TODO items for NetworkManager ----------------------------- Any of these items are of course fair game for anyone, patches are greatly welcome. It also serves as a "what still needs to be done" list. - More robust diff-ing of Wireless Networks after scans Currently, after each scan the list of access points is diffed against the previous list. However, cards may not return the exact same list of access points for two different scans, depending on whether the card has detected traffic from that AP during the second scan or not. Therefore, we should probably keep a moving list of the past 3 scans, and diff the earliest two against the latest two to get a more stable list of access points. - Access Point link checking thresholds Wireless link checking could be enhanced to check the signal strength of an access point and switch of the current access point a wireless card is associated with has dropped below say, 20%. - Gracefully recover from dbus and hal dropouts There is currently no logic to gracefully recover from a crashed/killed dbus or hal. There are dbus functions for notification when services come up and go away which could be used here. Remeber that when dbus dies, hal also dies at the moment. - Deal with blank ESSIDs Access points can be set not to broadcast their ESSIDs, which the client must know. These appear as blank ESSIDs to cards doing wireless scanning, even though the rest of the AP's information is known (channel, rate, etc). There has to be a way to deal with this as many companies do not broadcast ESSIDs for security measures. Workarounds for this practice could include brute-forcing the Allowed Networks list if no suitable wireless network is found to begin with. Obviously, there would be no way to detect if a WEP key was wrong, because unless the ESSID and WEP key are both correct, we cannot associate with the access point to see if we have a link. Code exists to do this for wireless cards that do not support wireless scanning, and this code could be adapted. - Support static IP addresses We need to support static IP addresses for interfaces. This should be done by parsing the normal /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. - Store Allowed Network WEP keys in gnome-keyring These keys should probably be encrypted, rather than being stored in GConf. - Support 40/64 bit passphrases Allow user to enter passphrases and convert them to 40/64 bit WEP keys on the fly. Unfortunately, the algorithm for 40/64 bit passphrases is kind of messy.