets fixed in PHP static $search = array( '
', '', 'color="'); static $replace = array( '
', '', 'style="color:'); if (!$html) { $code = str_replace('<', '<', $code); $code = str_replace("\r", '', $code); } return str_replace($search, $replace, highlight_string($code, true)); } /* contributed by Thomas M. Duffey */ function fix_quotes($text){ return str_replace('\\"', '"', $text); } function embed_media($text) { if (preg_match("/\[media(\|[0-9]+\|[0-9]+)?\]*/", $text)==0){ return $text; } $media_matches = Array(); /* First, we search though the text for all different kinds of media defined by media tags and store the results in $media_matches. Then the different replacements for the different media tags are stored in $media_replace. Lastly, we loop through all $media_matches / $media_replaces. (We choose $media_replace as index because $media_matches is multi-dimensioned.) It is important that for each $media_matches there is a $media_replace with the same index. For each media match we check the width/height, or we use the default value of 425x350. We then replace the height/width/media1/media2 parameter placeholders in $media_replace with the correct ones, before running a str_replace on $text, replacing the given media with its correct replacement. */ // youtube videos preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]http://([a-z0-9\.]*)?\?v=([a-z0-9_-]+)\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[1],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[1] = ''; // .mpg preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]([.\w\d]+[^\s\"]+).mpg\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[2],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[2] = "##MEDIA1##.mpg"; // .avi preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]([.\w\d]+[^\s\"]+).avi\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[3],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[3] = "##MEDIA1##.avi"; // .wmv preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]([.\w\d]+[^\s\"]+).wmv\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[4],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[4] = "##MEDIA1##.wmv"; // .mov preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]([.\w\d]+[^\s\"]+).mov\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[5],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[5] = ""; // .swf preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\]([.\w\d]+[^\s\"]+).swf\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[6],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[6] = " ##MEDIA1##.swf"; // .mp3 preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\](.+[^\s\"]+).mp3\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[7],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[7] = "##MEDIA1##.mp3"; // .wav preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\](.+[^\s\"]+).wav\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[8],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[8] ="##MEDIA1##.wav"; // .ogg preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\](.+[^\s\"]+).ogg\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[9],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[9] ="##MEDIA1##.ogg"; // .mid preg_match_all("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\](.+[^\s\"]+).mid\[/media\]#i",$text,$media_matches[10],PREG_SET_ORDER); $media_replace[10] ="##MEDIA1##.mid"; $text = preg_replace("#\[media[0-9a-z\|]*\](.+[^\s\"]+).mid\[/media\]#i", "\\1.mid", $text); // Executing the replace for ($i=1;$i<=count($media_replace);$i++){ foreach($media_matches[$i] as $media) { //find width and height for each matched media if (preg_match("/\[media\|([0-9]*)\|([0-9]*)\]*/", $media[0], $matches)) { $width = $matches[1]; $height = $matches[2]; } else { $width = 425; $height = 350; } //replace media tags with embedded media for each media tag $media_input = $media_replace[$i]; $media_input = str_replace("##WIDTH##","$width",$media_input); $media_input = str_replace("##HEIGHT##","$height",$media_input); $media_input = str_replace("##MEDIA1##","$media[1]",$media_input); $media_input = str_replace("##MEDIA2##","$media[2]",$media_input); $text = str_replace($media[0],$media_input,$text); } } return $text; } function make_clickable($text) { $text = embed_media($text); $text = preg_replace("/([\s])(http[s]?):\/\/([\^\s\<]*)([a-zA-Z0-9\#\?\/\&\=])/i", "\\1\\3\\4", $text); $text = preg_replace('/([_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*'. '\@'.'[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*'.'(\.[a-zA-Z]{1,6})+)/i', "\\1", $text); return $text; } function image_replace($text) { /* image urls do not require http:// */ $text = preg_replace("/\[image(\|)?([a-zA-Z0-9\s]*)\]". "[\s]*". "([a-zA-Z0-9\#\?\/\&\=\:\\\"\'\_\.\-]+)[\s]*". "((\[\/image\])|(.*\[\/image\]))/i", "\"\\2\"", $text); return $text; } function formAF_final_output($text, $nl2br = true) { global $_base_path; $text = str_replace('CONTENT_DIR/', '', $text); if ($nl2br) { return nl2br(image_replace(make_clickable(myCodes(' '.$text, false)))); } return image_replace(make_clickable(myCodes(' '.$text, true))); } /****************************************************************************************/ /* @See: ./user/search.php & ./index.php */ function highlight($input, $var) {//$input is the string, $var is the text to be highlighted if ($var != "") { $xtemp = ""; $i=0; /* The following 'if' statement is a check to ensure that the search term is not part of the tag, ''. Words within this string are avoided in case a previously highlighted string is used for the haystack, $input. To avoid any html breaks in the highlighted string, the search word is avoided completely. */ if (strpos('', $var) !== false) { return $input; } while($i'; $i += strlen($var); } else { $xtemp .= $input{$i}; $i++; } } $input = $xtemp; } return $input; } /* @See: ./index.php */ function formAF_content($input, $html = 0, $glossary, $simple = false) { global $_base_path, $_config_defaults; if (!$html) { $input = str_replace('<', '<', $input); $input = str_replace('<?php', ' $v) { $k = urldecode($k); $v = str_replace("\n", '
', $v); $v = str_replace("\r", '', $v); /* escape special characters */ $k = preg_quote($k); $k = str_replace('<', '<', $k); $k = str_replace('/', '\/', $k); $original_term = $k; $term = $original_term; $term = '(\s*'.$term.'\s*)'; $term = str_replace(' ','((
)*\s*)', $term); $def = htmlspecialchars($v); if ($simple) { $input = preg_replace ("/(\[\?\])$term(\[\/\?\])/i", '\\2', $input); } else { $input = preg_replace ("/(\[\?\])$term(\[\/\?\])/i", '\\2?', $input); } } } else if (!$user_glossary) { $input = str_replace(array('[?]','[/?]'), '', $input); } $input = str_replace('CONTENT_DIR', '', $input); if (isset($_config_defaults['latex_server']) && $_config_defaults['latex_server']) { // see: $input = preg_replace('/\[tex\](.*?)\[\/tex\]/sie', "''", $input); } if ($html) { $x = formAF_final_output($input, false); return $x; } $output = formAF_final_output($input); $output = '


'; return $output; } /*********************************************************************** @See /include/Classes/Message/Message.class.php Jacek Materna */ /** * Take a code as input and grab its language specific message. Also cache the resulting * message. Return the message. Same as get_message but key value in cache is string * @access public * @param string $codes Message Code to translate - > 'term' field in DB * @return string The translated language specific message for code $code * @author Jacek Materna */ function getTranslatedCodeStr($codes) { /* this is where we want to get the msgs from the database inside a static variable */ global $_cache_msgs_new; static $_msgs_new; if (!isset($_msgs_new)) { if ( !($lang_et = cache(120, 'msgs_new', $_SESSION['lang'])) ) { global $db, $_base_path; $parent = Language::getParentCode($_SESSION['lang']); /* get $_msgs_new from the DB */ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'language_text WHERE variable="_msgs" AND (language_code="'.$_SESSION['lang'].'" OR language_code="'.$parent.'")'; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $db); $i = 1; while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // do not cache key as a digit (no contstant(), use string) $_cache_msgs_new[$row['term']] = str_replace('SITE_URL/', $_base_path, $row['text']); if (AF_DEVEL) { $_cache_msgs_new[$row['term']] .= ' ('.$row['term'].')'; } } cache_variable('_cache_msgs_new'); endcache(true, false); } $_msgs_new = $_cache_msgs_new; } if (is_array($codes)) { /* this is an array with terms to replace */ $code = array_shift($codes); $message = $_msgs_new[$code]; $terms = $codes; /* replace the tokens with the terms */ $message = vsprintf($message, $terms); } else { $message = $_msgs_new[$codes]; if ($message == '') { /* the language for this msg is missing: */ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'language_text WHERE variable="_msgs"'; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $db); $i = 1; while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (($row['term']) === $codes) { $message = '['.$row['term'].']'; break; } } } $code = $codes; } return $message; } function html_get_list($array) { $list = ''; foreach ($array as $value) { $list .= '
  • '.$value.'
  • '; } return $list; } /** * print_paginator * * print out list of page links */ function print_paginator($current_page, $num_rows, $request_args, $rows_per_page = 50, $window = 5) { $num_pages = ceil($num_rows / $rows_per_page); $request_args = '?'.$request_args; if ($num_rows) { echo '
    '; echo '
      '; $i=max($current_page-$window - max($window-$num_pages+$current_page,0), 1); if ($i > 1) { echo '
    • 1
    • '; if ($i > 2) { echo '
    • '; } } for ($i; $i<= min($current_page+$window -min($current_page-$window,0),$num_pages); $i++) { if ($current_page == $i) { echo '
    • '.$current_page.'
    • '; } else { echo '
    • '.$i.'
    • '; } } if ($i <= $num_pages) { if ($i < $num_pages) { echo '
    • '; } echo '
    • '.$num_pages.'
    • '; } echo '
    '; echo '
    '; } } /** * apply_timezone * converts a unix timestamp into another UNIX timestamp with timezone offset added up. * Adds the user's timezone offset, then converts back to a MYSQL timestamp * Available both as a system config option, and a user preference, if both are set * they are added together * @param date MYSQL timestamp. * @return date MYSQL timestamp plus user's and/or system's timezone offset. * @author Greg Gay . */ function apply_timezone($timestamp){ global $_config; if($_config['time_zone']){ $timestamp = ($timestamp + ($_config['time_zone']*3600)); } if(isset($_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_TIMEZONE'])){ $timestamp = ($timestamp + ($_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_TIMEZONE']*3600)); } return $timestamp; } ?>